•  220
    Euthanasia, Or Death Assisted to its Dignity
    Lambert Academic Publishing. 2019.
    The book attempts to conceptualize the “ancient” issues of human death and human mortality in connection to the timely and vital subject of euthanasia. This subject forces the meditation to actually consider those ideological, ethical, deontological, legal, and metaphysical frameworks which guide from the very beginning any kind of approach to this question. This conception – in dialogue with Heideggerian fundamental ontology and existential analytics – reveals that, on the one hand, the concept…Read more
  •  326
    The Eternal and … Non-Eternal Woman – Review
    Philobiblon - Transilvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities (2). 2013.
  •  501
    Library Secret Fonds and the Competition of Societies
    In Washington D. C. Center for the Book Library of Congress (ed.), Books, Libraries, Reading & Publishing in the Cold War, . pp. 195-192. 2001.
  •  10
    Lehet-e filozófiai értelemben beszélni a betegségről? Lényegében ezt a kérdést járja körbe a kolozsvári egyetemi tanár könyve. Király V. István szerint ezt az explicit filozófiai diskurzusban igencsak elhanyagolt témát, nem ellentéte, - a filozófus számára sokkal ismerősebb - egészség viszonyában, hanem önmagában sui generis kell megragadni. A betegség alapvető létmódja a lehetőség, hiszen miden ember és élőlény - lényegénél és léténél fogva - megbetegedhet. Az arisztotelészi lehetőség (dynamis)…Read more
  •  268
    From the rather original recognition that Aristotle’s categories are questions, this essay focuses on issues of the pote (ποτέ), i.e., the question of the “When”, and of chronos (χρόνος), the “concept” of time. This “concept” is born from and associated with the question of the “When”. It is a hermeneutical and (existential)-ontological dialogue, enabling us to think jointly about the so-called “objectivity” of time and its ontological, phenomenological, and hermeneutical relatedness to ourselve…Read more
  •  165
    EXISTENCE(s) – Short deep-forage Chapters
    Lambert Academic Publishing. 2017.
    The chapters of the book are seemingly short, but deep explorations on the various fields and possibilities of human being and existence. Such explorations of course reorder and reformulate the timely and essential possibilities of philosophy and philosophizing. These together convey the true weight and stakes of things. For it is indeed so that: „Philosophy is destined to deal with the Deepest and most disturbing questions. It would hardly survive, if they were definitively solved.”
  •  4122
  •  5500
    CUPRINS CONTUR Re-Introducere sau: Dincolo de „teoria şi practica” informării şi documentării – Spre o hermeneutică posibilă şi necesară ......................................................... 11 Desfăşurătorul întâlnirilor Atelierului Hermeneutica Bibliohtecaria (Philobiblon) ............................................................................................................. 21 FOCUS Noul Program al revistei şi Politica ei Editorială: PHILOBIBLON – Transylvanian Journal of M…Read more
  •  5961
    Cuprins CONTUR Re-Introducere sau: Dincolo de „teoria şi practica” informării şi documentării – Spre o hermeneutică posibilă şi necesară Proiectul şi Programul PHILOBIBLON( în noua formulare) FOCUS Dana Stana, Omonimia şi paronimia în bibliologie Victoria Frâncu, Profesia de bibliotecar la graniţa dintre spaţiul bibliotecii şi ciberspaţiu Olimpia Curta, Laboratorul de informatică şi profesioniştii săi Ionel Enache, Fundamentele teoretice ale marketingului de bibliotecă Maria Petre…Read more
  •  8472
    CUPRINS CONTUR Re-Introducere, sau: Dincolo de „teoria şi practica” informării şi documentării – Spre o hermeneutică necesară Viorica Sâncrăian Atelier Philobiblon FOCUS Gheroghe Vais Biblioteca Universităţii din Cluj, 1906-1909 Dénes Győrfi Gyalui Farkas – fost director adjunct al bibliotecii universităţii din Cluj Vladimir F. Wertsman Seria filatelică multiculturală Librariana Meda-Diana Hotea „O scriere chineză în cifre arabe” Carmen Crişan Utilizarea bazelor d…Read more
  •  860
    Moartea si experienta muririi
    Casa Cartii de Stiinta. 2002.
  •  638
    TARTALOM Előszó 5 Módszer és problémái "A tiszta ész kritikájá"-ban 12 Kari Jaspers Nyugat és Kelet között 28 A szent, avagy a fény csendes hangjai 51 "A lélek és a formák"-tól az Ontológiáig 67 Georg Simmel és a titok szociológiája 89 Beavatás, hallgatás, álarc 117 A titok és kategoriális szerkezete 134 Titok és tilalom 154 Az összeesküvés 167 A "volt titkok" 196 Elzártság, elfedettség és rejtőzködés Heideggernél 223 Utószó 307 Jegyzetek 313
  •  318
    Automatizarea şi informatizarea nu mai reprezintă astăzi un simplu deziderat pentru bibliotecile româneşti. Dimpotrivă, ele sunt o realitate ce, pe zi ce trece, prinde contururi mai extinse, devenind mediul nostru cotidian. Cu cât ne sunt însă mai "apropiate" cu atât mai mult ele devin şi o sursă de sfidări şi de confruntare. Cu ce anume ne confruntă însă - în primul rând şi în esenţă - automatizarea şi informatizarea, în general, şi cea a activităţii de informare, în special? Ca orice întrebare…Read more
  •  2296
    Cuprins INTRODUCERE EXCURSIVĂ 5 CAPITOLUL I SECRETUL CA TEMA A UNEI ANALIZE DE FILOSOF1E APLICATA ...9 Preliminarii 9 /. Schiţa ideii de „aplicare" a fiiosofiei şi a unei „filosofii aplicate" 10 //. Tematica secretului 27 Excurs: Despre temati-are 28 CAPITOL Uli^T) _ ANALIZA CATEGORIALA Şl SECRETUL 40 /. Filosofía aplicată şi analiza categorială 40 //. Secretul şi structura lui categorială 6,5, Excurs: Secret - Privat - Public 70 CAPITOLUL III SECRETUL ŞI SOCIALISMUL 76 Excurs: Fonduri secrete s…Read more
  •  322
    A Crusade… With and Without a Cross – A Review-like Essay on the Hungarian edition of Florina Ilis’s Novel
    PHILOBIBLON - Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities, Vol. XV (2010), Pp.478-485. 2010.
  •  3910
    HERMENEUTICA BIBLIOTHECARIA - Antologie Philobiblon ( II ) (edited book)
    with Viorica Sancraian
    Cluj University Press. 2004.
    Antologie Philobiblon Vol. 2
  •  251
    The Future Or Questioningly Dwells the Mortal Man… – Question-Points to Time
    Philobiblon - Transilvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities 15. 2010.
    The paper unfolds the problem of time focusing primarily on the dimension of the future, while, in the background of its sui generis questionings, it is based by a continuous, and again questioning, dialogue with Aristotle and Martin Heidegger. It is the existence of the future which is foremost analyzed, unravelled, dismantled, and 1 thought over in the course of this research. First, as Will-Being, then as Hold-Being. As a being, that is, which – in a particular view of the future – we, human…Read more
  •  273
    Liberty and Truth – Fragments about the “Cave-myth”
    Philobiblon - Transilvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities 12. 2007.
  •  192
    ETUDIER dans les fonds secrets dans les bibliothèques est une question capitale pour l'ensemble des pays de l'ex-Europe de l'Est
  •  884
    Cercetarea dupa tema si gen-calitate a literaturii bibliologice romanest pt. anii 1990 - 1997
  •  32
    The paper analyzes, from a perspective which is itself existential-ontological, the way in which in an early text of Martin Heidegger, Phänomenologische Interpretationen zu Aristoteles (Anzeige der hermeneutischen Situation) [1922] – which had already outlined some determinative elements of the ideas expounded in Being and Time –, the meditation on the always living and current conditions and hermeneutical situation of philosophizing expanded in fact into an inquiry about the origins, grounds, e…Read more
  •  298
    The Sacred, Or the Bright Sounds of Silence – A thinking-experiment on nature, related (and created) to Heidegger and Hölderlin
    Philobiblon - Transylvanin Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities 14. 2009.
  •  609
    The paper grasps and outlines the concepts and practices of library marketing as well as generally the marketing of non-profit institutions or organizations, conceptually defined as symbolic marketing- However, what is termed here as symbolic should not be understood as a "weaker " version of marketing, but as the proper way in which marketing perspectives can be actually implemented in such institutions; that is, as a practice which concerns and mobilizes all services and activities of such ins…Read more
  •  273
    Euthanasia, Or Death Assisted to (Its) Dignity
    Philobiblon Transylvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities 17 (2). 2012.
  •  205
    Prima antologie a revistei Philobiblon
  •  418
    Death and the experience of Dying
  •  424
    Hermeneutica Bibliothecaria - Antologie Philobiblon (V) (edited book)
    with Carmen Crisan, Cristina Popa, and Raluca Trifu
    Editura Argonaut - Biblioteca Centrală Universitară" Lucian Blaga" din Cluj. 2011.
    Antologia revistei Philobiblon editata in 2011
  •  391
    The Meaning of Life – And the Possibility of Human Illness – Prolegomena
    Philobiblon - Transilvanian Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Humanities 16 (2). 2011.
    Abstract: The study investigates philosophically the issue of human illness and its organic pertinence to the meaning of human life starting from the recognition that the dangerous encounter with the experience of illness is an unavoidable – and as such crucial – experience of the life of any living being. As for us humans, there is probably no mortal man who has never suffered of some – any! – kind of disease from his birth to the end of his life… Illness is therefore an experience or outright …Read more