• Shadows of the Self: Reflections on the Authority of Advance Directives
    In Tamar Schapiro, Kyla Ebels-Duggan & Sharon Street (eds.), Normativity and Agency: Themes from the Philosophy of Christine M. Korsgaard, Oxford University Press. pp. 175-196. 2022.
    This paper argues that one’s authority to issue advance directives governing one’s medical care is limited in ways that have not been appreciated. It focuses on advance directives issued by people who go on to suffer from dementia. An adequate account of decision-making for those with dementia should be able to do justice to two related aspects of that condition. First, for practical purposes, sufferers of dementia both are and are not the same people they were before. Second, the “otherness” of…Read more
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    Persons and bodies
    In Sari Kisilevsky & Martin Jay Stone (eds.), Freedom and Force: Essays on Kant’s Legal Philosophy, Bloomsbury. pp. 35-54. 2017.
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    Free Speech and the Embodied Self
    In David Sobel, Steven Wall & Peter Vallentyne (eds.), Oxford Studies in Political Philosophy, Oxford University Press. pp. 61-83. 2018.
    Democratic theories of free speech hold that the right to free speech is grounded in the nature of collective self-governance. The legitimacy of imposing laws on those who disagree with them depends on giving all citizens an equal right to participate in the lawmaking process, including the right to express their opposition. Ronald Dworkin argues that views of this kind are in tension with hate speech regulation. If we forbid the expression of prejudice, we undermine the legitimacy of laws prote…Read more
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    Consent to sexual interactions
    Politics, Philosophy and Economics 19 (2): 107-127. 2020.
    The way in which consent to sexual interactions is understood in the US is undergoing a transformation. Many universities, sometimes at the behest of lawmakers, are moving to adopt ‘affirmative consent’ policies, which define consent in terms of affirmative behavior that goes beyond mere silence or lack of resistance. Although these policies are a move in the right direction, I argue that their content has not been properly understood. In particular, the circumstances in which nonverbal behavior…Read more
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    Disagreement and the Duties of Citizenship
    American Philosophical Quarterly 56 (1): 71-82. 2019.
    Political liberalism holds that some kinds of disagreement give rise to a duty of restraint. On this view, citizens ought to limit the considerations they invoke in political advocacy to those that meet a certain kind of publicity requirement. Many of the arguments for political liberalism's duty of restraint contain a grain of truth. But properly understood, these arguments instead support the duty of responsiveness, which directs citizens to respond to disagreement in a very different way than…Read more
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    Resisting Rawlsian Political Liberalism
    Philosophy and Public Affairs 45 (4): 413-426. 2017.
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    The Truth About Deception
    Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 98 (1): 147-166. 2017.
    The prohibition on lying is often thought to be very stringent. Some have even been tempted to think that it is absolute. In contrast, the prohibition on other forms of deception seems to be looser. This paper explores the relationship between the duty not to deceive and the duty not to lie. This discussion is situated in the context of a broadly Kantian account of morality. Kant himself infamously claimed that one ought not lie to a murderer at the door about the location of his intended victim…Read more
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    Review of G. A. Cohen: Rescuing justice and equality (review)
    Journal of Philosophy 108 (10): 583-588. 2011.
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    There is a strong moral presumption against the use of coercion, and those who are coerced seem to be less responsible for the actions they were coerced to perform. Both these considerations seem to reflect the effect of coercion on the victim’s choice. This paper examines three ways of understanding this effect. First, I argue against understanding victims as unable to engage in genuine action. Next, I consider the suggestion that victims are unable to consent to participate in the coercer’s pl…Read more
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    Neither Perfectionism nor Political Liberalism
    Philosophy and Public Affairs 44 (3): 171-196. 2016.
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    Kant's Formula of Humanity famously forbids treating others merely as a means. It is unclear, however, what exactly treating someone merely as a means comes to. This essay argues against an interpretation of this idea advanced by Christine Korsgaard and Onora O'Neill. The essay then develops a new interpretation that suggests an important connection between the Formula of Humanity and Kant's political philosophy: the content of many of our moral duties depends on the results of political philoso…Read more
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    Rescuing Justice and Equality (review)
    Journal of Philosophy 108 (10): 583-588. 2011.