Traité du gouvernement civil, coll. « GF »Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 184 (1): 124-124. 1994.
5Reciprocal ElucidationIn Dimitrios Karmis & Jocelyn Maclure (eds.), Civic Freedom in an Age of Diversity: The Public Philosophy of James Tully, Mcgill-queen's University Press. pp. 415-476. 2023.
30Dialogical animalsPhilosophy and Social Criticism 44 (7): 754-755. 2018.This essay is my synopsis of the political philosophy of Charles Taylor with special reference to the central role of dialogue in his work. This includes dialogical relations with oneself, with others, with the natural world and with the spiritual dimension of life. Taylor has written many books on the history of these relationships in the West.
37Philosophy in an Age of Pluralism.Philosophical ArgumentsPhilosophical Review 106 (3): 455. 1997.The most important unifying theme in Taylor's work concerns the perceived consequences of the "seventeenth-century revolution" in science. Taylor detects the influence of this development everywhere. And on the whole he does not like what he sees. A characteristic passage reads as follows
111Philosophy in an age of pluralism: the philosophy of Charles Taylor in question (edited book)Cambridge University Press. 1994.This is the first comprehensive evaluation of Charles Taylor's work and a major contribution to leading questions in philosophy and the human sciences as they face an increasingly pluralistic age. Charles Taylor is one of the most influential contemporary moral and political philosophers: in an era of specialisation he is one of the few thinkers who has developed a comprehensive philosophy which speaks to the conditions of the modern world in a way that is compelling to specialists in various di…Read more
Political philosophy as a critical activityIn Stephen K. White & J. Donald Moon (eds.), What is political theory?, Sage Publications. 2004.
ResponsesIn Robert Nichols & Jakeet Singh (eds.), Freedom and democracy in an imperial context: dialogues with James Tully, Routledge. 2014.
Deparochializing political theory and beyond : a dialogue approach to comparative political thoughtIn Melissa S. Williams (ed.), Deparochializing Political Theory, Cambridge University Press. 2020.
13James Tully: to think and act differentlyRoutledge, Taylor & Francis Group. 2022.James Tully: To Think and Act Differently collects classic, contemporary, and previously unpublished examples of public philosophy in action from across James Tully's four decades of scholarship. The book provides readers with a perspicuous representation of public philosophy as an ongoing experiment with reconstructing the practice of political theory as a democratizing and diversifying dialogue between scholars and citizens. This volume offers an overview of this participatory mode of politica…Read more
Sustainable Democratic Constitutionalism and Climate CrisisMcGill Law Journal 65 (3): 545-572. 2020.We know that law is a major enabler of the human activities that cause climate change, biodiversity destruction, and related ecosocial crises. We also turn to the law to regulate, mitigate, and attempt to transform these unsustainable human activities and systems. Yet, these regulatory regimes are often “recaptured” or “overridden” in turn by the very anthropogenic processes causing the crises. The resulting vicious cycles constitute the global trilemma of the twenty-first century that is rapidl…Read more
11Political Discourse in Early Modern Britain (edited book)Cambridge University Press. 1993.Inspired by the work of intellectual historian J. G. A. Pocock, this 1993 collection explores the political ideologies of early modern Britain.
62A New Kind of Europe?: Democratic Integration in the European UnionCritical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 10 (1): 71-86. 2007.The most urgent problem facing the European Union is to develop the best approach to conflicts over integration in the fields of culture, economics and foreign policy. The essay argues that a particular form of democratic integration is better than the two predominant approaches. This approach draws on the actual practices of the democratic negotiation of integration that citizens engage in on a daily basis but which tend to be overlooked and overridden in the dominant approaches.
74Two ways of realizing justice and democracy: linking Amartya Sen and Elinor OstromCritical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 16 (2): 220-232. 2013.In The Idea of Justice (2009), Amartya Sen advocates democracy defined as ‘public reasoning’ and ‘government by discussion’. Sen’s discursive approach facilitates the exercise of political freedom and development of one’s public capacities, and enables victims of injustice to give public voice and discussion to specific injustice. It also responds to the contested nature of ‘universal human rights’ and the need to clarify and defend them via public reasoning. However, Sen’s approach leaves intac…Read more
8Middle East Legal and Governmental Pluralism: A View of the Field from the DemosMiddle East Law and Governance 4. 2012.The article addresses the following question: Can a people change their form of government and law and bring them permanently under their shared democratic authority by nonviolent, participatory democratic means? It examines this question through the example of the nonviolent Egyptian Spring. It also addresses the questions of whether this is a new form of the right of self-determination of peoples as well as an alternative to the current models of transitional justice. The means used to address…Read more
Pluralism, Constitutionalism, and Governance (Editors Introduction)Middle East Law and Governance 4 189-193. 2012.
19Modern Constitutional Democracy and ImperialismOsgoode Hall Law Journal 46 (3): 461-494. 2008.To what extent is the development of modern constitutional democracy as a state form in the West and its spread around the world implicated in western imperialism? This has been a leading question of legal scholarship over the last thirty years. James Tully draws on this scholarship to present a preliminary answer. Part I sets out seven central features of modern constitutional democracy and its corresponding international institutions of law and government. Part II sets out three major imperial…Read more
3Communication and Imperialism1000 Days of Theory. 2006.This article is an attempt to answer the following two questions: What is the specific form of imperialism today? And, is it possible for individual and collective actors to adapt and exercise Trudeau’s civic ethos within and against it in the name of another freedom and another world? Section one is an analysis of the rise of networks as the defining form of communicative and social organization in the present. Section two is an analysis of the forms of control, exclusion, hierarchy and concent…Read more
The Unfreedom of the Moderns in relation the ideals of constitutional democracyModern Law Review 65 (2): 204-228. 2002.The paper is a critical survey of the last ten years of research on the principles of legitimacy of constitutional democracy and their application in practice in Europe and North America. A constitutional democracy is legitimate if it meets the test of two principles: the principles of democracy or popular sovereignty and of constitutionalism or the rule of law. There are three contemporary trends which tend to conflict with the principle of democracy and thus diminish democratic freedom. There …Read more
80The article suggests that Gandhi’s integrated thought and practice is of great significance today. It focuses on three arguments that Gandhi put together and tested in practice, and presents them in the way that R. B. Gregg explicated them. The first is Gandhi’s critique of the problems of Western industrial civilization: increasing global inequality; increasingly destructive cycles of war and violence; and the relentless domination and exploitation of human beings, communities and ecosystems. T…Read more
495Life Sustains Life 2. The Ways of Re-Engagement With the Living EarthIn Akeel Bilgrami (ed.), Nature and Value, Columbia University Press. 2019.This article argues that we need to learn from the living earth how living systems sustain themselves and use this knowledge to transform our unsustainable and destructive social systems into sustainable and symbiotic systems within systems. I first set out what I take to be four central features of sustainable living systems according to the life and earth sciences. Secondly, I set out what I take to be the main features of our unsustainable social system that cause damage to the ecosphere on t…Read more
497Life Sustains Life 1. Value: Social and EcologicalIn Akeel Bilgrami (ed.), Nature and Value, Columbia University Press. 2019.I would like to address the question of social and ecological value by bringing two approaches to this question into conversation with one another and show their connections. The two approaches are those of Jonathan Schell and Akeel Bilgrami. The connection between the two approaches is their shared interest in the ‘conditions that sustain life’ on earth. The answer to the question of what are the conditions that sustain life is, in my opinion, ‘life sustains life’: that is, living ecological sy…Read more
1565Reconciliation Here on EarthIn James Tully, Michael Asch & John Borrows (eds.), Resurgence and Reconciliation: Indigenous-Settler Relations and Earth Teachings, University of Toronto Press. pp. 83-129. 2018.I would like to discuss two interconnected projects of reconciliation. The first is the reconciliation of indigenous and non-indigenous people (natives and newcomers) with each other in all our diversity. The second is the reconciliation of indigenous and non-indigenous people (human beings) with the living earth: that is, reconciliation with more-than-human living beings (plants, animals, ecosystems and the living earth as a whole). I will not discuss formal reconciliation procedures carried on…Read more
603Trust, Mistrust and Distrust in Diverse SocietiesIn Dimitr Karmis & Francois Rocher (eds.), Trust and Distrust in Political Theory and Practice: The Case of Diverse Societies, Mcgill-queens. forthcoming.In this chapter I explore some of the roles of trust, mistrust, and distrust in deeply plural or diverse societies. Section One sets out the features of deeply diverse societies that provide the contexts of trust and distrust. Section Two proposes that social relationships in diverse societies need to have two qualities to be full of intersubjective trust (trustful) and, thus, worthy of trust (trustworthy) of the members of the relationships: cooperative and contestatory quality, and self-sustai…Read more
14La conception républicaine de la citoyenneté dans les sociétés multiculturelles et multinationalesPolitique Et Sociétés 20 (1): 123-146. 2001.Les notions républicaines de liberté des citoyens et de liberté des peuples sont d’une aide précieuse pour qui veut comprendre les luttes contemporaines pour la reconnaissance. Ces luttes visent à modifier les normes, jugées trop contraignantes, qui régissent la participation des citoyens. La solution n’est pas, comme le croient les auteurs libéraux, de définir une fois pour toutes les normes régissant la participation dans les milieux multiculturels, puisque les différences identitaires chères …Read more
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