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    Über Herbert den Greisen und Leo den Weisen: Aufsätze (edited book)
    with Peter-Erwin Jansen
    Zu Klampen. 2021.
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    Intersecting with PB
    Thesis Eleven 179 (1): 32-35. 2023.
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    Reason after its eclipse: on late critical theory
    The University of Wisconsin Press. 2016.
    Part I: The sun of reason. From the Greeks to the age of reason -- Kant: reason as critique; the critique of reason -- Hegel and Marx: dialectical reason -- Reason in crisis -- Part II: Reason's eclipse and return. The critique of instrumental reason: Horkheimer, Marcuse, and Adorno -- Habermas and the communicative turn -- Habermas and his critics.
  • Cosmology across Cultures (edited book)
    with J. A. Belmonte, F. Prada, and A. Alberdi
    Astronomical Society of Pacific. 2009.
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    The Virtues of Mendacity: On Lying in Politics
    University of Virginia Press. 2010.
    In The Virtues of Mendacity, Jay resolves to avoid this conventional framing of the debate over lying and politics by examining what has been said in support of ...
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    Force Fields collects the recent essays of Martin Jay, an intellectual historian and cultural critic internationally known for his extensive work on the history of Western Marxism and the intellectual migration from Germany to America.
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    Essays from the edge: parerga & paralipomena
    University of Virginia Press. 2010.
    Taking on the stigma of inauthenticity : Adorno's critique of genuineness -- Is experience still in crisis? : reflections on a Frankfurt school lament -- Mourning a metaphor: the revolution is over -- Cultural relativism and the visual turn -- Scopic regimes of modernity revisited -- No state of grace : violence in the garden -- Visual parrhesia? : Foucault and the truth of the gaze -- The Kremlin of modernism -- Phenomenology and lived experience -- Aesthetic experience and historical experienc…Read more
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    Martin Jay has provided a substantial new preface for this edition, in which he reflects on the continuing relevance of the work of the Frankfurt School.
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    The Lifeworld and Lived Experience
    In Hubert L. Dreyfus & Mark A. Wrathall (eds.), A Companion to Phenomenology and Existentialism, Blackwell. 2006.
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    Adorno and Blumenberg
    In Peter Eli Gordon (ed.), A companion to Adorno, Wiley. 2019.
    Both the metaphorology of Hans Blumenberg and negative dialectics of Theodor W. Adorno recognized the value of the “nonconceptual” as an antidote to the tyranny of rational concepts imposed on a reality that was too diverse, contingent, and qualitatively unique to be subsumed under them. But whereas Blumenberg focused on metaphor and myth as rhetorical alternatives to concepts designed to deal with the incomprehensibility of “absolute reality,” Adorno understood nonconceptuality in terms of the …Read more
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    Marx and Mendacity: Can There Be a Politics without Hypocrisy?
    Analyse & Kritik 37 (1-2): 5-22. 2015.
    As demonstrated by Marx’s fierce defence of his integrity when anonymously accused of lying in 1872, he was a principled believer in both personal honesty and the value of truth in politics. Whether understood as enabling an accurate, ‘scientific’ depiction of the contradictions of the present society or a normative image of a truly just society to come, truth-telling was privileged by Marx over hypocrisy as a political virtue. Contemporary Marxists like Alain Badiou continue this tradition, arg…Read more
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    A Fenomenologia de Husserl como Antropologia: Da Oposición à Exigencia
    Páginas de Filosofía 7 (1): 27-41. 2015.
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    Intellectuals and power, or, what's love got to do with it?
    Modern Intellectual History 2 (2): 289-297. 2005.
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    Comparative Analysis of Water Extraction Mechanism in Roman Mines
    with J. C. Fortes-Garrido, A. M. Rodríguez-Pérez, J. A. Hernández-Torres, J. J. Caparrós-Mancera, and J. Castilla-Gutiérrez
    Foundations of Science 29 (1): 185-203. 2024.
    The removal of water from mines was one of the key issues that former miners had to deal with. Roman colonists brought new technology to the Iberian Peninsula that addressed this problem. However, they did not invent this technology because it had already been applied to the growth of other endeavours in the Hellenistic society throughout the Eastern Mediterranean. In the mine, the Archimedes screw, waterwheels, bucket pulleys, and Ctesibius pumps were the primary drainage systems. In this essay…Read more
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    18. The Weimar Left: Theory and Practice
    In John P. McCormick & Peter E. Gordon (eds.), Weimar Thought: A Contested Legacy, Princeton University Press. pp. 377-393. 2013.
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    The Weaponization of Free Speech
    Analiza I Egzystencja 59 5-27. 2022.
    Formułowane w ostatnim czasie przez postępowych Amerykanów zarzuty wobec cynicznej, konserwatywnej „weaponizacji” wolności słowa trafnie zwracają uwagę na tkwiący w niej aspekt hipokryzji. Przesłankę tych oskarżeń często stanowi jednak wolność słowa rozumiana „absolutystycznie” jako bezwzględne dobro. W istocie należy ją zawsze rozumieć jako coś, co prowadzi do innego celu: mającego wymiar obiektywny, subiektywny bądź intersubiektywny. Najczęstszą funkcją wolności słowa jest tworzenie warunków d…Read more
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    The Moment of Thesis Eleven
    Thesis Eleven 100 (1): 21-23. 2010.
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    Somaesthetics and Democracy: Dewey and Contemporary Body Art
    The Journal of Aesthetic Education 36 (4): 55. 2002.
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    La negativa a imaginar la "otra" sociedad más allá del capitalismo no está ajena a la prohibición judía de nombrar o describir a Dios. Cualquiera que sea la fuente del tabú, de las principales figuras relacionadas con la Escuela de Frankfurt, solo Mar- cuse se ha atrevido en los últimos años a romperlo. Solo Marcuse ha tratado de decir lo indecible en un esfuerzo cada vez más urgente por reintroducir un molde utópico a la teoría socialista.
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    La geometrización del espacio-materia en la cosmología cartesiana
    Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 1 165. 2016.
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    Re/reading the Past is concerned with the discourses of history, from the complementary perspectives of Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) and Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL). The papers in the book stress the discursive construction of the past, focussing on the different social narratives which compete for official acknowledgement. Issues of collective and cultural memory are addressed, reflecting the "linguistic turn" in the Social Sciences. The book covers a range of discourses, interpr…Read more
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    Refractions of Violence
    Routledge. 2003.
    A new collection of essays by the internationally recognized cultural critic and intellectual historian Martin Jay that revolves around the themes of violence and visuality, with essays on the Holocaust and virtual reality, religious violence, the art world, and the Unicorn Killer, among a wide range of other topics.
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    There is no more contentious and perennial issue in the history of modern Western thought than the vexed relationship between the genesis of an idea and its claim to validity beyond it. Can ideas or values transcend their temporal origins and overcome the sin of their original context, and in so doing earn abiding respect for their intrinsic merit? Or do they inevitably reflect them in ways that undermine their universal aspirations? Are discrete contexts so incommensurable and unique that the s…Read more
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    Few words in both everyday parlance and theoretical discourse have been as rhapsodically defended or as fervently resisted as "experience." Yet, to date, there have been no comprehensive studies of how the concept of experience has evolved over time and why so many thinkers in so many different traditions have been compelled to understand it. _Songs of Experience _is a remarkable history of Western ideas about the nature of human experience written by one of our best-known intellectual historian…Read more
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    Liquidity Crisis: Zygmunt Bauman and the Incredible Lightness of Modernity
    Theory, Culture and Society 27 (6): 95-106. 2010.
    After having promoted and then tacitly abandoned the rhetoric of postmodernism, Zygmunt Bauman settled on the metaphor of a modernity that was growing more ‘liquid’ and ‘lighter’ than before. This essay explores the strengths and weaknesses of these metaphors, and attempts to contextualize Bauman’s insights in what has been called by the historian Yuri Slezkine the ‘Mercurian’ culture of diasporic Jewish life.