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    Contingency, fragility, difference
    with J. Cash, J. Hewitt, L. W., D. Petherbridge, J. Rundell, and J. Smith
    Critical Horizons 4 (1): 1-5. 2003.
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    Introduction to bioethics
    Wiley-Blackwell. 2018.
    Provides comprehensive, yet concise coverage of the broad field of bioethics, dealing with the scientific, medical, social, religious, political and international concerns.
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    Crop plant genetic modification
    Bioethics Briefing 2. 2004.
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    Bioethics for scientists (edited book)
    with Linda Baggott la Velle and John Searle
    Wiley. 2002.
    A dictionary definition of Bioethics is, 'the ethics, or moral principles and rules of conduct, of medical and biological research'. This book is an introductory text of just biological and not medical bioethics. It covers the ethics of experimentation, including genetic manipulation, in plants and animals; ethics and biodiversity, ethics and the environment. There is increasing interest in bioethics - both in academia and by the media and the general public. Awareness of bioethics is incorporat…Read more
  •  5
    Bioethics for scientists (edited book)
    with Linda Baggott la Velle and John D. Searle
    Wiley. 2002.
    A dictionary definition of Bioethics is, 'the ethics, or moral principles and rules of conduct, of medical and biological research'. This book is an introductory text of just biological and not medical bioethics. It covers the ethics of experimentation, including genetic manipulation, in plants and animals; ethics and biodiversity, ethics and the environment. There is increasing interest in bioethics - both in academia and by the media and the general public. Awareness of bioethics is incorporat…Read more