Leeds, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
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    The quantification of everyday life, also known as self-tracking, is an increasingly popular activity. Forbes’ technology enthusiast Ewan Spence claimed that 2014 was “the year of wearable technology”. In that year, Google, Android, and Intel, all released new wearable self-tracking devices. Two years later the fast food chain McDonald’s offered free “Step-It” self-trackers in children’s meals. These devices count calorie consumption, steps walked, stairs climbed, social activities, and more. Pr…Read more
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    Quantified Bodies – A Design Practice
    Digital Culture and Society 2 (1). 2016.
    Self-trackers are a diffuse and diverse group that quantify their lives. From the ordinary to the extraordinary, intimate and vital happenings that occur on -empirical planes are cast as legible events. Blood pressure, heartbeat rate, testosterone levels, posture, diet, muscle tension, social activity, geographical position. These are now happenings to be intervened upon and rendered as units of measurement and comparable variables. These measurements may give insight to help rebuild a re-cognit…Read more
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    Self-tracking most notably emerged over the last century. To self-track is to record life activities, encoding them into a series of quantified variables–or what has been called “health” and “lifestyle” data. Commonly, this is practiced with wearable de- vices, such as wristbands, necklaces, pendants, and badges, which are tethered to smartphones and personal computers. Through these devices, a meal is measured by its calorific quantity, a heartbeat measured by its rate, and sitting at a desk is…Read more
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    Reality is Fiction/Fiction in Reality?
    In James Dyer (ed.), Design Fiction, Sternberg Press. pp. 131-133. 2016.
    An introduction to Viém Flusser's 1966 essay "On Fiction"