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    Meaning and Reflexivity
    with H. T. Meynen
    Dialogue and Universalism 6 (5): 107-121. 1996.
    In this article we would like to scrutinize the particular problems which are connected with the self-reflection of theoretical thinking and its meaning. Often, philosophy is considered as the science of science. In philosophy the demarcation between true knowledge and sheer belief or opinion must be justified. One could say that this task is as old as Western philosophy itself. Since Greek philosophy one of the main questions is how we can know the truth and how we are able to discern true from…Read more
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    De Uitdrukkingskracht van de Transcendentale Denkkritiek
    Philosophia Reformata 59 (2): 114-136. 1994.
    Is het nog de moeite waard om het op te nemen voor de transcendentale kritiek van Dooyeweerd? Deze vraag suggereert dat de transcendentale kritiek wanneer zij aan zichzelf overgelaten zou worden, niet meer te redden is. Dat is misschien wat overdreven, maar één ding is duidelijk: de transcendentale kritiek is niet onomstreden, zelfs niet onder de meest trouwe volgelingen van Dooyeweerd. En daarin zit iets paradoxaals: het was hem er immers om te doen met zijn transcendentale kritiek ‘de denkgeme…Read more
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    Over de zin Van een interculturele filosofie
    Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (3). 1996.
    Often one experiences a tension between doing justice to the 'otherness' of (the philosophies of) other cultures on the one hand and claiming universal validity for one's own standards of rationality on the other. Therefore a plea for the acknowledgement of the intercultural dimension of philosophy and the necessity of intercultural dialogue seems to involve the rejection of universalistic claims. In my paper, I argue that this view is as indefensible as the universalistic one. Both views are ch…Read more