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    A critical evaluation of interlaboratory data on total, elemental, and isotopic carbon in the carbonaceous particle reference material, nist srm 1649a
    with B. A. la CurrieBenner, D. B. Klinedinst, G. A. Klouda, J. V. Marolf, J. F. Slater, S. A. Wise, H. Cachier, R. Cary, J. C. Chow, J. Watson, E. R. M. Druffel, C. A. Masiello, T. I. Eglinton, A. Pearson, C. M. Reddy, O. Gustafsson, J. G. Quinn, P. C. Hartmann, J. I. Hedges, K. M. Prentice, T. W. Kirchstetter, T. Novakov, H. Puxbaum, and H. Schmid
    Because of increased interest in the marine and atmospheric sciences in elemental carbon, or black carbon or soot carbon, and because of the difficulties in analyzing or even defining this pervasive component of particulate carbon, it has become quite important to have appropriate reference materials for intercomparison and quality control. The NIST "urban dust" Standard Reference Material® SRM 1649a is useful in this respect, in part because it comprises a considerable array of inorganic and or…Read more
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    Me: A Defense
    Binghamton Journal of Philosophy 2 (1): 93-112. 2014.