•  3
    Capability, Capabilities
    In Nathanaël Wallenhorst & Christoph Wulf (eds.), Handbook of the Anthropocene, Springer. pp. 1233-1236. 2023.
    This article discusses the capability approach and the Anthropocene from the perspective of Amartya Sen, Martha Nussbaum and subsequent researchers. The capability approach represents a significant step forward in the study of human well-being, albeit that its anthropocentrism has given it a tendency to sideline nature. There are however various possibilities for rectifying this limitation and indeed reflecting on nature’s capabilities.
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    Penser le développement socialement soutenable
    with Damien Bazin and François-Régis Mahieu
    Revue de Philosophie Économique 23 (2): 81-100. 2023.
    La littérature économique s’intéresse aux enjeux du développement soutenable, mais elle aborde rarement le pilier social, car elle se concentre sur l’imbrication entre les piliers économique et environnemental. Quand il est pris en compte, le pilier social l’est comme interface qui facilite la jointure entre les deux autres. Les analyses économiques soulignent unanimement l’importance d’effectuer cette jonction, qu’il s’agisse d’évoquer les conditions de vie des populations ou l’acceptation soci…Read more
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    John Dewey : une porte ouverte sur l’économie des émotions
    Revue de Philosophie Économique 23 (2): 53-80. 2023.
    L’influence du pragmatisme sur l’institutionnalisme, et notamment sur celui de John Commons, est désormais largement reconnue. En particulier, l’importance des règles et des habitudes dans les comportements a été bien mis en évidence dans le pragmatisme. Néanmoins, l’importance, dans ce courant de pensée, de la réflexion sur la bifurcation ou la rupture par rapport aux règles et aux habitudes a été minorée. Cet article souligne que John Dewey, un des pragmatistes les plus influents, a pensé ces …Read more
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    Freedom, Responsibility and Economics of the Person
    with Damien Bazin
    Routledge. 2013.
    The capability approach has developed significantly since Amartya Sen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1998. It is now recognised as being highly beneficial in the analysis of poverty and inequality, but also in the redefinition of policies aimed at improving the well-being of individuals. The approach has been applied within numerous sectors, from health and education to sustainable development, but beyond the obvious interest that it represents for the classical economics tradition,…Read more
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    The Ecology of Fear and Climate Change: A Pragmatist Point of View
    with Damien Bazin and Emmanuel Petit
    Environmental Values 32 (1): 5-24. 2023.
    The ecology of fear has become a common rhetoric in efforts to support climate mitigation. The thesis of the collapse is an extreme version, asserting the inevitable collapse of the world. Fear, then, becomes the ultimate emotion for spurring action. In this article, drawing on the work of the pragmatist John Dewey, we show that fear is an ambiguous emotion. Dewey stressed the quality of an emotion. Following his reasoning, this article draws a distinction between intense and moderate fear. Inte…Read more
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    Economics is often accused of being a-ethical, not to mention totally immoral. Pure and perfect competition is criticised and serves as a focal point in this denunciation. The criteria of efficiency are rejected in the name of rules of justice. It is thus common to assert that economics should be more ethical, more concerned with its social effects, for example, and that it should also be equitable. This is essential in fighting modern day poverty and foreseeing intergenerational equity. Redistr…Read more
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    Hans Jonas
    with Damien Bazin
    Environmental Ethics 39 (2): 175-191. 2017.
    Environmental ethics and environmental justice have followed widely disparate paths, and this disassociation has resulted in an analytical schism. On the one side, environmental ethics embraces humankind’s relations with nature; on the opposite side, environmental justice embraces human-to-human relations via the medium of nature. Hans Jonas’ work is a bridge that crosses this conceptual divide: he spotlights the narrow correlation between human identity and responsibility, and insists on their …Read more
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    Sur l’opposition entre care et théories de la justice : ce que nous apprend le commerce équitable
    with Emmanuel Petit and Delphine Pouchain
    Revue de Philosophie Économique 20 (2): 41-68. 2020.
    Le commerce équitable nous invite à un réexamen des relations entre care et théories de la justice. Le commerce équitable se présente comme inscrit dans le care. Parallèlement, il réhabilite une justice aristotélicienne dite particulière. Ce faisant, il montre que éthique du care et théorie de la justice convergent, à condition que la justice ne se résume pas – comme trop souvent – à une justice dite générale. La justice particulière permet donc d’envisager autrement et de façon plus pertinente …Read more
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    Hans Jonas
    with Damien Bazin
    Environmental Ethics 39 (2): 175-191. 2017.
    Environmental ethics and environmental justice have followed widely disparate paths, and this disassociation has resulted in an analytical schism. On the one side, environmental ethics embraces humankind’s relations with nature; on the opposite side, environmental justice embraces human-to-human relations via the medium of nature. Hans Jonas’ work is a bridge that crosses this conceptual divide: he spotlights the narrow correlation between human identity and responsibility, and insists on their …Read more
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    Justice environnementale et approche par les capabilités
    with Damien Bazin and Jérôme Pelenc
    Revue de Philosophie Économique 1 (1): 13-39. 2015.
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    Child Labor and Responsible Consumers: From Boycotts to Social Labels, Illustrated by the Indian Hand-Knotted Carpet Industry
    with Augendra Bhukuth and Aurélie Carimentrand
    Business and Society 53 (1): 71-104. 2014.
    The basic strategy for the fight against child labor has been boycotting efforts followed by labeling practices. This article reviews the development of these practices and their impact on the hand-knotted carpet industry in India. The authors highlight the fact that though labeling has responded to many of the criticisms of boycotts, labeling too has shortcomings related to its trustworthiness in situations where information is highly asymmetrical among stakeholders. The labeling may lack credi…Read more
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    Introduction: alliance beyond aid
    with Anna Malavisi and Laurent Parrot
    Journal of Global Ethics 15 (2): 85-88. 2019.
    Volume 15, Issue 2, August 2019, Page 85-88.
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    The Abidjan School and Louis-Joseph Lebret: marrying empirical research and development ethics
    with Jean-Luc Dubois and Alice Kouadio
    Journal of Global Ethics 17 (2): 222-242. 2021.
    The Abidjan School is a school of thought that developed in the 1980s and 1990s in the Côte d'Ivoire inspired by the work of Louis-Joseph Lebret and Amartya Sen. It follows the empirical approach i...
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    Fair Trade and the Depersonalization of Ethics
    with Aurélie Carimentrand
    Journal of Business Ethics 92 (S2): 317-330. 2010.
    Fair Trade has changed considerably since its early days. In this article, we argue that these changes have led to a depersonalization of ethics, thus raising serious questions about the future of Fair Trade. In particular, the depersonalization of ethics which is seen to accompany the current changes has led to greater variety in the interpretations of Fair Trade. Hiding these divergences behind the labels is increasing the risk that the movement will lose its credibility
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    A case study on human development and security: Madagascar's mining sector and conservation-induced displacement of populations
    with Mahefasoa Randrianalijaona
    Journal of Global Ethics 10 (2): 216-230. 2014.
    This case study introduces the QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) SA mining project at Fort-Dauphin, Madagascar, as a development project that has produced issues concerning justice. Although QMM appears to be a model company with a project that is seen as a success story, its consequent displacement of populations has been problematic in many respects, as have been the social effects that arise due to migration to the area by others who are attracted by the project. We suggest that the root of many …Read more
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    Changing women’s lives? Empowerment and aspirations of fair trade workers in South India
    with Priya Ange, Aurélie Carimentrand, and Kamala Marius
    Journal of Global Ethics 15 (1): 32-44. 2019.
    Fair trade is a new form of commercial partnership whereby actors in the North engage with actors in the South on a number of conditions, including setting a minimum price, a development bonus, and so on. But above all, fair trade organizations in the South are implementing mechanisms that more or less facilitate the empowerment of their members. This article analyzes the empowerment effects of two fair trade organizations in South India. It shows that while positive effects can be seen, the pre…Read more