86Eastern Orthodox Churches and Ecumenism according to the Holy Pan-Orthodox Council of CreteHTS Theological Studies 74 (4): 1-5. 2018.Starting from the investigation of the documents issued by the Bishops who participated in the Holy Pan-Orthodox Council held in June 2016 in Crete, the author speaks in this research about the way in which ecumenism is understood from the perspective of this important event. The article tries to answer the question 'How did the event influence the Orthodox attitude towards ecumenism?' analysing documents, Mission of the Orthodox Church in Today's World and Relations of the Orthodox Church with …Read more
47The social thought of the Orthodox Church reflected in the documents of the Holy Pan-Orthodox Council of CreteHTS Theological Studies 75 (4): 1-4. 2019.An important moment in the history of the Orthodox Church is despite the withdrawal of local churches like the Bulgarian, Russian, Georgian and Alexandrian ones and the fear of Serbian Church to take part in it, the Pan-Orthodox Council of Crete remains an important meeting that influenced the history of Orthodoxy and shifted its conception to the world. The relevance of some of the topics discussed there explains why it can be found inside the important theological journals from the entire worl…Read more
45Towards the social doctrine of the Orthodox Church: The document ‘For the Life of the World’ of the Ecumenical PatriarchateHTS Theological Studies 77 (4): 1-6. 2021.Amongst the recent documents released by the Greek Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, the one titled ‘For the Life of the World’, published before the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, touches upon an important section of the life of the Orthodox Church, namely, the social one. As a result of the fact that, so far, there is no official document of the aforementioned Church dedicated to this aspect, whilst the Reformed Churches and the Catholic one have already issued similar documents,…Read more
33An Orthodox Perspective on Political TheologyJournal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 17 (49): 153-157. 2018.Review of Kristina Stoeckl, Ingeborg Gabriel, Aristotle Papanikolau, eds., Political Theologies in Orthodox Christianity. Common Challenges – Divergent Positions,, Edinburgh: T&T Clark and Bloomberg, 2017
27The new Ukrainian Autocephalous Church and its image in the ecumenical spaceHTS Theological Studies 76 (3). 2020.An important moment in the recent history of the Eastern Orthodox Church was for sure the recognition granted to the Ukrainian Orthodoxy by the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople with the Tomos of autocephaly. Praised by some Orthodox churches and damned by other, it was preceded by some attempts of negotiation initiated by the Ecumenical Patriarchate and by a few meetings between the representatives of the aforementioned institution, Russian Patriarchate and the Ukrainian local churches …Read more
20Aspects of political theology in the spiritual autobiography of Mother Teresa of CalcuttaHTS Theological Studies 76 (1). 2020.By resorting to the spiritual autobiography of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, an important religious and cultural personality of the 20th century, the author tries to emphasise the aspects of political theology that defined her way of acting and thinking and to show how she understood the relationship between religion and politics. Topics like poverty, love, giving, peace, sacrifice or responsibility are presented as keywords in the understanding of a complex vision with interdisciplinary relevance,…Read more
18Profession as a road to God – Pierre Teilhard de Chardin’s and Dag Hammarskjöld’s spiritual autobiographies: A case studyHTS Theological Studies 78 (4). 2022.In this article, the author speaks about how a profession can constitute a road to God and can lead one to a deeper understanding of spirituality as the heart of theology, by investigating the spiritual autobiographies of Teilhard de Chardin and Dag Hammarskjöld. While the former was a Jesuit with important contributions to the historical field, the latter was an important personality in the field of international diplomacy, whose contribution came to light towards the end of the important crise…Read more
16Church and the War. The Vision of the Orthodox Monk Nicola Velimirović about World War IPostmodern Openings 12 (3Sup1): 113-124. 2021.Using documents, books and articles written by Nicola Velimirović during World War I, this article investigates his attitude towards this conflagration and shows how his Christian views influence his outlook on this topic. Shared during his visits to the USA and England and via lectures given in venues like Westminster Abbey or Oxford University, his ideas make him a militant for peace and, at the same time, a man who defends his country's cause in front of the Austro-Hungarian abuses. Investiga…Read more
16Aspects of Political Theology in the Spiritual Autobiography of Nicolae SteinhardtPostmodern Openings 13 (4): 548-560. 2022.Important personality of the Romanian space, the Jew Nicolae Steinhardt that will discover the Christianity in prison and will be baptised in Jilava prison, will be not only an intellectual with ecumenical vocation, but also a writer that offers a rich testimony about the way how Communism from the Romanian space can not only ruin a life, but also make one to come closer to God and arrive to a deeper consciousness of the real values of life and spirituality that will therefore be connected to th…Read more
15Nicolas Berdyaev – The philosophical and political relevance of a spiritual autobiographyHTS Theological Studies 76 (1). 2020.Nicolas Berdyaev’s spiritual autobiography was, unfortunately, the least well-known of his publications. Therefore, we will try to shed light on it, emphasising its philosophical and political value. We will describe the manner in which the author speaks in order to deepen our understanding of it. We will also consider the genesis of some of his works, noting the influence his spiritual experiences had on them. We will emphasise some of the main political aspects his spiritual autobiography cont…Read more
15Theological ideas of Nichifor Crainic and their relevance for his political activityPostmodern Openings 9 (4): 54-64. 2018.Important and, in the same time, controversial personality of interwar period and the later one, Nichifor Crainic was in the same time poet, theologian, philosopher and politician. He published many articles, book reviews, chronicles, meditation and theological studies in books and journals like Gândirea or Ramuri (the first one founded by him). Inthe same time, he was the first professor of mystical theology in a Romanian Faculty of Theology, the one …Read more
14Review of the book “O scurta istorie a bibliotecilor bizantine” [A brief history of Byzantine libraries], Author - Silviu-Constantin Nedelcu, Lumen Publishing House, Iasi, 2020 (review)Postmodern Openings 12 (1Sup1): 404-408. 2021.Author of more than 80 studies and articles of theology and bibliotheconomy and of the book: Cenzurarea presei ortodoxe în comunism, but alsoPhD in philology and member of important associations and cultural institutions, Silviu-Constantin Nedelcu is already a name known in the Romanian cultural space. His recent book, entitled: O scurtă istorie a bibliotecilor byzantine, published by the acclaimed Lumen Publishing House from Iassy, comes to offer a new testimony of the quality of his investigat…Read more
13Between mystique and theory. Ethics of the religious thinking in Dumitru Stăniloae’s workJournal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 16 (48): 153-156. 2017.Review of Sandu Frunză, Experien ţa religioasă în gîndirea lui Dumitru Stăniloae. O etică relaţională. 2nd edition, București: Eikon, 2016, 262 pag.
11From the Ecology of the Planet to the Ecology of the Daily LifePostmodern Openings 13 (1): 498-502. 2022.Review of Sandu Frunză, Filosofie şi comunicare cotidiană: cărţile ar putea să-ţi schimbe viaţa [Philosophy and daily communication: the books could change your life], Iaşi: Editura Lumen, 2020.
8Between theology, literature and life: Virgil Gheorghiu and his biography (review)Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 10 (1): 252-257. 2018.
8Nikos Nissiotis – an Orthodox Approach of the MissionPhilotheos 18 (1): 135-144. 2018.Important personality of the Orthodox and Ecumenical Theology, Nikos Nissiotis has offered many contributions in topics like the Orthodox Ecclesiology, Eschatology, Christology, Theology of Second Vatican Council, Baptism, Eucharist and Ministry, and s. o. He was also active part of the Ecumenical Movement and, as professor at Bossey Ecumenical Institute and member of different commissions of WCC, has also issued a lot of documents very useful until today in the ecumenical dialogue. As Orthodox …Read more
6The Story of Monasticism. Retrieving an Ancient Tradition for Contemporary Spirituality (review)Philotheos 18 (2): 346-348. 2018.
6Bioethics in the Romanian space – A Brief OverviewPhilotheos 16 113-122. 2016.The issues of bioethics have been present in the Romanian space starting with the past century and have been tackled in different ways, according to context and the people interacting with them. Nonetheless, as a science, it became visible within the university context only towards the end of the past century when the faculties of theology in collaboration with those of medicine managed to introduce in the curriculum of the former and later on in that of the latter the problems of bioethics, as …Read more
5A Mystical Anthropology: Introduction into the thought of Father Dumitru Stăniloae (review)Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (2): 754-757. 2017.
5The poor and their image in the spiritual autobiographies of the Christian space of the 19th and 20th centuriesDialogo 7 (2): 51-59. 2021.In this research, we will present the way how the poor and their image is reflected in the spiritual autobiographies from the Christian space from the 19th and 20th centuries. Saint Silouane the Athonite, Saint John of Kronstadt together with Faustina Kowalska, Mother Teresa of Calcutta, or other authors will be our sources from the Orthodox and Catholic space, while from the protestant area we will not neglect works like Dag Hammarskj old's one. We will try therefore to bring into attention a t…Read more