8Heinrich Rickert y la paradoja del comienzo de la filosofíaAnales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 41 (2): 267-278. 2024.Este artículo estudia la interpretación del comienzo de la filosofía en términos de una correlación entre sujeto y objeto, desarrollada por el filósofo neokantiano Heinrich Rickert. En primer lugar, se reconstruyen el contexto problemático que conduce a Rickert al problema del comienzo de la filosofía y su distinción entre tres acepciones diferentes del concepto de ‘comienzo’. En segundo lugar, se ofrece una interpretación del comienzo correlacional de la filosofía como una respuesta a la parado…Read more
18Hermann Lotze’s influence on twentieth century philosophyBritish Journal for the History of Philosophy 1-4. forthcoming..
16Hermann Lotze’s influence on twentieth century philosophy Hermann Lotze’s influence on twentieth century philosophy, by Nikolay Milkov, Berlin/Boston, Walter de Gruyter, 2023, pp. 205, £87.50 (hb), ISBN: 9783110726817 (review)British Journal for the History of Philosophy. forthcoming.The core proposition of Nikolay Milkov’s recent book is as clear in its understanding as it is challenging in its substantive assessment. Milkov postulates the bold idea that to have a genuine unde...
13Heinrich Rickerts Theorie des Philosophischen AnfangsRUDN Journal of Philosophy 27 (3): 698-712. 2023.In diesem Beitrag wird die philosophische Konzeption des Anfangs der Philosophie als Beziehung zum Verhältnis von Subjekt und Objekt untersucht, die der Neukantianer Heinrich Rickert entwickelt hat. Die Untersuchung rekonstruiert erstens den problematischen Hintergrund, der Rickert zum Problem des Anfangs und zu seiner Unterscheidung zwischen drei Bedeutungen des Begriffs ‘Anfang’ führte. Dieser Hintergrund steht im Zusammenhang mit der Wiederbelebung der dialektischen Philosophie zu Beginn des …Read more
13Historia y normatividad. El problema de su articulación en el Neokantismo de BadenIdeas Y Valores 71 (178): 97-115. 2022.El presente trabajo intenta ofrecer una interpretación general de la filosofía de la historia en el neokantismo de Baden. La interpretación tradicional afirma que la filosofía de la historia neokantiana es una variante de la llamada filosofía crítica de la historia y que el interés de los neokantianos por la historia se origina en las polémicas decimonónicas en torno al método de las humanidades. Nuestra tesis, por el contrario, es que tal filosofía tiene su origen en problemas internos a la for…Read more
11Neokantismo y neohegelianismoFilosofia Unisinos 1-13. forthcoming.El movimiento de ‘retorno a Kant’ del siglo XIX se constituye en sus orígenes a través del rechazo a la filosofía especulativa de Hegel. Por diversos motivos que no han sido debidamente clarificados aún, este movimiento filosófico culmina su derrotero a principios del siglo XX afirmando la necesidad de una renovación del hegelianismo. El objetivo del presente estudio es explicar los motivos y las consecuencias de la transformación progresiva del neokantismo de Baden en una variante de neo…Read more
8Kant’s reform of metaphysics: the critique of pure reason reconsidered: by Karin de Boer, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp. 273, £75.00 (hb), ISBN: 9781108842174, https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108897983 (review)British Journal for the History of Philosophy 29 (6): 1192-1197. 2021.Karin de Boer’s Kant’s Reform of Metaphysics aims at reassessing the metaphysical impulse of the Critique of Pure Reason. The principal claim of the book is that Kant’s critical philosophy must be...
17Windelbands Weg zum Neu-Hegelianismus und die Aufgabe der Erneuerung einer PhilosophieDeutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69 (2): 214-228. 2021.This paper examines the transformation of Windelband’s Neo-Kantian program into a variety of Neo-Hegelianism. The paper shows that, for Windelband, the rehabilitation of philosophy in terms of a theory of knowledge is insufficient in the face of the pervasive crisis-consciousness of 19th-century philosophy. By Windelband’s account, the overcoming of this crisis requires the appropriation of distinctive Hegelian themes and a new understanding of the role of history in philosophical reflection. Ba…Read more
Windelbands Weg zum Neu-Hegelianismus und die Aufgabe der Erneuerung einer PhilosophieDeutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 69. 2021.
20Wilhelm Windelband como pensador sistemático e historiador de la filosofiaAnales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 37 (2): 269-280. 2020.The present research paper aims at clarifying the relationship between systematic thinking and historiographical practices in the works of the Neo-Kantian philosopher Wilhelm Windelband. According to the judgment of his successors, Windelband’s work is characterized by a systematical deficit grounded on an excess of historiographical labors. The aim of this study is to show that, in Windelband’s case the history of philosophy becomes a true impulse for systematical thinking. Besides, an attempt …Read more
24History as the Organon of PhilosophyIdealistic Studies. 2020.In recent years, the Neo-Kantian movement has received wide acknowledgment as the hidden origin of several contemporary philosophical discussions. This paper focuses on one specific Neo-Kantian topic; namely, the idea of history put forward by Wilhelm Windelband. Even though this topic could be seen as one of the better-known Neo-Kantianism themes, there are certain unnoticed elements in Windelband’s treatment of history that merit further discussion. While the texts in which Windelband deals wi…Read more
20History as the Organon of PhilosophyIdealistic Studies 50 (2): 185-209. 2020.In recent years, the Neo-Kantian movement has received wide acknowledgment as the hidden origin of several contemporary philosophical discussions. This paper focuses on one specific Neo-Kantian topic; namely, the idea of history put forward by Wilhelm Windelband (1848–1915). Even though this topic could be seen as one of the better-known Neo-Kantianism themes, there are certain unnoticed elements in Windelband’s treatment of history that merit further discussion. While the texts in which Windelb…Read more
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