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    Bewusstsein als funktionales Element der natürlichen Welt
    In Detlev Ganten, Volker Gerhardt & Julian Nida-Rümelin (eds.), Funktionen des Bewusstseins, Walter De Gruyter. pp. 3-20. 2008.
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    In Julian Nida-Rümelin (ed.), Moral, Wissenschaft und Wahrheit, De Gruyter. 2016.
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    In Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Julian Nida-Rümelin (eds.), Moral, Wissenschaft Und Wahrheit, De Gruyter. 2016.
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    The notion of “human rights” is widely used in political and moral discussions. The core idea, that all human beings have some inalienable basic rights, is appealing and has an eminently practical function: It allows moral criticism of various wrongs and calls for action in order to prevent them. On the other hand it is unclear what exactly a human right is. Human rights lack a convincing conceptual foundation that would be able to compel the wrong-doer to accept human rights claims as well-foun…Read more
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    In Julian Nida-Rümelin (ed.), Moral, Wissenschaft und Wahrheit, De Gruyter. pp. 275-278. 2016.
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    In Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Julian Nida-Rümelin (eds.), Moral, Wissenschaft Und Wahrheit, De Gruyter. 2016.
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    In Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Julian Nida-Rümelin (eds.), Moral, Wissenschaft Und Wahrheit, De Gruyter. pp. 273-274. 2016.
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    Cyberhate against academics
    with Jason Branford, André Grahle, Dennis Kalde, Max Muth, Eva Maria Parisi, Paula-Irene Villa, and Verina Wild
    In S. Karly Kehoe, Eva Alisic & Jan-Christoph Heilinger (eds.), Responsibility for Refugee and Migrant Integration, De Gruyter. pp. 205-226. 2019.
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    Lost in Phenospace. Questioning the Claims of Popular Neurophilosophy
    with Jan Slaby
    Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 1 (2): 83-100. 2013.
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    Moral Progress
    with Philip Kitcher, Rahel Jaeggi, and Susan Neiman
    Oxford University Press. 2021.
    "The overall aim of this book is to understand the character of moral progress, so that making moral progress may become more systematic and secure, less chancy and less bloody. Drawing on three historical examples - the abolition of chattel slavery, the expansion of opportunities for women, and the increasing acceptance of same-sex love - it asks how those changes were brought about, and seeks a methodology for streamlining the kinds of developments that occurred. Moral progress is conceived as…Read more
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    Human freedom and enhancement
    Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (1): 13-21. 2014.
    Ideas about freedom and related concepts like autonomy and self-determination play a prominent role in the moral debate about human enhancement interventions. However, there is not a single understanding of freedom available, and arguments referring to freedom are simultaneously used to argue both for and against enhancement interventions. This gives rise to misunderstandings and polemical arguments. The paper attempts to disentangle the different distinguishable concepts, classifies them and sh…Read more
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    The Ethics of AI Ethics. A Constructive Critique
    Philosophy and Technology 35 (3): 1-20. 2022.
    The paper presents an ethical analysis and constructive critique of the current practice of AI ethics. It identifies conceptual substantive and procedural challenges and it outlines strategies to address them. The strategies include countering the hype and understanding AI as ubiquitous infrastructure including neglected issues of ethics and justice such as structural background injustices into the scope of AI ethics and making the procedures and fora of AI ethics more inclusive and better infor…Read more
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    Realizing Justice in the Coordinated Global Coronavirus Response
    with Sridhar Venkatapuram, Maike Voss, and Verina Wild
    Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 13 (2): 21-40. 2022.
    The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting countries across the globe. Only a globally coordinated response, however, will enable the containment of the virus. Responding to a request from policy makers for ethics input for a global resource pledging event as a starting point, this paper outlines normative and procedural principles to inform a coordinated global coronavirus response. Highlighting global connections and specific vulnerabilities from the pandemic, and proposing standards for reasonable an…Read more
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    The increased presence of medical AI in clinical use raises the ethical question which standard of explainability is required for an acceptable and responsible implementation of AI-based applications in medical contexts. In this paper, we elaborate on the emerging debate surrounding the standards of explainability for medical AI. For this, we first distinguish several goods explainability is usually considered to contribute to the use of AI in general, and medical AI in specific. Second, we prop…Read more
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    This paper explores the role and resolution of disagreements between physicians and their diagnostic AI-based decision support systems. With an ever-growing number of applications for these independently operating diagnostic tools, it becomes less and less clear what a physician ought to do in case their diagnosis is in faultless conflict with the results of the DSS. The consequences of such uncertainty can ultimately lead to effects detrimental to the intended purpose of such machines, e.g. by …Read more
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    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Journal of Social Philosophy, EarlyView.
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    Moralische Verantwortung in und für Organisationen (review)
    Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 68 (6): 967-976. 2020.
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    Mensch, Weltbürger
    In Jan-Christoph Heilinger & Julian Nida-Rümelin (eds.), Anthropologie und Ethik, De Gruyter. pp. 113-134. 2015.
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    Newcomer integration, individual agency, and responsibility
    In S. Karly Kehoe, Eva Alisic & Jan-Christoph Heilinger (eds.), Responsibility for Refugee and Migrant Integration, De Gruyter. pp. 131-148. 2019.
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    Responsibility for integration
    with S. Karly Kehoe and Eva Alisic
    In S. Karly Kehoe, Eva Alisic & Jan-Christoph Heilinger (eds.), Responsibility for Refugee and Migrant Integration, De Gruyter. pp. 1-6. 2019.
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    The world we live in is unjust. Preventable deprivation and suffering shape the lives of many people, while others enjoy advantages and privileges aplenty. Cosmopolitan responsibility addresses the moral responsibilities of privileged individuals to take action in the face of global structural injustice. Individuals are called upon to complement institutional efforts to respond to global challenges, such as climate change, unfair global trade, or world poverty. Committed to an ideal of relationa…Read more
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    Responsibility for Refugee and Migrant Integration (edited book)
    with S. Karly Kehoe and Eva Alisic
    De Gruyter. 2019.
    This volume brings together a range of practical and theoretical perspectives on responsibility in the context of refugee and migrant integration. Addressing one of the major challenges of our time, a diverse group of authors shares insights from history, philosophy, psychology, cultural studies, and from personal experience. The book expands our understanding of the complex challenges and opportunities that are associated with migration and integration, and highlights the important role that in…Read more
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    Advances in biotechnology have enabled interventions in the human organism that promise to increase physical and intellectual perform over the 'normal' or 'natural' boundary, as well as make possible targeted changes in human experience. The author investigates ethical debates surrounding these issues with a particular focus on arguments that employ a normative concept of a person in order to establish that particular interventions are permissible or impermissible. He develops an integrated mode…Read more
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    Main description: Menschen sind Wesen, die ihr Leben nicht nur führen, sondern es auch erleben. Warum eigentlich? Der Band sucht aus der Perspektive verschiedener natur- und geisteswissenschaftlicher Disziplinen nach Antworten auf diese Frage, in denen das persönliche Erleben und Fühlen als zentrale Komponente unserer Austauschbeziehung mit der sozialen und physischen Umwelt betrachtet wird.
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    Ideas of Perfection and the Ethics of Human Enhancement
    with Johann A. R. Roduit and Holger Baumann
    Bioethics 29 (9): 622-630. 2015.
    Whatever ethical stance one takes in the debate regarding the ethics of human enhancement, one or more reference points are required to assess its morality. Some have suggested looking at the bioethical notions of safety, justice, and/or autonomy to find such reference points. Others, arguing that those notions are limited with respect to assessing the morality of human enhancement, have turned to human nature, human authenticity, or human dignity as reference points, thereby introducing some pe…Read more
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    Moral, Wissenschaft Und Wahrheit (edited book)
    De Gruyter. 2016.
    Normen beeinflussen die Interaktion von Menschen miteinander und den Umgang von Menschen mit ihrer Umwelt. Was aber ist Normativität? Muss sie unabhängig von Menschen sein, um objektiv sein zu können? Oder entsteht sie erst in Abhängigkeit von Menschen, die sie formulieren oder nach ihr handeln, und ist deshalb nicht objektiv? Oder ist dieser Gegensatz grundsätzlich verfehlt und es bedarf eines anderen Ansatzes, um die Rolle von Normativität in der lebensweltlichen Verständigungspraxis angemesse…Read more
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    The debate about 'human enhancement' and its anthropological dimension
    Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 13 (2): 177-179. 2010.
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    Schwerpunkt: Der Pragmatismus als Theorie globaler Gerechtigkeit
    Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 64 (5): 738-739. 2016.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie Jahrgang: 64 Heft: 5 Seiten: 738-739.