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    The Ontic-Epistemic Debates of Explanation Revisited: The Three-Dimensional Approach
    Philosophical Problems in Science (Zagadnienia Filozoficzne W Nauce) 74 99-169. 2024.
    After Wesley Salmon’s causal-mechanical stance on explanation in the 1980s, the ontic-epistemic debate of scientific explanations appeared to be resolved in the philosophy of science. However, since the twenty-first century, this debate has been rekindled among philosophers who focus on mechanistic explanations. Nevertheless, its issues have evolved, necessitating scrutiny of the new trends in this debate and a comparison with the original controversy between Carl Hempel and Salmon. The primary …Read more
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    A Categorical Formalism of Mechanism
    Dissertation, Seoul National University. 2021.
    All biological objects in living systems are composed of their components. They are also involved in biological mechanisms that produce regular phenomena. Mechanistic philosophy is a recent framework for understanding biological sciences. In this dissertation, I will suggest a categorical formalism of mechanism supported by algebraic constraints by virtue of a mathematical language, category theory. First, I formalize the essential groundwork for mechanistic explanations, component parts, and ac…Read more
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    The type-level abstraction is a formal way to represent molecular structures in biological practice. Graphical representations of molecular structures of biological objects are also used to identify functional processes of things. This paper will reveal that category theory is a formal mathematical language not only to visualize molecular structures of biological objects as type-level abstraction formally but also to understand how to infer biological functions from the molecular structures of b…Read more
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    Data, Representation, and Evidential Values in Biology
    Korean Journal for the Philosophy of Science 26 (2): 31-58. 2023.
    Leonelli (2016) suggested a relational view of data against a representational view by emphasizing data-centric biology rather than the theory-centric tradition in the philosophy of science. This is because the first view allows for data journeys across laboratories using public database resources, whereas the second does not. This paper examines Leonelli’s strategies to defend the relational view of data. Contrary to Leonelli’s intention, it indicates that her strategies led to unnecessary misu…Read more
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    South Korean high school students are being taught Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity. In this article, I examine the portrayal of this theory in South Korean high school physics textbooks and discuss an alternative method used to solve the analyzed problems. This examination of how these South Korean textbooks present this theory has revealed two main flaws: First, the textbooks’ contents present historically fallacious backgrounds regarding the origin of this theory because of a blind dep…Read more