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    Reviews (review)
    with Teresa Brennan, David West, Craig Browne, and Peter Beilharz
    Thesis Eleven 45 (1): 124-141. 1996.
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    Healing from History: Psychoanalytic Considerations on Traumatic Pasts and Social Repair
    European Journal of Social Theory 11 (3): 405-420. 2008.
    How to mobilize a traumatic national history on behalf of a less fractured polity? How to gain closure over a past that bifurcates the nation and establishes (at least) two national histories — history as told by the victims and by the perpetrators, now to be replaced by a history, as Mark Sanders (2003: 79) describes it, not of `bare facts but, at a crucial level, a history judged, and thus shaped, according to norms of universal human rights'. How to engineer through politics the creation of n…Read more
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    At the core of Presenting the Past is the dramatic and troubling case of a woman who during the course of her analysis began to recall scenes of her own ...
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    Book reviews (review)
    with Richard Flacks, Carl Boggs, Karen Lucas, Michael Herzfeld, and Sondra Farganis
    Theory and Society 10 (4): 601-618. 1981.