•  5
    Featuring excellent and accessible introductions for a broad range of readers, this book/reader provides a balance of both traditional material that is core to the subject and selections from other perspectives, such as feminist, post-empiricist, and social science.
  • Relevance and Generality in Aesthetic Evaluation
    Dissertation, The University of Rochester. 1989.
    This dissertation deals with three related problems in the field of aesthetics and how they are treated in the work of Monroe C. Beardsley. The first problem is that of relevance; which considerations are relevant to determining the aesthetic value of a work? Beardsley uses his Instrumental Theory of Value to draw the boundaries of aesthetic relevance. The value of a work lies in its capacity to cause aesthetic experience. Thus any feature of the work which can increase or decrease this capacity…Read more
  •  25
    Critical principles and emergence in Beardsley's aesthetic theory
    Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 48 (2): 153-156. 1990.
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    The Accidental Environmentalist: Elliott on Anthropocentric Indirect Arguments
    Ethics, Policy and Environment 17 (3): 283-285. 2014.
    In this brief piece, Jennifer McErlean comments on Kevin Elliott’s thesis that we should decrease or even cease philosophical efforts to build more inclusive biocentric ethical accounts and instead increase efforts to build indirect anthropocentric arguments. While McErlean agrees that it is sensible to marshal a multiplicity of standpoints to strengthen policies that protect the natural world, she disagrees that philosophers no longer need to consider whether nature has intrinsic value. Two s…Read more
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    Civil rights and the abortion debate
    Think 3 (9): 27-32. 2005.
    Do fetuses have rights, including a right to life?