Grinnell, Iowa, United States of America
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    Teaching Public Philosophy as Course Texts
    Teaching Philosophy 46 (4): 491-506. 2023.
    In this essay I advocate for the pedagogical value of public philosophy. In public essays, philosophers craft short arguments in clear prose that avoids disciplinary specific technical terms. Such texts are pedagogically valuable both because they teach students philosophical ideas and also because they offer students a template for philosophical argumentation upon which to model their own writing. Here I report on some of the pedagogical practices I have used for teaching public texts to advanc…Read more
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    How to feminist affect: Feminist comedy and post-truth politics
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 49 (2): 230-242. 2023.
    Under the shifting epistemic and political norms of post-truth politics, the conditions of feminist solidarity and agency are increasingly threatened. This article argues that feminist humour provides models for affective orientations that sustain feminist work and survival during such periods of political crisis. First, I explore a potential issue post-truth politics poses for feminists: That information overload can lead to truth burn-out that threatens intersectional feminist thinking and act…Read more
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    Sarah Tyson, Where are the Women? Why Expanding the Archive Makes Philosophy Better (review)
    philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 11 (1-2): 244-249. 2021.
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    She’s Making Profit Now
    philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 10 (1): 24-46. 2020.
    This paper engages television comedy to critique the ethical values that are amenable to neoliberal capitalism. First, I explore the co-optation and containment of feminism as a collective social change movement by postfeminist and neoliberal cultures. I show how self-reliance and resilience become legible as classed, raced, and gendered values packaged for feminine, neoliberal women. Next, I address the specific challenges that neoliberal biopower poses for ethical values as they have been trad…Read more
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    She’s Making Profit Now: Neoliberalism, Ethics, and Feminist Critique
    philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 10 (1): 24-46. 2020.
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    Ethical Openness in the Work of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
    Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 6 (2). 2020.
    This paper explores the problem of racial privilege in US American feminist thought. Drawing on Gayatri Spivak’s analysis of ethics, particularly her ideas of epistemic discontinuity and teleopoietic reading, I argue that a specific kind of ethical openness can help feminist social-political philosophy better negotiate the legacy of white privilege. Spivak’s work calls for a reconsideration and reworking of the subject who theorizes. Her analysis of ethics suggests that racially privileged femin…Read more