Israel Noletto

Instituto Federal Do Piauí
  •  27
    Glossopoesis in Thomas More’s Utopia: Beyond a representation of foreignness
    with Sebastião Alves Teixeira Lopes
    Semiotica 2019 (230): 357-368. 2019.
    This paper demonstrates the premise that the Utopian language created for the narrative is more than something that only gives the impression of foreignness to the invented nation of Utopia, a mere representation of an outside culture. It is rather a semiotic system devised by the author specifically with the goal of transmitting a message. As such it is indispensable to a fuller understanding of More’s work, and therefore worthy of proper investigation. Consequently, the paper analyses the occu…Read more
  •  490
    In this paper, we intend to promote an analysis of the use of the artificial language Heptapod B in Story of Your Life written by Ted Chiang and in its filmic adaptation, Arrival, written by Eric Heisserer and directed by Denis Villeneuve in relation to the authors’ views on the metaphysics of time. In both literary and filmic texts, the glossopoeia is used as a plot device upon which the alien race’s time perception is constructed and explicated in connexion with the strong metaphor provided by…Read more