•  25
    On the justification of mathematical intuitionism
    Dissertation, Université de Montréal. 1985.
  • Mario Bunge's Philosophy of Mathematics: An Appraisal
    Science & Education 21 1567-1594. 2012.
    In this paper, I present and discuss critically the main elements of Mario Bunge’s philosophy of mathematics. In particular, I explore how mathematical knowledge is accounted for in Bunge’s systemic emergent materialism.
  •  7
    In Sven Ove Hansson & Vincent F. Hendricks (eds.), Introduction to Formal Philosophy, Springer. pp. 251-271. 2012.
    Mathematical categories provide an abstract and general framework for logic and mathematics. As such, they could be used by philosophers in all the basic fields of the discipline: semantics, epistemology and ontology. In this paper, we present the basic definitions and notions and suggest some of the ways categories are starting to infiltrate formal philosophy.
  •  1059
    The Structuralist Mathematical Style: Bourbaki as a case study
    In Stefano Boscolo Claudio Ternullo Gianluigi Oliveri (ed.), Boston Studies in the Philosophy and the History of Science. pp. 199-231. 2022.
    In this paper, we look at Bourbaki’s work as a case study for the notion of mathematical style. We argue that indeed Bourbaki exemplifies a mathematical style, namely the structuralist style.
  •  482
    Abstract logical structuralism
    Philosophical Problems in Science 69 67-110. 2020.
    Structuralism has recently moved center stage in philosophy of mathematics. One of the issues discussed is the underlying logic of mathematical structuralism. In this paper, I want to look at the dual question, namely the underlying structures of logic. Indeed, from a mathematical structuralist standpoint, it makes perfect sense to try to identify the abstract structures underlying logic. We claim that one answer to this question is provided by categorical logic. In fact, we claim that the latte…Read more
  •  1224
    Forms of Structuralism: Bourbaki and the Philosophers
    Structures Meres, Semantics, Mathematics, and Cognitive Science. 2020.
    In this paper, we argue that, contrary to the view held by most philosophers of mathematics, Bourbaki’s technical conception of mathematical structuralism is relevant to philosophy of mathematics. In fact, we believe that Bourbaki has captured the core of any mathematical structuralism.
  •  38
    Erich Reck* and Georg Schiemer.** The Prehistory of Mathematical Structuralism
    Philosophia Mathematica 28 (3): 416-420. 2020.
    _Erich Reck* * and Georg Schiemer.** ** The Prehistory of Mathematical Structuralism. _Oxford University Press, 2020. Pp. 454. ISBN: 978-0-19-064122-1 ; 978-0-19-064123-8. doi: 10.1093/oso/9780190641221.001.0001.
  •  22
    Suppose we were to meet with extraterrestrials and that we were able to have a discussion about our respective cultures. At some point, they start asking questions about that something which we call “mathematics”. “What is it?”, they ask. Tough question. How should we answer them?
  •  966
    Vérité partielle et réalisme scientifique: une approche bungéenne
    Mεtascience: Discours Général Scientifique 1 293-314. 2020.
    Le réalisme scientifique occupe une place centrale dans le système philosophique de Mario Bunge. Au cœur de cette thèse, on trouve l’affirmation selon laquelle nous pouvons connaître le monde partiellement. Il s’ensuit que les théories scientifiques ne sont pas totalement vraies ou totalement fausses, mais plutôt partiellement vraies et partiellement fausses. Ces énoncés sur la connaissance scientifique, à première vue plausible pour quiconque est familier avec la pratique scientifique, demanden…Read more
  •  85
    Mario Bunge: A Centenary Festschrift (edited book)
    with Mario Augusto Bunge, Michael R. Matthews, Guillermo M. Denegri, Eduardo L. Ortiz, Heinz W. Droste, Alberto Cordero, Pierre Deleporte, María Manzano, Manuel Crescencio Moreno, Dominique Raynaud, Íñigo Ongay de Felipe, Nicholas Rescher, Richard T. W. Arthur, Rögnvaldur D. Ingthorsson, Evandro Agazzi, Ingvar Johansson, Joseph Agassi, Nimrod Bar-Am, Alberto Cupani, Gustavo E. Romero, Andrés Rivadulla, Art Hobson, Olival Freire Junior, Peter Slezak, Ignacio Morgado-Bernal, Marta Crivos, Leonardo Ivarola, Andreas Pickel, Russell Blackford, Michael Kary, A. Z. Obiedat, Carolina I. García Curilaf, Rafael González del Solar, Luis Marone, Javier Lopez de Casenave, Francisco Yannarella, Mauro A. E. Chaparro, José Geiser Villavicencio- Pulido, Martín Orensanz, Reinhard Kahle, Ibrahim A. Halloun, José María Gil, Omar Ahmad, Byron Kaldis, Marc Silberstein, Carolina I. García Curilaf, Rafael González del Solar, Javier Lopez de Casenave, Íñigo Ongay de Felipe, and Villavicencio-Pulid
    Springer Verlag. 2019.
    This volume has 41 chapters written to honor the 100th birthday of Mario Bunge. It celebrates the work of this influential Argentine/Canadian physicist and philosopher. Contributions show the value of Bunge’s science-informed philosophy and his systematic approach to philosophical problems. The chapters explore the exceptionally wide spectrum of Bunge’s contributions to: metaphysics, methodology and philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of physics, philosophy of psychology…Read more
  •  603
    Bunge’s Mathematical Structuralism Is Not a Fiction
    In Michael Robert Matthews (ed.), Mario Bunge: A Centenary Festschrift, Springer. pp. 587-608. 2019.
    In this paper, I explore Bunge’s fictionism in philosophy of mathematics. After an overview of Bunge’s views, in particular his mathematical structuralism, I argue that the comparison between mathematical objects and fictions ultimately fails. I then sketch a different ontology for mathematics, based on Thomasson’s metaphysical work. I conclude that mathematics deserves its own ontology, and that, in the end, much work remains to be done to clarify the various forms of dependence that are involv…Read more
  •  1088
    Canonical Maps
    In Elaine M. Landry (ed.), Categories for the Working Philosopher, Oxford University Press. pp. 90-112. 2017.
    Categorical foundations and set-theoretical foundations are sometimes presented as alternative foundational schemes. So far, the literature has mostly focused on the weaknesses of the categorical foundations. We want here to concentrate on what we take to be one of its strengths: the explicit identification of so-called canonical maps and their role in mathematics. Canonical maps play a central role in contemporary mathematics and although some are easily defined by set-theoretical tools, they a…Read more
  •  418
    Mathematical Models of Abstract Systems: Knowing abstract geometric forms
    Annales de la Faculté des Sciences de Toulouse 22 (5): 969-1016. 2013.
    Scientists use models to know the world. It i susually assumed that mathematicians doing pure mathematics do not. Mathematicians doing pure mathematics prove theorems about mathematical entities like sets, numbers, geometric figures, spaces, etc., they compute various functions and solve equations. In this paper, I want to exhibit models build by mathematicians to study the fundamental components of spaces and, more generally, of mathematical forms. I focus on one area of mathematics where model…Read more
  •  783
    Mathematical Abstraction, Conceptual Variation and Identity
    In Peter Schroeder-Heister, Gerhard Heinzmann, Wilfred Hodges & Pierre Edouard Bour (eds.), Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Proceedings of the 14th International Congress, . pp. 299-322. 2014.
    One of the key features of modern mathematics is the adoption of the abstract method. Our goal in this paper is to propose an explication of that method that is rooted in the history of the subject.
  •  12
    Review of 'Realistic Rationalism' (review)
    Erkenntnis 52 (3): 419-423. 2000.
  •  711
    Stairway to Heaven: the abstract method and levels of abstraction in mathematics
    with Jean-Pierre Marquis
    The Mathematical Intelligencer 38 (3): 41-51. 2016.
    In this paper, following the claims made by various mathematicians, I try to construct a theory of levels of abstraction. I first try to clarify the basic components of the abstract method as it developed in the first quarter of the 20th century. I then submit an explication of the notion of levels of abstraction. In the final section, I briefly explore some of main philosophical consequences of the theory.
  •  41
    The aim of this paper is to put into context the historical, foundational and philosophical significance of category theory. We use our historical investigation to inform the various category-theoretic foundational debates and to point to some common elements found among those who advocate adopting a foundational stance. We then use these elements to argue for the philosophical position that category theory provides a framework for an algebraic _in re_ interpretation of mathematical structuralis…Read more
  •  137
    Category theory
    Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. 2008.
  •  244
    Categories in context: Historical, foundational, and philosophical
    Philosophia Mathematica 13 (1): 1-43. 2005.
    The aim of this paper is to put into context the historical, foundational and philosophical significance of category theory. We use our historical investigation to inform the various category-theoretic foundational debates and to point to some common elements found among those who advocate adopting a foundational stance. We then use these elements to argue for the philosophical position that category theory provides a framework for an algebraic in re interpretation of mathematical structuralism.…Read more
  •  18
    A Note on Forrester’s Paradox
    with Clayton Peterson
    Polish Journal of Philosophy 6 (2): 53-70. 2012.
    In this paper, we argue that Forrester’s paradox, as he presents it, is not a paradox of standard deontic logic. We show that the paradox fails since it is the result of a misuse of , a derived rule in the standard systems. Before presenting Forrester’s argument against standard deontic logic, we will briefly expose the principal characteristics of a standard system Δ. The modal system KD will be taken as a representative. We will then make some remarks regarding , pointing out that its use is r…Read more
  •  111
    Some concepts that are now part and parcel of mathematics used to be, at least until the beginning of the twentieth century, a central preoccupation of mathematicians and philosophers. The concept of continuity, or the continuous, is one of them. Nowadays, many philosophers of mathematics take it for granted that mathematicians of the last quarter of the nineteenth century found an adequate conceptual analysis of the continuous in terms of limits and that serious philosophical thinking is no lon…Read more
  •  418
    Abstract mathematical tools and machines for mathematics
    Philosophia Mathematica 5 (3): 250-272. 1997.
    In this paper, we try to establish that some mathematical theories, like K-theory, homology, cohomology, homotopy theories, spectral sequences, modern Galois theory (in its various applications), representation theory and character theory, etc., should be thought of as (abstract) machines in the same way that there are (concrete) machines in the natural sciences. If this is correct, then many epistemological and ontological issues in the philosophy of mathematics are seen in a different light. W…Read more
  •  63
    Menger and Nöbeling on Pointless Topology
    with Mathieu Bélanger
    Logic and Logical Philosophy 22 (2): 145-165. 2013.
    This paper looks at how the idea of pointless topology itself evolved during its pre-localic phase by analyzing the definitions of the concept of topological space of Menger and Nöbeling. Menger put forward a topology of lumps in order to generalize the definition of the real line. As to Nöbeling, he developed an abstract theory of posets so that a topological space becomes a particular case of topological poset. The analysis emphasizes two points. First, Menger's geometrical perspective was sup…Read more
  •  16
    Tool and object (review)
    Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 15 (3): 320-321. 2009.
  •  834
    The aim of this paper is to clarify the role of category theory in the foundations of mathematics. There is a good deal of confusion surrounding this issue. A standard philosophical strategy in the face of a situation of this kind is to draw various distinctions and in this way show that the confusion rests on divergent conceptions of what the foundations of mathematics ought to be. This is the strategy adopted in the present paper. It is divided into 5 sections. We first show that already in th…Read more
  •  53
    Approximations and truth spaces
    Journal of Philosophical Logic 20 (4). 1991.
    Approximations form an essential part of scientific activity and they come in different forms: conceptual approximations (simplifications in models), mathematical approximations of various types (e.g. linear equations instead of non-linear ones, computational approximations), experimental approximations due to limitations of the instruments and so on and so forth. In this paper, we will consider one type of approximation, namely numerical approximations involved in the comparison of two results,…Read more