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    Book Notes (review)
    with Emmett L. Bradbury, Anne W. Eaton, Sandra Jane Fairbanks, Daniel Jacobson, Kenton F. Machina, Michael Pakaluk, Sebastian G. Rand, Lloyd Steffen, and Patricia H. Werhane
    Ethics 113 (1): 191-198. 2002.
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    Authors Meets Readers: Martin Powers in Conversation with Sandra Field, Jeffrey Flynn, Stephen Macedo, and Longxi Zhang (review)
    with Sandra Leonie Field, Stephen Macedo, Longxi Zhang, and Martin Powers
    Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1): 188-240. 2020.
    Sandra Field, Jeffrey Flynn, Stephen Macedo, Longxi Zhang, and Martin Powers discussed Powers’ book China and England: The Preindustrial Struggle for Social Justice in Word and Image at the American Philosophical Association’s 2020 Eastern Division meeting in Philadelphia. The panel was sponsored by the APA’s “Committee on Asian and Asian-American Philosophers and Philosophies” and organized by Brian Bruya.
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    The success of any cosmopolitan political project depends on the development of forms of transnational solidarity that go beyond particularist commitments of kin, community, or nation. In this paper, I analyze how transnational solidarity can be generated around basic human rights. Rather than presupposing strong conceptions of a common humanity or a pre-existing sentiment of universal benevolence, I propose that the global discourse on human rights itself – an ongoing, dynamic, and dialogical p…Read more
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    From Practice to Theory: Sungmoon Kim on Confucian Democracy
    Philosophy East and West 66 (4): 1340-1347. 2016.
    Sungmoon Kim’s Confucian Democracy in East Asia: Theory and Practice is a brilliant and engaging contribution to our understanding of democratic theory and practice.1 The title of my comment here emphasizes the innovative way in which Kim moves from practice to theory by relying on the vibrant Confucian civil society in South Korea as both the normative inspiration for and practical reflection of his model of Confucian democracy. In the first section below, I highlight three interrelated ways in…Read more
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    In Solidarity, Hauke Brunkhorst brings a powerful combination of theoretical perspectives to bear on the concept of "democratic solidarity," the bond among free and equal citizens. Drawing on the disciplines of history, political philosophy, and political sociology, Brunkhorst traces the historical development of the idea of universal, egalitarian citizenship and analyzes the prospects for democratic solidarity at the international level, within a global community under law. His historical accou…Read more
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    The Right to Justification: Elements of a Constructivist Theory of Justice (edited book)
    Cambridge University Press. 2011.
    Contemporary philosophical pluralism recognizes the inevitability and legitimacy of multiple ethical perspectives and values, making it difficult to isolate the higher-order principles on which to base a theory of justice. Rising up to meet this challenge, Rainer Forst, a leading member of the Frankfurt School's newest generation of philosophers, conceives of an "autonomous" construction of justice founded on what he calls the basic moral right to justification. Forst begins by identifying this …Read more
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    International Philosophical Quarterly 48 (4): 552-555. 2008.
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    Communicative Power in Habermas’s Theory of Democracy
    European Journal of Political Theory 3 (4): 433-454. 2004.
    This article critically examines Jürgen Habermas’s theory of democracy as developed in Between Facts and Norms. In particular, it focuses on the concept of communicative power and argues that there is a crucial ambiguity in Habermas’s use of this concept. Since communicative power is the key normative resource that is supposed to counter the norm-free steering media of money and administrative power, its role within the theory must be made clear. The article begins by explaining the normative an…Read more
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    System and lifeworld in Habermas' theory of democracy
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 40 (2): 205-214. 2014.
    In this article I challenge two arguments central to Hugh Baxter's critical interpretation of Habermas in his recent book, Habermas: The Discourse Theory of Law and Democracy (2011). Both arguments focus on whether Habermas’ system -lifeworld model of society can successfully make space for democratic politics. Baxter highlights problems with both Habermas’ The Theory of Communicative Action [hereafter cited as TCA] and Habermas’ attempts to fix those problems in Between Facts and Norms [hereaft…Read more
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    Cogent Science in Context (review)
    International Philosophical Quarterly 51 (4): 521-524. 2011.
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    Reply to critics
    with Dominique Leydet, James Bohman, Max Pensky, and Hauke Brunkhorst
    Philosophy and Social Criticism 32 (7): 825-838. 2006.
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    Disrespect: The Normative Foundations of Critical Theory (review)
    International Philosophical Quarterly 48 (4): 552-555. 2008.
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    Habermas on Human Rights
    Social Theory and Practice 29 (3): 431-457. 2003.