• Debru . - L'esprit des protéines (review)
    Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 177 (n/a): 71. 1987.
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    Vitalisme et philosophie de la biologie
    RÉPHA, revue étudiante de philosophie analytique 2 7-18. 2010.
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    Knowledge of Life Today presents the thoughts of Jean Gayon, a major philosopher of science in France who is recognized across the Atlantic, especially for his work in philosophy and the history of life sciences. The book is structured around Gayon's personal answers to questions put forward by Victor Petit. This approach combines scientific rigor and risk-taking in answers that go back to the fundamentals of the subject. As well as the relationship between philosophy and the history of science,…Read more
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    Functions: From Organisms to Artefacts (edited book)
    with Armand de Ricqlès and Antoine C. Dussault
    Springer Verlag. 2023.
    This book, originally published in French, examines the philosophical debates on functions over the last forty years and proposes new ways of analysis. Pervasive throughout the life sciences, the concept of function has the air of an epistemological scandal: ascribing a function to a biological structure or process amounts to suggesting that it is explained by its effects. This book confronts the debates on function with the use of the notion in a wide range of disciplines, such as biology, psyc…Read more
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    This chapter contains section titled: Introductory Remarks: Not a “Philosopher of Science” “Positive Metaphysics” “Confrontation” Bergson's Epistemology and Philosophy of Science.
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    This article shows how Lamarckism was essential in the birth of the French school of molecular biology. We argue that the concept of inheritance of acquired characters positively shaped debates surrounding bacteriophagy and lysogeny in the Pasteurian tradition during the interwar period. During this period the typical Lamarckian account of heredity treated it as the continuation of protoplasmic physiology in daughter cells. Félix d’Hérelle applied this conception to argue that there was only one…Read more
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    À propos de : Courtine, Dagognet, Descombes, Gauchet, Gayon, Guenancia
    with Paul Audi, Christian Godin, Vincent Descombes, Didier Mineur, and Pierre Guenancia
    Cités 58 (2): 179. 2014.
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    Sciences de la nature et médecine
    with Goulven Laurent, Claude Blanckaert, Jean-Marc Drouin, François Duchesneau, Antonella La Vergata, Charles Lenay, Marie-France Morel, Marie Jaisson, Roselyne Rey, Anne-Marie Moulin, and Patrick Zylberman
    Revue de Synthèse 113 (3-4): 515-550. 1992.
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    À propos de l'article de Juliette Grange dans Cités 58
    with Paul Clavier and Yann Schmitt
    Cités 60 (4): 199-204. 2014.
    Réponses à Juliette Grange sur ses remises en cause peu argumentées d'une partie de la philosophie en France.
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    Histoire des sciences
    with Perrine Simon-Nahum, Jean-Paul Guiot, Jean Rosmorduc, Catherine Goldstein, Antonella Romano, Jacques Gadille, Clifford D. Conner, Andreas Kleinert, Olivier Remaud, Goulven Laurent, François Duchesneau, Claude Blanckaert, Nicole Hulin, Thierry Saignes, Patrick Zylberman, and Charles Lenay
    Revue de Synthèse 115 (1-2): 213-266. 1994.
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    Genetics after World War II: The Laboratories at Gif
    Cahiers Pour l'Histoire du CNRS 6 108-110. 1989.
    Ire partie.
  • Cybernétique enzymatique: un inédit de Jacques Monod
    In Claude Debru, Michel Morange, Frédéric Worms & Laurent Loison (eds.), Une nouvelle connaissance du vivant: François Jacob, André Lwoff et Jacques Monod, Editions Rue D'ulm. 2012.
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    Inquiring into Animal Enhancement (edited book)
    with Jérôme Goffette, Simone Bateman, Sylvie Allouche, and Michela Marzano
    Springer. 2015.
    Can the age-old practices of animal selection and breeding and the more recent biotechnological interventions on animals, far more intrusive and systematic than any present form of human enhancement, enlighten us as to the future of enhancement practices? This book explores issues raised by past and present practices of animal enhancement in terms of their means and their goals, clarifies conceptual issues and identifies lessons that can be learned about enhancement practices, as they concern bo…Read more
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    François Dagognet: philosophe, épistémologue (edited book)
    with François Dagognet, Bernadette Bensaude-Vincent, and Jean-François Braunstein
    Éditions Matériologiques. 2019.
    François Dagognet (1924-2015) nous a laissé une oeuvre immense et foisonnante : près de soixante-dix ouvrages, sur les thèmes les plus divers, de l'épistémologie à l'art contemporain, de la politique au droit, de l'argent à la morale, de la peau au trouble, sans oublier le paysage, ou l'agronomie, les déchets ou les musées, parmi bien d'autres sujets. Sa curiosité universelle et inassouvie égalait, voire dépassait, celle de son maître Bachelard. Montrer comment Dagognet a illustré…Read more
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    French Studies in the Philosophy of Science: Contemporary Research in France (edited book)
    with Anastasios Brenner
    Springer. 2009.
    The series Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science was conceived in the broadest framework of interdisciplinary and international concerns.
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    The Modern Synthesis: Theoretical or Institutional Event?
    Journal of the History of Biology 52 (4): 519-535. 2019.
    This paper surveys questions about the nature of the Modern Synthesis as a historical event : was it rather theoretical than institutional? When and where did it actually happen? Who was involved? It argues that all answers to these questions are interrelated, and that systematic sets of answers define specific perspectives on the Modern Synthesis that are all complementary.
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    Histoire des Sciences
    with Michel Rousseau, François-Olivier Touati, and Elisabeth A. Williams
    Revue de Synthèse 107 (3): 314-324. 1986.
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    Animalité et végétalité dans les représentations de l’hérédité
    Revue de Synthèse 113 (3-4): 423-438. 1992.
  • Inquiring into Animal Enhancement (edited book)
    with Simon Bateman, Sylvie Allouche, Jerome Goffette, and Michela Marzano
    Palgrave Macmillan. 2015.
  • Lamarck, Philosophe de la Nature
    with Pietro Corsi, Gabriel Gohau, and Stéphane Tirard
    Journal of the History of Biology 40 (3): 580-581. 2007.
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    Les fonctions: des organismes aux artefacts (edited book)
    with Armand de Ricqlès
    Presses universitaires de France. 2010.
    Omniprésente dans l'ensemble des sciences de la vie, la catégorie de fonction a les allures d'un scandale épistémologique : attribuer une fonction à une structure ou à un processus biologique, c'est en effet suggérer qu'on l'explique par ses effets. Cet ouvrage, sans précédent en langue française examine les débats philosophiques contemporains sur les fonctions depuis une trentaine d'années, et propose de nouvelles voies d'analyse. Il confronte ces débats à l'usage de la notion de fonction dans …Read more
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    Economic Natural Selection: What Concept of Selection?
    Biological Theory 6 (4): 320-325. 2011.
    The article examines two cases of adoption of evolutionary ways of thinking by modern economists: Nelson and Winter’s (Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change, 1982), and evolutionary game theory (1990s and after). In both cases, the authors explicitly refer to natural selection in an economic context. I show that natural selection is taken in two different senses, which correspond to two general conceptions of the principle of natural selection, one of which contains reproduction and heredity as…Read more
  • Darwin et l'Après Darwin
    Journal of the History of Biology 27 (1): 161-163. 1994.