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  • Cassirer heute (review)
    Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (1): 364-368. 2017.
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    On the Possibility of Mystery. Philosophy and Esotericism
    Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 1 (2): 368-385. 2009.
    The aim of the present article is to show that the relation esoteric-exoteric is intrinsec to philosophy. For Hegel, mistery and esoterism are categories related to the finite and so, with the incomplete reflection of the spirit in himself. The speculative philosophy is oriented towards the ideal of complete revelation of the object and so, towards an intrinsec exoteric character of philosophical reflection
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    Sur la légitimité théologique de la démocratie
    Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 3 (1): 195-207. 2011.
    On the Theological Legitimacy of DemocracyThe following study attempts to inquire on the possibility of a theological discourse on democracy. It reflects, first of all, the multiple forms of the political theology and describes one specific scenario, that of a hermeneutical relation between the two poles. The next step is to identify concrete historical forms of this relation and depicts two main possibilities: the ideological religious legitimation of the political and the messianic vocation as…Read more
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    Métaphore et réflexion chez Hégel
    Cultura 3 (1): 27-34. 2006.
    My essay deals with two problems. First, I want to verify the possibility of a „non-metaphysical” perspective on Hegels writings and second, I want to answer the question „What kind of language is appropriate in order to express the speculative thought?”. I begin by discussing the Derrida’s view of Hegel as a metaphysician and then I try to give the alternative to his interpretation by analizing some pages fron Hegel’s Logic.
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    On How God Does Not Die in the Idea. The Hegelian Project of the Philosophy of Religion
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 8 (22): 89-114. 2009.
    In what follows I intend to sketch the Hegelian project of the Philosophy of Religion (Religionsphilosophie) mainly by following two coordinates: on the one hand, my aim is to approach it starting from Hegel’s main “dialogue partners” – Christian Wolff and Kant – and from the critique of speculative philosophy on the scenarios of the Illuminist theologies. On the other hand, the first part completed, the discussion will pursue a different route, namely, that of a classical topic discussed by Heg…Read more
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    This article discusses the response which Hegel gives in his Lectures on the History of Philosophy to a problem which is first posed in his early writings. The problem is that of the possibility to comprehend the Absolute, the Infinity („Life” is the term Hegel uses in his Early Writings) using the reflexion as instrument. The later response is to see the concept (Begriff) in his speculative sense (in fact the form of absolute reflexion) as a spiritual, historical entity and so, as tradition of …Read more