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    The Ideals of Law: Judging and the Constitution
    Dissertation, University of Washington. 1996.
    The United States Constitution embodies both the real and the ideal. It is a concrete written text that uses particular words, has a history, and possesses certain limits; it is also a statement of the aspirations and dreams of a society. This dual identity requires that the Constitution be understood both as written positive law, and as an expression of a national vision and set of ideals. ;I argue for a conceptual theory of law that is positivistic in the sense that it relies for the identific…Read more
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    Questions 1 1-1. 2001.
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    Lone conducted weekly philosophical discussions for first and second graders on human rights and how to be treated in society. With “The right to be treated equally” as a nearly unanimous response, Lone records these reactions in a formatted list.
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    Tinker Thinkers by Susan Gardner & Amy Leask, illust. Ami Moor (review)
    Philosophy Now 109 46-47. 2015.
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    Philosophy for Children
    In Lee C. McIntyre, Nancy Arden McHugh & Ian Olasov (eds.), A companion to public philosophy, Wiley-blackwell. 2022.
    Philosophy for children is a worldwide movement to acknowledge and encourage children's philosophical capabilities and interests by developing spaces for children to pursue philosophical inquiry. Unlike the typical undergraduate philosophy class, philosophy for children sessions emphasize philosophical concepts, questions, and discussion rather than focusing on mastering arguments made by contemporary or historical philosophers. The aim is to cultivate an attentiveness to the philosophical dimen…Read more
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    Jana Mohr Lone
    with John Patrick Cleary
    Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 19 (2-3): 28-29. 2009.
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    Questions: Philosophy for Young People 1 1-1. 2001.
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    Are We All Mystery Creatures?
    Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 13 (3): 27-31. 1997.
  • Voices in the Classroo
    Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 13 (1): 9-11. 1997.
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    Philosophy in High Schools
    Teaching Philosophy 36 (3): 213-215. 2013.
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    Lone conducted weekly philosophical discussions for first and second graders on human rights and how to be treated in society. With “The right to be treated equally” as a nearly unanimous response, Lone records these reactions in a formatted list.
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    Methow Valley Elementary School Bill of Human Rights
    Questions: Philosophy for Young People 2 5-5. 2002.
    Lone conducted weekly philosophical discussions for first and second graders on human rights and how to be treated in society. With “The right to be treated equally” as a nearly unanimous response, Lone records these reactions in a formatted list
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    Questions 1 1-1. 2001.
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    Discussion on Daniel Pinkwater’s I Am the Dog
    Questions: Philosophy for Young People 16 3-3. 2016.
  • Silence And Music: Questions About Aesthetics
    Childhood and Philosophy 6 (11): 127-136. 2010.
    This article describes a philosophy session with ten-year-old students centered around aesthetics, and in particular on questions about the meaning of music. The students explore the nature of music and art, including questions about what makes something music, artist intention, and the relation of art and the expression of emotion. The session involves a performance of John Cage’s work 4’ 33” and the way in which the performance can inspire a conversation with young people about philosophy of m…Read more
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    Questions And The Community Of Philosophical Inquiry
    Childhood and Philosophy 7 (13): 75-89. 2011.
    Matthew Lipman wrote that “questioning is the leading edge of inquiry.” This reflects the primacy of the question in a community of philosophical inquiry. The heart of the transformative potential of philosophy for children is student engagement in a dialogue grounded in the questions that most appeal to the group and the collaborative attempt to construct meaning and cultivate deep understanding. The students’ responsibility for choosing the question to begin their discussion enhances the democ…Read more
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    Fifth-Grade Students Thinking About Hope
    Questions: Philosophy for Young People 21 18-18. 2021.
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    Classroom Discussion: The Beautiful and the Ugly
    Questions: Philosophy for Young People 17 3-3. 2017.
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    Seen and Not Heard: Why Children's Voices Matter
    Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 2021.
    Discussing the meaning of childhood, friendship, justice and fairness, happiness, and death, Jana Mohr Lone considers how listening to children’s ideas can expand our thinking about societal issues and deepen our respect for children’s perspectives.
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    Philosophical Thinking in Childhood
    In Anca Gheaus, Gideon Calder & Jurgen de Wispelaere (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of the Philosophy of Childhood and Children, Routledge. pp. 53-63. 2018.
    Children are capable of contributing unique insights to philosophy, making their involvement in philosophical conversations important for them as well as for adults and the discipline in general. The chapter begins by examining whether children are capable of engaging in philosophical inquiry at all, which leads to an analysis of the related issue of what it means to do philosophy. The chapter then explores children’s philosophical thinking and in particular children’s epistemic openness, and co…Read more
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    Philosophical Sensitivity
    Metaphilosophy 44 (1-2): 171-186. 2013.
    Although much has been written about the nature of philosophy and how the discipline can be defined, little attention has been paid to the ways we develop the facility to reflect philosophically or why cultivating this ability is valuable. This article develops a conception of “philosophical sensitivity,” a perceptual capacity that facilitates our awareness of the philosophical dimension of experience. Based in part on Aristotle's notion of a moral perceptual capacity, philosophical sensitivity …Read more
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    Recent Texts in Pre-College Philosophy
    Teaching Philosophy 34 (1): 51-67. 2011.
    This is an exciting time for people working in pre-college philosophy in the United States, as the last decade has seen slow but steady growth in the field. As the field develops, there is an expanding need for high-quality resources in a variety of areas: (1) for philosophers and other philosophy educators working with teachers, graduate and undergraduate students, and other adults to train skilled pre-college philosophy teachers; (2) for philosophy educators teaching philosophy in K–12 classro…Read more
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    Philosophy in Education: Questioning and Dialog in K-12 Classrooms is a textbook in the fields of pre-college philosophy and philosophy of education, intended for philosophers and philosophy students, K-12 classroom teachers, administrators and educators, policymakers, and pre-college practitioners of all kinds.
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    5th Graders Discuss Robotics
    Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 15 (3): 46-47. 2000.
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    Philosophy and education: introducing philosophy to young people (edited book)
    Cambridge Scholars Press. 2012.
    Are children natural philosophers? They are curious about the mysteries of the human experience and about questions such as the meaning and purpose of being alive and whether we can know anything at all. Pre-college philosophy takes as a starting point young people's inherent interest in large questions about the human condition. Philosophy and Education: Introducing Philosophy to Young People seeks to illuminate the ways in which philosophy can strengthen and deepen pre-college education.
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    Philosophy in Education: Questioning and Dialogue in Schools is intended for philosophers and philosophy students, precollege classroom teachers, administrators and educators, policymakers, and pre-college practitioners of all kinds. This text book offers a wealth of practical resources and lesson plans for use in precollege classrooms, as well as consideration of many of the broader educational, social, and political topics in the field.