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    Extension and intension are two ways of indicating the fundamental meaning of a concept. The extent of a concept, C, is the set of objects which correspond to C whereas the intent of C is the collection of attributes that characterise it. Thus, intension denotes the set of objects corresponding to C without naming them individually. Mathematicians switch comfortably between these perspectives but the majority of logical diagrams deal exclusively in extension. Euler diagrams indicate sets using c…Read more
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    Diagrams for Navya-Nyāya
    Journal of Indian Philosophy 48 (2): 229-254. 2020.
    Although a number of authors have used diagrams extensively in their studies of Navya-Nyāya, they have done so to explain and illustrate concepts, not with the goal of reasoning with the diagrams themselves. Adherents of diagrammatic reasoning have made claims for its potential by pointing to key structural correspondences between diagrams and logical concepts, arguably lacking in sentential representations, and describing these relations using concepts such as “well matchedness” and “iconicity”…Read more
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    Special issue on Euler and Venn Diagrams: Guest Editors’ introduction
    Journal of Logic, Language and Information 24 (4): 357-359. 2015.
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    Presence and Absence of Individuals in Diagrammatic Logics: An Empirical Comparison
    with Gem Stapleton, Andrew Blake, and Anestis Touloumis
    Studia Logica 105 (4): 787-815. 2017.
    The development of diagrammatic logics is strongly motivated by the desire to make formal reasoning accessible to broad audiences. One major research problem, for which surprisingly little progress has been made, is to understand how to choose between semantically equivalent diagrams from the perspective of human cognition. The particular focus of this paper is on choosing between diagrams that represent either the presence or absence of individuals. To understand how to best make this choice, w…Read more