51Pragmatism, Metaphysics and Culture: Reflections on the Philosophy of Joseph Margolis, edited by Grube, Dirk-Martin, and Robert Sinclair (review)Contemporary Pragmatism 14 (4): 537-540. 2017.
38Reflective Judgment and Symbolic Functions: On the Possibility of a Phenomenology of PersonEidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 2 (1): 40-53. 2018.The following paper seeks to examine whether, from the standpoint of a transcendental idealist, it is possible to have a phenomenology that can adequately disclose the nature and activity of person. First I establish that symbols are intuitive concretizations of the activity of person/Geist, and thus symbols are available to phenom- enological description. Then I raise the question of whether reflective judgment can be understood as a part of a possible phenomenology. I come to the conclusion th…Read more
38Toward a “Cultural Philosophy”: Five Forms of Philosophy of CultureEidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (4): 19-35. 2021.This work argues that an opportunity is being missed by the philosophical tradition, especially within philosophy of culture: an opportunity not just to philosophize “about” culture, but to embody culture and put it into practice. It argues that philosophy itself is a powerful form of culture – one that needs to be better understood and more explicitly practiced. To highlight this blind spot, the work introduces a distinction between “philosophy of culture,” and “cultural philosophy.” Cultural p…Read more
37Peirce's Transcendental Method: The Latent Debate between Prescision and AbductionTransactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 54 (2): 249-272. 2018.The primary purpose of this paper is to evaluate two views that have been put forth regarding the logical structure of Peirce's putative transcendental deduction of his categories. Specifically, the paper asks the question: if Peirce is indeed invoking a transcendental method, should we understand such a "deduction" as an instance of prescision, of abduction, or of some other option? Both prescision and abduction have been offered as descriptions of Peirce's transcendental method, but it is not …Read more
31Creative Fidelity as a Personalized Symbolic Form of CultureDissertation, Southern Illinois University - Carbondale. 2018.Ernst Cassirer's The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms fails to account properly for personalized experiences; it cannot provide a basis for understanding how some experiences become personal while others do not. Our account of personalized experience will remain lacking as long as we follow Cassirer in viewing personalized experience as a non-necessary feature of other symbolic forms such as myth, language, religion, or art; instead it must be understood that personalized experience is grounded in a…Read more
24Dewey and Coltrane: A Study on Rhythm and GrowthPhilosophy of Education Yearbook 19 187-194. 2015.John Dewey, John Coltrane, Philosophy of Education, Growth, Rhythm
24Book Review: Pragmatist Kant: Pragmatism, Kant, and Kantianism in the Twenty-first Century (review)European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 11 (2). 2019.Pragmatist Kant: Pragmatism, Kant, and Kantianism in the Twenty-first Century is a collected volume featuring chapters from seventeen different authors. As the title indicates, the goal of the volume is to explore the relationship between the Kantian and pragmatist philosophical traditions – in both their historical and contemporary configurations. The editors note that “The papers collected in this volume were originally presented at the international conference, Pragmatist Kant, organized b...
23The Cultural Power of Personal Objects: Traditional Accounts and New Perspectives (edited book)SUNY Press. 2021.The Cultural Power of Personal Objects seeks to understand the value and efficacy of objects, places, and times that take on cultural power and reverence to such a degree that they are treated (whether metaphorically or actually) as "persons," or as objects with "personality"—they are living objects. Featuring both historical and theoretical sections, the volume details examples of this practice, including the wampum of certain Native American tribes, the tsukumogami of Japan, the sacred keris k…Read more
22Queen and Philosophy: Guaranteed to Blow Your Mind (edited book)Pop Culture and Philosophy. 2022.Queen and Philosophy: Guaranteed to Blow Your Mind is a collection of cutting-edge philosophical essays on the rock group Queen, founded in 1970 and originally featuring lead vocalist Freddie Mercury, who died of AIDS in 1991. Queen's reputation and fan following continue to grow in the twenty-first century.
20Antoine Mooij’s Phenomenology of Symbolization: Synthesizing Lacan and Cassirer (review)Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 3 (2): 135-139. 2019.
18Pragmatism, Kant, and Transcendental Philosophy. Edited by Gabriele Gava and Robert Stern (review)William James Studies 13 (2). 2017.
15Richard J. Bernstein and the Pragmatist Turn in Contemporary Philosophy: Rekindling Pragmatism's Fire (review)Education and Culture 32 (1): 163-167. 2016.As the title of the book indicates, Bernstein’s 2010 work The Pragmatic Turn is the common ground for this collection of twelve essays, with each contributor taking a theme from Bernstein’s volume and using it as a foundation to raise further issues concerning pragmatism after the “pragmatic turn.” Many essays also offer constructive criticism of Bernstein’s thought and positions, often suggesting possible alternatives. In a style reminiscent of the long-running Library of Living Philosophers se…Read more
2Anxiety and Fidelity: Gabriel Marcel on Existential FearKinesis 40 (2): 75-83. 2015.In this paper, I attempt to reorient the "problem of fear," into the question of the "mystery of anxiety": in doing so, I focus on Gabriel Marcel's text "Being and Having: An Existential Diary," where he wrestles with the questions of fear and anxiety. Once we give up on the "problem" of fear and orient ourselves along lines of Being (anxiety) rather than Having (fear), we can approach the question meaningfully: from this perspective, we begin to see the importance of both Hope and Fidelity as n…Read more
Jared Kemling
Rend Lake College
Rend Lake CollegeAssociate Professor
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