• Punting on the aesthetic question
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 102 (1): 214-219. 2021.
  • Hume and the Value of the Beautiful
    British Journal of Aesthetics 51 (2): 213-222. 2011.
    Hume is plausibly interpreted as asserting that an artwork is beautiful if and only if it pleases ideal critics. Jerrold Levinson maintains that Hume's commitment to this biconditional gives rise to a problem that occurs neither to Hume nor to his any of his interpreters—the problem of explaining why you should care what pleases ideal critics if you are not one yourself. I argue that this problem arises only if you hold an empiricist theory of aesthetic value—that is, a theory that reduces the a…Read more
  • The Default Theory of Aesthetic Value
    British Journal of Aesthetics 59 (1): 1-12. 2019.
    The default theory of aesthetic value combines hedonism about aesthetic value with strict perceptual formalism about aesthetic value, holding the aesthetic value of an object to be the value it has in virtue of the pleasure it gives strictly in virtue of its perceptual properties. A standard theory of aesthetic value is any theory of aesthetic value that takes the default theory as its theoretical point of departure. This paper argues that standard theories fail because they theorize from the de…Read more