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    De docta ignorantia (review)
    Chôra 7 389-391. 2009.
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    Dialectical Strategic Planning in Aristotle
    Symposion: Theoretical and Applied Inquiries in Philosophy and Social Sciences 2 (3). 2015.
    The purpose of this paper is to give an account and a rational reconstruction of the heuristic advice provided by Aristotle in the Topics and Prior Analytics in regard to the difficulty or ease of strategic planning in the context of a dialectical dialogue. The general idea is that a Questioner can foresee what his refutational syllogism would have to look like given the character of the thesis defended by the Answerer, and therefore plan accordingly. A rational reconstruction of this advice wil…Read more
  • Aporia, Sophism And Refutation In Aristotle
    Studia Universitatis Babeş-Bolyai Philosophia 2. 2010.
    The main purpose of this essay is to spread some light upon a particular problem situated at the crossroads between the problem regarding paradoxes and the philosophy of Aristotle. Along the way I will try to show that in some cases the Stagirite is solving the aporias, primitive forms of paradoxes that can be found in presocratic and classical Greek philosophy, by using his own method of dialectic. The main instrument of this endeavor is to seek out conceptual distinctions and to find the diffe…Read more
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    Argumentational Virtues and Incontinent Arguers
    Topoi 35 (2): 385-394. 2016.
    Argumentation virtue theory is a new field in argumentation studies. As in the case of virtue ethics and virtue epistemology, the study of virtue argumentation draws its inspiration from the works of Aristotle. First, I discuss the specifics of the argumentational virtues and suggest that they have an instrumental nature, modeled on the relation between the Aristotelian intellectual virtue of ‘practical wisdom’ and the moral virtues. Then, inspired by Aristotle’s discussion of akrasia, I suggest…Read more