•  23
    Sport and Genomics; prospects and ethical framing
    Genomics, Society and Policy 8 (1): 1-12. 2012.
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    Embodiment and fundamental motor skills in eSports
    with Niek Pot
    Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (1): 14-27. 2016.
    Electronic sports and other variants of ‘digital sports’ have increased in popularity all over the world and may even come to challenge hegemonic concepts of sport. More relevant than the apparent opposition between ‘physical’ and ‘non-physical’ is the question what kind of embodiment is manifested within virtual environments. In this paper, we argue that eSports do require the learning and performance of motor skills and that embodiment within a virtual environment may be considered playful or …Read more
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    Disability or Extraordinary Talent—Francesco Lentini (Three Legs) Versus Oscar Pistorius (No Legs)
    with Laurens Landeweerd
    Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 2 (2): 97-111. 2008.
    It seems fairly straightforward to describe what should and should not count as a disability into two separate and opposing categories. In this paper we will challenge this assumption and critically reflect on the narrow relations between the concepts of 'talent' and 'disability'. We further relate such matters of terminology and classification to issues of justice in what is conceived of as disability sport. Do current systems of classification do justice to the performances of disabled athlete…Read more
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    Sport and play in a digital world
    Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (1): 1-4. 2016.
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    Embodiment and fundamental motor skills in eSports
    with Niek Pot
    Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (1): 14-27. 2016.
    Electronic sports and other variants of ‘digital sports’ have increased in popularity all over the world and may even come to challenge hegemonic concepts of sport. More relevant than the apparent opposition between ‘physical’ and ‘non-physical’ is the question what kind of embodiment is manifested within virtual environments. In this paper, we argue that eSports do require the learning and performance of motor skills and that embodiment within a virtual environment may be considered playful or …Read more
  • Spelregelwijzigingen in de sport: historische continuïteit versus innovatie
    with Johan Steenbergen
    Wijsgerig Perspectief 52 (1). 2012.
    Sportfilosofie en haar centrale vragen Sportfilosofie heeft haar academische wortels in de jaren zeventig van de vorige eeuw, met de oprichting van de International Association for the Philosophy of Sport en het Journal of the Philosophy of Sport . In Nederland heeft sportfilosofie een academische plek verworven aan het begin van de jaren negentig aan de Faculteit der Bewegingswetenschappen
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    Philosophy of sport in Belgium and the Netherlands: history and characteristics
    with Jan Vorstenbosch and Ignaas Devisch
    Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 37 (2): 225-236. 2010.
    The Low Countries (Belgium and the Netherlands) have their own traditions when it comes down to sports. Sports such as football, cycling (Belgium) or skating (the Netherlands) take center stage with the sports-minded public, and are a central element in popular culture, somewhat similar to the way cricket is part of the British culture. Since many years now, social scientists and philosophers in this countries have started to think about the impact of sports on everyday society and the different…Read more
  • 8 Sport and genetics
    In Claudio Marcello Tamburrini & Torbjörn Tännsjö (eds.), Genetic Technology and Sport: Ethical Questions, Routledge. 2005.