JP Deranty was educated in Paris (École Normale Supérieure and Paris IV-Sorbonne), and Germany (Hegel-Archiv at the Ruhr Universität Bochum and Freie-Universität in Berlin). He received his PhD from Paris IV-Sorbonne in 1998 and began working in the Philosophy Department at Macquarie in 2002. He is an editor of Critical Horizons, a journal of philosophy and social theory. He also edits the online repository on work:, as well as a newsletter: His research interests are: social and political theory, especially work, recognition and equality; German philosophy, especially Hegel and the Hegeli…
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
Areas of Specialization
Social and Political Philosophy |
Critical Theory |
French Philosophy |
PhilPapers Editorships
Jacques Rancière |
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