•  11
    On Cognitive Validity of Religious Experience
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 (1): 7-24. 1970.
    Does the alleged religious experience of a mystic constitute a reliable source of knowledge about the object of his or her experience? Or does it rationally justify a move from such experience to meaningful beliefs about God or the Absolute which is supposed to be the object of that experience? And are religious beliefs in need of being grounded in religious experience in order to be rationally justified? Although it seems pretty obvious that a great many adherents of all religions find reasons …Read more
  •  6
    Poststructuralist Deconstruction of Meaning as a Challenge to the Discourse of Theism
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1): 75-88. 1970.
    Although it became customary to warn against confusing postmodernism with deconstructionism, it seems plausible to suggest that their central agendas are not dissimilar. Moreover, from the philosophical point of view, it is the idea of the 'deconstruction of meaning' that can be said to constitute the foundation of postmodernism understood here as an intellectual movement. It is true that grounded in the poststructuralist language analysis, deconstructionism seeks primarily to challenge the atte…Read more
  •  8
    Benjamin Tilghman. Wprowadzenie w filozofię religii [An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion]
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5 (1): 276-281. 1970.
    Rezultaty badan filozofów religii związanych z nurtem analitycznym są w naszym kraju mało znane, w każdym razie znacznie mniej, niż na to zasługują. Tłumaczenia prac zaliczanych już do klasyki w tej dziedzinie badan filozoficznych można policzyć na palcach jednej ręki. Są to następujące pozycje: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Uwagi o religii i etyce; John L. Mackie, Cud teizmu; John Hick, Argumenty za istnieniem Boga; Alvin C. Plantinga, Bóg, wolność, zło; Richard Swinburne, Spójność teizmu, oraz cenna an…Read more
  •  4
    Godehard Bruntrup, Ronald D. Tacelli. The Rationality of Theism
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5 (1): 281-290. 1970.
    W maju 1998 roku odbyła się w Monachium międzynarodowa konferencja poświęcona zagadnieniu racjonalności teizmu. Temat to szeroko dyskutowany w ostatnich czasach, stąd wydawać by się mogło, że zorganizowanie jeszcze jednej sesji, która przyciągnęłaby uwagę środowiska filozofów religii, będzie przedsięwzięciem wyjątkowo trudnym. Tymczasem monachijska debata zasłużyła sobie na miano wydarzenia. O jej atrakcyjności zadecydował fakt, że została pomyślana jako próba ożywienia dialogu pomiędzy filozofa…Read more
  •  6
    Locke i Newman: spór o paradygmat racjonalności w perspektywie epistemologii religii
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5 (1): 221-244. 1970.
    Ogłoszenie papieskiej encykliki „Fides et ratio" ożywiło dawny spór o stosunek wiary i rozumu. Pewnym przyczynkiem do dyskusji precyzującym stanowisko, które zmierza de godzenia pozornej sprzeczności wymogów wiary i rozumu może być analiza dziewiętnastowiecznej polemiki Newmana z Lockiem. Filozofia religii obydwu myślicieli jest osadzona w szerszym teoriopoznawczym horyzoncie, co pozwala pokazać, iż rozwiązania dylematów wiary i rozumu należy szukać u samych podstaw ludzkiego bycia i poznania, w…Read more
  •  11
    John Hick's philosophy of religious pluralism - A Critical Examination
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 8 (1): 167-182. 1970.
    The philosophical challenge that religious diversity poses for religious belief has become in recent years the focal point of a very engaging theological and philosophical debate. The debate began in the Christian context and it would be fair to say that its main issue remains the relationship of Christianity to other major religions. Traditionally Christian thinkers faced with the fact of religious plurality have assumed that Christianity is the only way to salvation, and the truth-claims of ot…Read more
  •  1225
    Peter Millican and Branden Thornhill-Miller have recently argued that contradictions between different religious belief systems, in conjunction with the host of defeaters based on empirical research concerning alleged sources of evidence for ‘perceived supernatural agency’, render all ‘first-order’, that is actual, religious traditions positively irrational, and a source of discord on a global scale. However, since the authors recognise that the ‘secularisation thesis’ appears to be incorrect, a…Read more
  •  5
    Przewodnik Po Filozofii Religii: Nurt Analityczny (edited book)
    Wydawnictwo Wam. 2016.
  •  12
    Poststrukturalistyczna dekonstrukcja znaczenia jako wyzwanie dla dyskursu teizmu
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 86-88. 2005.
  •  34
    Problems with Disembodied Existence and Survival of Death
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 (1): 81-91. 2006.
    The article discusses the philosophical problems associated with the dualistic conception of the person dominant in traditions influenced by Platonism. The key suggestion made in the article is that opting for an embodied rather than a disembodied posthumous existence for the human person will in no way hinder the theistic philosopher when it comes to arguing that God exists in a disembodied form.
  •  18
    Wartość poznawcza doświadczenia religijnego
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 (1): 23-24. 1970.
    Does the alleged religious experience of a mystic constitute a reliable source of knowledge about the object of his or her experience? Or does it rationally justify a move from such experience to meaningful beliefs about God or the Absolute which is supposed to be the object of that experience? And are religious beliefs in need of being grounded in religious experience in order to be rationally justified? Although it seems pretty obvious that a great many adherents of all religions find reasons …Read more
  •  18
    Poststructuralist Deconstruction of Meaning as a Challenge to the Discourse of Theism
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 10 (1): 75-85. 1970.
    Although it became customary to warn against confusing postmodernism with deconstructionism, it seems plausible to suggest that their central agendas are not dissimilar. Moreover, from the philosophical point of view, it is the idea of the 'deconstruction of meaning' that can be said to constitute the foundation of postmodernism understood here as an intellectual movement. It is true that grounded in the poststructuralist language analysis, deconstructionism seeks primarily to challenge the atte…Read more
  •  22
    The Rationality of Theism
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5 (1): 281-290. 1970.
    W maju 1998 roku odbyła się w Monachium międzynarodowa konferencja poświęcona zagadnieniu racjonalności teizmu. Temat to szeroko dyskutowany w ostatnich czasach, stąd wydawać by się mogło, że zorganizowanie jeszcze jednej sesji, która przyciągnęłaby uwagę środowiska filozofów religii, będzie przedsięwzięciem wyjątkowo trudnym. Tymczasem monachijska debata zasłużyła sobie na miano wydarzenia. O jej atrakcyjności zadecydował fakt, że została pomyślana jako próba ożywienia dialogu pomiędzy filozofa…Read more
  •  24
    Wprowadzenie w filozofię religii [An Introduction to the Philosophy of Religion]
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5 (1): 276-281. 1970.
    Rezultaty badan filozofów religii związanych z nurtem analitycznym są w naszym kraju mało znane, w każdym razie znacznie mniej, niż na to zasługują. Tłumaczenia prac zaliczanych już do klasyki w tej dziedzinie badan filozoficznych można policzyć na palcach jednej ręki. Są to następujące pozycje: Ludwig Wittgenstein, Uwagi o religii i etyce; John L. Mackie, Cud teizmu; John Hick, Argumenty za istnieniem Boga; Alvin C. Plantinga, Bóg, wolność, zło; Richard Swinburne, Spójność teizmu, oraz cenna an…Read more
  •  6
  •  12
    The Universal and Particular Dimensions of the Holocaust Story and the Emergence of Global Ethics
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 15 (2): 367-379. 2010.
    In this paper I want to look at the Holocaust story as an example of a value-laden story which might become one of the foundation stones of the emergent global ethics, indispensable for bridging ideological divides that so often prevent a global society from living in peace and solidarity. My key suggestion will be that the stories that have the potential of becoming truly “global stories,” will in reality become carriers of global values only after undergoing interpretative transformation which…Read more
  •  15
    Locke and Newman on Paradigm of Rationality
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5 243-244. 2000.
  •  18
    John Hick's philosophy of religious pluralism - A Critical Examination
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 8 (1): 167-180. 1970.
    The philosophical challenge that religious diversity poses for religious belief has become in recent years the focal point of a very engaging theological and philosophical debate. The debate began in the Christian context and it would be fair to say that its main issue remains the relationship of Christianity to other major religions. Traditionally Christian thinkers faced with the fact of religious plurality have assumed that Christianity is the only way to salvation, and the truth-claims of ot…Read more
  •  50
    Faith and Philosophical Analysis (review)
    Polish Journal of Philosophy 1 (1): 143-147. 2007.
  •  496
    Agatheology and naturalisation of the discourse on evil
    International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 78 (4-5): 469-484. 2017.
    This article argues that the existence of horrendous evil calls into question not just the plausibility of the most popular theodicies on offer, notably sceptical theism, but the coherence of any agatheology–that is, any theology which identifies God or the ultimate reality with the ultimate good or with a maximally good being. The article contends that the only way an agatheologian can ‘save the face of God’ after Auschwitz and Kolyma is by endorsing a non-interventionist interpretation of the …Read more
  •  9
    Johna Hicka filozofia pluralizmu religijnego - Ocena Krytyczna
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 8 180-182. 2003.
  •  16
    On Cognitive Validity of Religious Experience
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 9 (1): 7-22. 1970.
    Does the alleged religious experience of a mystic constitute a reliable source of knowledge about the object of his or her experience? Or does it rationally justify a move from such experience to meaningful beliefs about God or the Absolute which is supposed to be the object of that experience? And are religious beliefs in need of being grounded in religious experience in order to be rationally justified? Although it seems pretty obvious that a great many adherents of all religions find reasons …Read more
  •  13
    Filozoficzne problemy egzystencji bezcielesnej a życiepo śmierc
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 11 92-94. 2006.
  •  12
    Locke i Newman: spór o paradygmat racjonalności w perspektywie epistemologii religii
    Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 5 (1): 221-243. 1970.
    Ogłoszenie papieskiej encykliki „Fides et ratio" ożywiło dawny spór o stosunek wiary i rozumu. Pewnym przyczynkiem do dyskusji precyzującym stanowisko, które zmierza de godzenia pozornej sprzeczności wymogów wiary i rozumu może być analiza dziewiętnastowiecznej polemiki Newmana z Lockiem. Filozofia religii obydwu myślicieli jest osadzona w szerszym teoriopoznawczym horyzoncie, co pozwala pokazać, iż rozwiązania dylematów wiary i rozumu należy szukać u samych podstaw ludzkiego bycia i poznania, w…Read more
  •  1195
    Light Out of Plenitude: Towards an Epistemology of Mystical Inclusivism
    European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 2 (2). 2010.
    In this paper I argue that from the point of view of a theist, inclusivism with respect to the issue whether adherents of different religious traditions can have veridical experience of God (or Ultimate Reality) now, is more plausible than the Alstonian exclusivism. I suggest that mystical inclusivism of the kind I imply in this paper may contribute to the development of cross-cultural philosophy of religion, as well as to the theoretical framework for inter-religious dialogue, because (1) it al…Read more
  •  460
    In Defence of Agatheism: Clarifying a Good-Centred Interpretation of Religious Pluralism
    European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 9 (3): 115-138. 2017.
    The paper is a response to recent criticisms of agatheism, a new pluralistic interpretation of religious belief put forward by Janusz Salamon with the aim of accommodating the epistemological challenge of religious diversity. Agatheism is an axiologically grounded religious belief which identifies God, the Absolute or the ultimate reality religiously conceived with the ultimate good as the ultimate end of all human agency and thus an explanation of its irreducibly teleological character and a s…Read more