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    “Making Peace With Oneself”: Internal Conflict in Addictions and Its “Resolution” in Therapeutic Group Interactions
    with Claudia Varga
    Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 68 (Special Issue): 97-110. 2023.
    "Counselors and therapists on addictions and recovery from addictions are employing a variety of methods and techniques to break through the wall of denial and resistance. Accordingly, new methods of research are needed in order to describe and eventually understand the phenomenon of addictions and the ways of recovery from addictions. The paper attempts to define and describe the internal conflict and the way it is brought to the surface and “resolved” (processed and eventually transformed) in …Read more
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    MĂDĂLINA DIACONU, Tasten, Riechen, Schmecken. Eine Ästhetik der anästhesierten Sinne, 2005 ; SILVIA STOLLER, VERONICA VASTERLING,LINDA FISHER, Feministische Phänomenologie und Hermeneutik, 2005 ; KARL SCHUHMANN, Karl Schuhmann: Selected Papers on Phenomenology. Edited by CEES LEIJENHORST and PIET STEENBAKKERS, 2004 ; HIROSHI GOTO, Der Begriff der Person in der PhänomenologieHusserls. Ein Interpretationsversuch der Husserlschen Phänomenologie als Ethik im Hinblick auf den Begriff der Habitualität…Read more
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    La raison en tant que pratique subjective
    Investigaciones Fenomenológicas 4 79. 2014.
    The aim of this paper is to argue in favor of the idea that it is possible not only to give a special place to reason in our life and in society, but also to offer an integrative rational framework, in in which human ends and goals find their rational expression. The text has three parts. The first describes Alfred Schutz's practical-hermeneutical approach to law and normativity, while making room for a subjective practice of reason. The second proposes to reveal, through the description of know…Read more
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    Violence is signaled by a mark of discontinuity, interruption, rupture. The tripartite temporality of violence, with its strong focus on the present, points to the originary violence. Moreover, the violent event is structuring the order of the action sequences in an actual violent (embodied) interaction. The interactional dynamics in violent encounters between co-present actors shapes the specific forms of the experiencing in (and of) the violent interaction. Based on how violence is experienced…Read more
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    Addiction as Embodied Powerlessness
    with Nicoleta Szabo
    Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (1): 9-29. 2017.
    This paper tries to show that the naturalistic view of addiction is mired in contradictions that stem from reducing the addict to a weak-willed subject who loses control over his or her body. From a phenomenological perspective, addiction reveals itself to be a habit which eventually becomes harmful, but has its primary sources in the embodied needs of a worldly subject. The aim of this paper is to uncover the dimensions of the lived addiction that are neglected in the contemporary naturalistic …Read more
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    Belief and its Neutralization (review)
    Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (3-4): 369-371. 2003.
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    The ethical management of ethics
    Business Ethics: A Critical Approach: Integrating Ethics Across the Business World. forthcoming.
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    The Husserlian concept of intersubjectivity has been criticized for the fact that it belongs exclusively to a philosophy of representation and to a solipsistic consciousness. In this conceptual framework, the other (ego) appears to be constituted by a singular ego through the synthesis of the series of its appearances (perceptive or imaginative representations) and by extrapolation (transposition) of its own “sphere of originality”. For this theory of constitution seemed to be essentially …Read more
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    The Role of Religion in Businesses from a Three-Dimensional Perspective – Entrepreneurship, Marketing and Organizational Management
    with Daniela Tatiana Agheorghiesei and Nicolae Horia
    Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 15 (45): 283-309. 2016.
    The teaching of religion in public schools – whether the subject should or should not be included in the school curricula, what the content structure should be and which approach the teacher should adopt – led to various ethical dilemmas and conflicts in many regions of the world. Our article aims at reviewing, from the perspectives of numerous authors, the different topics as well as the ways in which aspects related to the impact of religious teaching and to specific approaches could be taught…Read more
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    Hétérogénéité et constitution du champ sensible singulier
    Studia Phaenomenologica 2 (3-4): 25-43. 2002.
    (Introduction) The question of heterogeneity does not appear at first glance to be a genuinely phenomenological problem and not even a problem in general. It seems to go without saying that there is “coupling” (Paarung), association, fusion, synthesis or in general any form connection between different data of consciousness, all as it seems obvious (at least from Husserl) that there must be objectities so that we can talk about knowledge and truth. After Kant we got so used to synthetic formati…Read more
  • This paper aims to analyse an »original phenomenological scene«, which we are designating by the expression »the gallery of Dresden«, and which refers to the inclusion of an image in an other image, ad infinitum. The paper argues that the complex images are a pattern of the complexity of the noematic strata in the Husserlian phenomenology and that they are of a great importance for the phenomenological elucidation of objectuality and for the description of the structures of the »noematic sphere’…Read more
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    Understanding Addiction: A Threefold Phenomenological Approach
    Human Studies 37 (3): 335-349. 2014.
    There are many ways of interpreting the behaviours related to substance misuse and addiction, which can be sort out as three basic models: biomedical, legal, and social. They are corresponding to approaches built in different epistemic and professional frameworks, such as medicine, law, and social work. Confronted with the experience of addiction, these models appear as pre-determined by a specific scientific or professional ideology; they presuppose a pre-understanding of the phenomena. I direc…Read more
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    Introduction (review)
    with Adina Bozga
    Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (3-4): 9-14. 2003.
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    The paper outlines Schutz’s phenomenology of law in the context of the transformation of positivistic practices in a post-totalitarian society. His major contribution is seen in the disentanglement of social phenomena from any form of naturalness by incorporating the dimension of meaning and interpretation into them. This philosophical gesture is made possible by renouncing any theory of transcendent ground(s) of a pre-formed order (Section 1) and leads to an interpretive concept of law, in whic…Read more
  • The unitary description both of the thing and of the other allowed to the Husserlian phenomenology to overcome the classical distinction between representation and will and to treat the volition and action as specific objects. In the following paper we shall investigate the basic concepts of a phenomenology of will and action comparing it with Kant's position in this respect. Our research will focus on the phenomenological description of the passage from the inchoative moment of the action to th…Read more
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    Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Chiasme et logos
    with Adina Bozga
    Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (3): 9-14. 2003.
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    In an different manner than the classical works of Sokolowski, Tugendhat and Schuhmann, who treated the Husserlian problematic of constitution as reality – subjectivity relation, this study tries to explain that relation in a pure immanent and formal way. The constitution of the object as such presupposes a system of constitution, which, as a part of the system of "transcendental" phenomenology, takes explicitly into account the legality or typicality of the processes and requires their global a…Read more
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    Belief and its Neutralization (review)
    Studia Phaenomenologica 3 (3-4): 369-371. 2003.
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    Etică și cultură profesională (edited book)
    with Nicoleta Szabo
    Casa Cărții de Știință. 2008.
  • In spite of some remarkable contributions, Husserl’s project of phenomenology as universal phenomenology still remains incomplete, and therefore may be questionable both in its fundamental idea – that that phenomenology should encompass all the ontologies and all the sciences in general in a final foundation - and in its accomplishments. In order to complete this task, I believe that the methodological orientation of phenomenology should be stressed, and that the distinctions operating in this s…Read more