8Honest work: a business ethics reader (edited book)Oxford University Press. 2023.Designed for undergraduate, graduate, and executive business ethics courses, Honest Work: A Business Ethics Reader demonstrates that business ethics is primarily about the ethics of individuals. With a unique focus on the personal dimension of ethics, it challenges students to consider the relationship between the ways in which people do business and the kind of lives they want to live. It features 105 brief articles and 70 real-life case studies and poses study questions at the end of each read…Read more
4Ethics, the heart of leadership (edited book)Quorum Books. 1998.Explores the facets of the moral relationship between leaders and followers with particular focus on the business environment.
6Honest work: a business ethics reader (edited book)Oxford University Press. 2014.Combining readings and case studies, this text asserts that business ethics is primarily about the ethics of individuals and challenges students to reconcile their personal value systems with standard business practice. Integrating new material on fairness, the financial system, and theglobal village, this is a practical overview of the ethical issues students are most likely to face in the workforce.
5Ethics, the heart of leadership (edited book)Praeger. 2014.This collection of essays examines the relationship between various aspects of leadership and ethics.
Work and VirtueDissertation, Temple University. 1984.The purpose of this dissertation is to refocus and reconceptualize the current discussion of meaningful work. Utilizing Alasdair MacIntyre's notion of a practice as a conceptual tool, I look at the ways in which moral values have been associated with work. Changes that occur during the industrial revolution led to a distinct separation of economic value from social and moral values. What I suggest, is that this separation of social and moral ideals from the modern experience of work has resulted…Read more
3Trust and the future of leadershipIn Norman E. Bowie (ed.), The Blackwell Guide to Business Ethics, Wiley-blackwell. pp. 334--351. 2002.
1Business leadership and moral imagination in the twenty-first centuryIn Andrew R. Cecil & W. Lawson Taitte (eds.), Moral values: the challenge of the twenty-first century, The University of Texas Press. 1996.
70Honest work: a business ethics reader (edited book)Oxford University Press. 2011.In today's business world, ethics is not simply a peripheral concern of executive boards or a set of supposed constraints on free enterprise. Ethics stands at the very core of our working lives and of society as a whole, defining the public image of the business community and the ways in which individual companies and people behave. What people do at work--and how they think about work--determines their attitudes and aspirations, affecting and even structuring their personal lives and habits. Wo…Read more
31Leadership and the Creation of Corporate Social Responsibility: An Introduction to the Special IssueJournal of Business Ethics 151 (4): 871-874. 2018.
27Verizon Lecture: Why Is It So Difficult to Be an Ethical Leader?Business and Society Review 123 (2): 369-383. 2018.In some ways it is more important to understand why it is difficult for leaders to be ethical than it is to understand how to be an ethical leader. By being aware of the common temptations and moral pitfalls of leadership, leaders are better able to avoid them. Like all areas of applied ethics, leadership has its own set of problems that stem from the roles leaders play and their relationship and responsibilities to followers and others. Moreover, leadership is ethically challenging because it a…Read more
114The state of leadership ethics and the work that lies before usBusiness Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 14 (4). 2005.
30Review of Private Government: How Employers Rule Our Lives (and Why We Don’t Talk About It) by Elizabeth Anderson (review)Journal of Business Ethics 156 (1): 289-292. 2019.
38On Getting to the Future FirstBusiness Ethics Quarterly 10 (1): 53-61. 2000.This paper will discuss the uncertainty of job tenure, inequality of wages in American business, and the challenges for a creating a new social and moral compact between employer and employee. I begin by arguing that business ethics scholars missed some of the disturbing trends in management thinking because they often focused on current problems in business rather than questioning some of the basic assumptions about the way businesses are managed. As Rochefoucauld observed (albeit in a differen…Read more
65In Praise of Nepotism? - In Praise of Nepotism: A Natural HistoryAdam Bellow New York: Doubleday, 2003, 576 pages, ISBN 0-385-49388-6, $30.00 , h.c.; New York: Anchor, 2004, 576 pages, ISBN 0-385-49389-4, $16 pbk (review)Business Ethics Quarterly 15 (1): 153-160. 2005.
93Leadership Ethics: Mapping the TerritoryBusiness Ethics Quarterly 5 (1): 5-28. 1995.In this paper I argue that a greater understanding of the part of ethics in leadership will improve leadership studies. Debates over the definition of leadership are really debates over what researchers think constitutes good leadership. The ultimate question is not "What is leadership?" but "What is good leadership?" The word good is refers to both ethics and competence. Research into leadership ethics would explore the ethical issues of current leadership research, serve as a critical study of…Read more
42Guest Editors’ Introduction: Philosophical Approaches to Leadership Ethics II: Perspectives on the Self and Responsibility to OthersBusiness Ethics Quarterly 28 (3): 245-250. 2018.
31Imagination, fantasy, wishful thinking and truth: Life is translation and we are all lost in it.(clifford geertz)Business Ethics Quarterly (S1): 99-107. 1998.In “Moral Imagination and the Search for Ethical Decision-Making,” Patricia H. Werhane observes that people and institutions sometimes do unethical things because they have a narrow perspective on their situation and little in the way of moral imagination. She defines moral imagination as “an ability to imaginatively discern various possibilities for acting in a given situation and to envision the potential help and harm that are likely to result from a given action.” Werhane’s paper focuses on …Read more
335Is Business Ethics Getting Better? A Historical PerspectiveBusiness Ethics Quarterly 21 (2): 335-343. 2011.This address uses the question “Is business ethics getting better?” as a heuristic for discussing the importance of history in understanding business and ethics. The paper uses a number of examples to illustrate how the same ethical problems in business have been around for a long time. It describes early attempts at the Harvard Business School to use business history as a means of teaching students about moral and social values. In the end, the author suggests that history may be another way to…Read more
84Leadership and the Ethics of CareJournal of Business Ethics 88 (1): 3-4. 2009.The job of a leader includes caring for others, or taking responsibility for them. All leaders face the challenge of how to be both ethical and effective in their work. This paper focuses on the requirement that leaders be present to care for their followers in times of crisis. It examines the story of Nero playing his fiddle while Rome burns. This is a tale that has been repeated in various forms by ancient historians and modern writers. The fact that the story gets repeated through the ages te…Read more
104Imagination, Fantasy, Wishful Thinking and TruthThe Ruffin Series of the Society for Business Ethics 1 99-107. 1998.
218Leadership EthicsBusiness Ethics Quarterly 5 (1): 5-28. 1995.In this paper I argue that a greater understanding of the part of ethics in leadership will improve leadership studies. Debates over thedefinition of leadership are really debates over what researchers think constitutes good leadership. The ultimate question is not “What is leadership?” but “What is good leadership?” The word good is refers to both ethics and competence. Research into leadership ethics would explore the ethical issues of current leadership research, serve as a critical study of …Read more
47Guest Editors’ Introduction: Philosophical Contributions to Leadership EthicsBusiness Ethics Quarterly 28 (1): 1-14. 2018.
31Dressing Up Naked LeadershipBusiness and Professional Ethics Journal 32 (3-4): 271-276. 2013.This paper is a commentary on C. Richard Panico’s article “Naked Leadership: Lead to Win Hearts and Minds.” The relationship between academic and practitioner literature on leadership is symbiotic. Both approaches have their limitations. Academic theories may be impractical and practitioner’s ideas are sometimes anecdotal and highly contextual. Yet, as the paper demonstrates, the two literatures can overlap in interesting ways
35Business ethics in russia: Business ethics in a new russiaBusiness Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 3 (1). 1994.As indicated in the previous article, a Russian‐sponsored conference on business ethics was recently held in Moscow. Another participant from the USA, Professor Joanne B. Ciulla, comments here on what could prove to be a new beginning for business in Russia. Professor Ciulla is an Associate Editor of this Review and occupies the Coston Family Chair in Leadership and Ethics at the University of Richmond, Virginia
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