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    Explaining inequalities in access to treatment in lung cancer
    with Ruth H. Jack, Martin C. Gulliford, and Henrik Møller
    Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 12 (5): 573-582. 2006.
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    Toward a left art of government: from 'Foucauldian critique' to Foucauldian politics
    History of the Human Sciences 24 (4): 61-68. 2011.
    Many contemporary uses of Foucauldian modes of analysis to ‘critique power’ (as it is often put) today lead to a rather sterile form of political engagement, in which denunciation (the politics of the ‘anti’) takes the place of positive political programs, and the strategies of government that such positive programs necessarily entail. Attention to some of Foucault’s own remarks about politics hints at a different political sensibility, in which empirical experimentation rather than moralistic d…Read more
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    Key contemporary mechanisms of distribution are routed through the ‘social assistance’ programmes provided by states. While we still often think of such programmes on the model of the well-known ‘welfare states’ of the global North, new forms of state and international transfers to the poor suggest a need to rethink the question of social assistance from a less Eurocentric perspective. With a special focus on southern Africa, this chapter reviews the meaning of ‘social assistance’ in a region wh…Read more