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    Methodology for Quantitative Characterization of Fluorophore Photoswitching to Predict Superresolution Microscopy Image Quality
    with Amy M. BIttel, Andrew Nickerson, Nick J. Dolman, Xiaolin Nan, and Summer L. Gibbs
    Scientific Reports 6 (29687). 2016.
    Single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) image quality and resolution strongly depend on the photoswitching properties of fluorophores used for sample labeling. Development of fluorophores with optimized photoswitching will considerably improve SMLM spatial and spectral resolution. Currently, evaluating fluorophore photoswitching requires protein-conjugation before assessment mandating specific fluorophore functionality, which is a major hurdle for systematic characterization. Herein, we v…Read more
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    Effect of Labeling Density and Time Post Labeling on Quality of Antibody-Based Super Resolution Microscopy Images
    with Amy M. Bittel, Nicholas Dolman, Andrew Nickerson, Li-Jung Lin, Xiaolin Nan, and Summer L. Gibbs
    SPIE Proc 9331. 2015.
    Super resolution microscopy (SRM) has overcome the historic spatial resolution limit of light microscopy, enabling fluorescence visualization of intracellular structures and multi-protein complexes at the nanometer scale. Using single-molecule localization microscopy, the precise location of a stochastically activated population of photoswitchable fluorophores is determined during the collection of many images to form a single image with resolution of ~10-20 nm, an order of magnitude improvement…Read more
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    Superresolution microscopy with novel BODIPY-based fluorophores
    with Amy M. BIttel, Nick J. Dolman, Xiaolin Nan, and Summer L. Gibbs
    Plos 1 3 (10). 2018.
    Multicolor single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) expands our understanding of subcellular details and enables the study of biomolecular interactions through precise visualization of multiple molecules in a single sample with resolution of ~10-20 nm. Probe selection is vital to multicolor SMLM, as the fluorophores must not only exhibit minimal spectral crosstalk, but also be compatible with the same photochemical conditions that promote fluorophore photoswitching. While there are numerou…Read more