• The Euro and the Battle of Ideas
    with Markus K. Brunnermeier and Jean-Pierre Landau
  •  128
    Aesthetic internalism claims a link between judgement and motivation: aesthetic judgements bring with them motivations to act in characteristic ways. Critics object that there is a difference between merely liking something and judging it to be aesthetically good, and that it is our likings, not our aesthetic judgements, that motivate us. This paper develops a version of aesthetic internalism that can respond to this criticism. Wholehearted aesthetic judgements are characterized by stability, at…Read more
  •  9
    Oxford Handbook of Ethics and Art (edited book)
    Oxford University Press. 2023.
    This volume is about how and whether art can be morally bad (or morally good). Politicians, media pundits, and others frequently complain that particular works of art are morally dangerous, or, sometimes, that particular works are morally edifying (the "great works" of literature, for example). But little attention is often given to the question of what makes art morally good in the first place. This comprehensive volume of forty-five new essays explores a wide variety of historical and theoreti…Read more
  •  12
    If I had read Ted Nannicelli’s (2020) thoughtful and wide-ranging book before writing my own, I would not have written the same book that I did, and my book almost certainly would have been better for it. Ted Nannicelli’s 2020 book has many keen insights, and I learnt much from reading it.There is a great deal of overlap in our philosophical interests as well as in our views. Our books were written at the same time—at least, our writing times overlapped significantly—and by the time Nannicelli's…Read more
  •  75
    On Resisting Art
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 81 (1): 35-45. 2023.
    What responsibilities do audiences have in engaging with artworks? Certain audience responses seem quite clear: for example, audiences should not vandalize or destroy artworks; they should not disrupt performances. This paper examines other kinds of resisting responses that audiences sometimes engage in, including petitioning the artist to change their works, altering copies of artworks, and creating new artworks in another artist’s fictional world. I argue for five claims: (1) while these actio…Read more
  •  21
    On Perspectivism and Expressivism: A Reply to Ted Nannicelli
    British Journal of Aesthetics 62 (4): 587-596. 2022.
    I am grateful for Ted Nannicelli’s careful attention to my book. In his comment, Nannicelli makes two quite serious sets of objections to my views. The first set concerns my arguments against perspectivism, the view that the attitudes or perspectives manifested in artworks are morally evaluable. The second set concerns my arguments for meta-normative expressivism, the view that normative judgements are expressions of the attitudes of persons, not beliefs in mind-independent facts. In what follow…Read more
  •  9
    The Oxford handbook of Ethics and Art (edited book)
    Oxford University Press. 2023.
    Art has not always had the same salience in philosophical discussions of ethics that many other elements of our lives have. There are well-defined areas of "applied ethics" corresponding to nature, business, health care, war, punishment, animals, and more, but there is no recognized research program in "applied ethics of the arts" or "art ethics." Art often seems to belong to its own sphere of value, separate from morality. The first questions we ask about art are usually not about its moral rig…Read more
  •  21
    Jonathan Gilmore, Apt Imaginings: Feelings for Fictions and Other Creatures of the Mind (review)
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 79 (2): 272-275. 2021.
  •  18
    Apt Imaginings: Feelings for Fictions and Other Creatures of the Mind (review)
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. forthcoming.
  •  46
    What grounds a judgment that a work of art is immoral? This book argues that we cannot judge artworks morally in the same way that we judge people. What>'s more, there is no direct influence from moral judgments to aesthetic judgments: it is possible for artworks to be both immoral and beautiful.
  •  1
    Value Coherence
    Dissertation, University of Minnesota. 2001.
    Most value theories suppose that there are some values, such as autonomy or happiness, that one is always justified in valuing. These values are foundational, and all other values can be justified in terms of these foundations. For example, utilitarian theories suppose that happiness is intrinsically valuable and that art is valuable because experiencing art makes people happy. Foundational approaches sort all values into these two broad categories, intrinsic and extrinsic, and so, I argue, they…Read more
  •  101
    Imagining Evil (Or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Sopranos)
    The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 12 7-14. 2007.
    In this paper, I explore a set of moral questions about the portrayal of evil characters in fiction: might the portrayal of evil in fiction ever be morally wrong? If so, under what circumstances and for what reasons? What kinds of portrayals are morally wrong and what kinds are not? I argue that whether or not imagining evil is morally wrong depends on the formal and structural properties of the work.
  •  851
    The Value of Fidelity in Adaptation
    British Journal of Aesthetics 58 (1): 89-100. 2018.
    © British Society of Aesthetics 2018. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Society of Aesthetics. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: [email protected] adaptation of literary works into films has been almost completely neglected as a philosophical topic. I discuss two questions about this phenomenon:What do we mean when we say that a film is faithful to its source?Is being faithful to its source a merit in a film adaptation?In response to, I…Read more
  •  23
    Imagining Evil
    The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 12 7-14. 2007.
    In this paper, I explore a set of moral questions about the portrayal of evil characters in fiction: might the portrayal of evil in fiction ever be morally wrong? If so, under what circumstances and for what reasons? What kinds of portrayals are morally wrong and what kinds are not? I argue that whether or not imagining evil is morally wrong depends on the formal and structural properties of the work.
  •  611
    Can Expressivists Tell the Difference Between Beauty and Moral Goodness?
    American Philosophical Quarterly 45 (3): 289-300. 2008.
    One important but infrequently discussed difficulty with expressivism is the attitude type individuation problem.1 Expressivist theories purport to provide a unified account of normative states. Judgments of moral goodness, beauty, humor, prudence, and the like, are all explicated in the same way: as expressions of attitudes, what Allan Gibbard calls “states of norm-acceptance”. However, expressivism also needs to explain the difference between these different sorts of attitude. It is possible t…Read more
  •  4836
    The Ethics of Non-Realist Fiction: Morality’s Catch-22
    Philosophia 35 (2): 145-159. 2007.
    The topic of this essay is how non-realistic novels challenge our philosophical understanding of the moral significance of literature. I consider just one case: Joseph Heller’s Catch-22. I argue that standard philosophical views, based as they are on realistic models of literature, fail to capture the moral significance of this work. I show that Catch-22 succeeds morally because of the ways it resists using standard realistic techniques, and suggest that philosophical discussion of ethics and li…Read more
  •  29
    Narrative vs. Theory
    American Journal of Bioethics 1 (1): 48-49. 2001.
  •  420
    Flexing the imagination
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 61 (3). 2003.
    I explore the claim that “fictive imagining” – imagining what it is like to be a character – can be morally dangerous. In particular, I consider the controversy over William Styron’s imagining the revolutionary protagonist in his Confessions of Nat Turner. I employ Ted Cohen’s model of fictive imagining to argue, following a generally Kantian line of thought, that fictive imagining can be dangerous if one has the wrong motives. After considering several possible motives, I argue that only int…Read more
  •  472
    Sans goût : l'art et le psychopathe
    with H. Maibom
    Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 2 151-163. 2010.
    Résumé Si l’absence de moralité des psychopathes a été largement étudiée, il existe peu de recherches sur leurs capacités esthétiques. Pourtant, beaucoup d’études cliniques de cas montrent qu’ils présentent un grave déficit dans ce domaine. Cet article se propose d’en chercher les causes. Il analyse les forces et les limites de l’hypothèse d’un manque d’empathie pour expliquer ces carences esthétiques, et montre pourquoi l’hypothèse d’un manque de distance psychique se révèle plus féconde. Celle…Read more
  •  39
    Review of Elisabeth Schellekens, Aesthetics and Morality (review)
    Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2008 (7). 2008.
  •  662
    Is Xunzi’s Virtue Ethics Susceptible to the Problem of Alienation?
    Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (1): 71-84. 2011.
    In this essay I argue that if Kantian and consequentialist ethical theories are vulnerable to the so-called “problem of alienation,” a virtue ethics based on Xunzi’s ethical writings will also be vulnerable to this problem. I outline the problem of alienation, and then show that the role of ritual ( li ) in Xunzi’s theory renders his view susceptible to the problem as it has been traditionally understood. I consider some replies on Xunzi’s behalf, and also discuss whether the problem affects oth…Read more
  •  851
    In recent years it has become more and more difficult to distinguish between metaethical cognitivism and non-cognitivism. For example, proponents of the minimalist theory of truth hold that moral claims need not express beliefs in order to be (minimally) truth-apt, and yet some of these proponents still reject the traditional cognitivist analysis of moral language and thought. Thus, the dispute in metaethics between cognitivists and non-cognitivists has come to be seen as a dispute over the corr…Read more
  •  38
    Travelers, mercenaries, and psychopaths
    Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 6 (1): 45-48. 1999.
  •  91
    On judging the moral value of narrative artworks
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 64 (2). 2006.
    In this paper, I argue that in at least some interesting cases, the moral value of a narrative work depends on the aesthetic properties of that artwork. It does not follow that a work that is aesthetically bad will be morally bad (or that it will be morally good). The argument comprises four stages. First I describe several different features of imaginative engagement with narrative artworks. Then I show that these features depend on some of the aesthetic properties of those works. Third, I…Read more
  •  2254
    Immoralism and the Valence Constraint
    British Journal of Aesthetics 48 (1): 45-64. 2008.
    Immoralists hold that in at least some cases, moral fl aws in artworks can increase their aesthetic value. They deny what I call the valence constraint: the view that any effect that an artwork’s moral value has on its aesthetic merit must have the same valence. The immoralist offers three arguments against the valence constraint. In this paper I argue that these arguments fail, and that this failure reveals something deep and interesting about the relationship between cognitive and moral value. …Read more
  •  876
    Autonomism Reconsidered
    British Journal of Aesthetics 51 (2): 137-147. 2011.
    This paper has three aims: to define autonomism clearly and charitably, to offer a positive argument in its favour, and to defend a larger view about what is at stake in the debate between autonomism and its critics. Autonomism is here understood as the claim that a valuer does not make an error in failing to bring her moral and aesthetic judgements together, unless she herself values doing so. The paper goes on to argue that reason does not require the valuer to make coherent her aesthetic and …Read more
  •  912
    Mixed Feelings: Conflicts in Emotional Responses to Film
    Midwest Studies in Philosophy 34 (1): 280-294. 2010.
    Some films scare us; some make us cry; some thrill us. Some of the most interesting films, however, leave us suspended between feelings – both joyous and sad, or angry and serene. This paper attempts to explain how this can happen and why it is important. I look closely at one film that creates and exploits these conflicted responses. I argue that cases of conflict in film illuminate a pair of vexing questions about emotion in film: (1) To what extent are emotional responses rational, or in need…Read more