Cogito jako warunek moralnego dyskursu. Wątki kartezjańskie w filozofii moralnej Franza BrentanaPrzeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 29 (1): 121-127. 1999.
5Polityka, wojna, przemocEtyka 34 31-37. 2001.We used to consider ethics as a set of universal principles valid in every situation. It would be interesting however to ask if our activity in public or strictly political areas is to be submitted to the same criteria of moral evaluations as individual actions? What does just war mean? How far are we inclined to justify some moral aspects of war? What is the difference between the evil caused by acts of terrorism and the violence due to open military actions? Those are the questions the Author …Read more
Głos w dyskusji nad książką Bogusława Wolniewicza Filozofia i wartościPrzeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 11 (3): 140-142. 1994.
10Teorie natury ludzkiej (Leslie Stevenson, Seven Theories of Human Nature)Etyka 16 184-186. 1978.
Uczucie jako sankcja moralna u Davida Hume’a i Johna Stuarta MillaPrzeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 60. 2006.
9Obojętność i nie-działanie jako przedmiot moralnej ocenyEtyka 30 127-134. 1997.To evaluate non-acting involves more theoretical problems than to estimate actions. There is a full range of possible solutions of this question. The extreme ones are presented, on the one hand, by consequentialism that denies the difference between action and non-acting if their results are the same; and, on the other, by negative utilitarianism, that is based on the literal interpretation of the rule “Do not do the evil” that says nothing about non-acting. There is, of course, intermediary pro…Read more
Kości zostały rzucone - Sartre oglądany na nowoPrzeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 56 (4): 305-310. 2005.
9Wartość cierpieniaEtyka 32 135-142. 1999.What is the meaning of pain or suffering in philosophy? What is the difference between the idea of pain in the antiquity, the notion of suffering in Christian philosophy and our contemporary approach to this problem? How has the idea changed through centuries? The author tries to find answers to these questions.
12Dobro i moralność (Simon Blackburn, Being Good. A Short Introduction to Ethics)Etyka 35 266-270. 2002.
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