My Survey Responses

Survey Prompt Response
A priori knowledge Lean towards: yes
Abstract objects Accept an alternative view: Metaontology: deflationary realism
Aesthetic value Lean towards: subjective
Aim of philosophy Accept: understanding
Analytic-synthetic distinction Lean towards: yes
Eating animals and animal products Lean towards: vegetarianism (no and yes)
Epistemic justification Accept: externalism
Experience machine Lean towards: yes
External world Accept: non-skeptical realism
Footbridge Lean towards: don't push
Free will Lean towards: no free will
Gender Accept: social
God Accept: atheism
Knowledge Lean towards: empiricism
Knowledge claims Lean towards: contextualism
Logic Lean towards: classical
Meaning of life Accept: subjective
Mental content Accept: externalism
Metaphilosophy Accept: naturalism
Mind Lean towards: physicalism
Perceptual experience Lean towards: representationalism
Philosophical progress Accept: a little
Political philosophy Lean towards: communitarianism
Proper names Lean towards: Fregean
Race Accept: social
Science Accept: scientific realism
Teletransporter The question is too unclear to answer
Time Accept: B-theory
Trolley problem Lean towards: don't switch
Zombies Lean towards: inconceivable