•  21
    Kay, FM, 169 Keywood, K., 319 Kingdom, E., 5
    with A. Barnett, A. Barron, A. Belcher, H. Biggs, J. Dagley, K. Diesfeld, M. Drakopoulou, R. MacKenzie, and G. Monti
    Feminist Legal Studies 8 (379). 2000.
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    Evolutionary science lies at the heart of a modern understanding of the natural world. Darwin’s theory has withstood 150 years of scientific scrutiny, and today it not only explains the origin and design of living things, but highlights the importance of a scientific understanding in our culture and in our lives. Recently the movement known as “Intelligent Design” has attracted the attention of journalists, educators, and legislators. The scientific community is puzzled and saddened by this tre…Read more
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    Afterwords: Explorations of the Mystical Limits of Contemporary Reality (edited book)
    Anchor Press / Doubleday. 1973.
    "Don't believe any of this. Place no value in the book, in the author. Give it up, the idea of author, of truth. Give up all believe: believe only in yourself. You: you are nothing but my experience. Me: I don't. I don't believe any of this." —John Brockman
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    Launching a hard-hitting new series from Edge and Harper Perennial, editor John Brockman delivers this cutting-edge master class covering everything you need to know about Culture. With original contributions by the world’s leading thinkers and scientists, including Jared Diamond, Daniel C. Dennett, Brian Eno, Jaron Lanier, Nicholas Christakis, and others, CULTURE offers a mind-expanding primer on a fundamental topic. Unparalleled in scope, depth, insight and quality, Edge's CULTURE is not to be…Read more
  • A brilliant ensemble of the world’s most visionary scientists provides twenty-five original never-before-published essays about the advances in science and technology that we may see within our lifetimes. Theoretical physicist and bestselling author Paul Davies examines the likelihood that by the year 2050 we will be able to establish a continuing human presence on Mars. Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi investigates the ramifications of engineering high-IQ, geneticially happy babies. Psychia…Read more
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    A fascinating collection of essays from twenty-seven of the world’s most interesting scientists about the moments and events in their childhoods that set them on the paths that would define their lives.
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    Marking the debut of a hard-hitting new series from Edge and Harper Perennial, editor John Brockman delivers a cutting-edge master class covering everything you need to know about The Mind. With original contributions by the world’s leading thinkers and scientists, including Steven Pinker, George Lakoff, Philip Zimbardo, V. S. Ramachandran, and others, THE MIND offers a consciousness-expanding primer on a fundamental topic. Unparalleled in scope, depth, insight and quality, Edge's THE MIND is no…Read more
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    From the bestselling authors of THINKING, FAST AND SLOW; THE BLACK SWAN; and STUMBLING ON HAPPINESS comes a cutting-edge exploration of the mysteries of rational thought, decision-making, intuition, morality, willpower, problem-solving, prediction, forecasting, unconscious behavior, and beyond. Edited by John Brockman, publisher of Edge ("The world's smartest website"—THE GUARDIAN), THINKING presents original ideas by today's leading psychologists, neuroscientists, and philosophers who are radic…Read more
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    John Brockman brings together the world's best-known physicists and science writers—including Brian Greene, Walter Isaacson, Nobel Prize-winner Frank Wilczek, Benoit Mandelbrot, and Martin Rees—to explain the universe in all wondrous splendor. In THE UNIVERSE, today's most influential science writers explain the science behind our evolving understanding of the universe and everything in it, including the cutting edge research and discoveries that are shaping our knowledge. Lee Smolin reveals how…Read more
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    The newest addition to John Brockman’s Edge series explores life itself, bringing together the world’s leading biologists, geneticists, and evolutionary theorists—including Richard Dawkins, Edward O. Wilson, J. Craig Venter, and Freeman Dyson. Scientists’ understanding of life is progressing more rapidly than at any point in human history, from the extraordinary decoding of DNA to the controversial emergence of biotechnology. Featuring pioneering biologists, geneticists, physicists, and science …Read more
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    More than sixty years ago, mathematician-philosopher Norbert Wiener published a book on the place of machines in society that ended with a warning: "we shall never receive the right answers to our questions unless we ask the right questions.... The hour is very late, and the choice of good and evil knocks at our door." In the wake of advances in unsupervised, self-improving machine learning, a small but influential community of thinkers is considering Wiener's words again. In POSSIBLE MINDS, Joh…Read more
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    Featuring a foreword by DANIEL KAHNEMAN, Nobel Prize-winning author of THINKING, FAST AND SLOW, this is a little book of profound questions (only questions!)—unknowns that address the secrets of our world, our civilization, the meaning of life. Here are the deepest riddles that have fascinated, obsessed, and haunted the greatest thinkers of our time, including Nobel laureates, cosmologists, philosophers, economists, prize-winning novelists, religious scholars, and more than 250 leading scientist…Read more
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    What scientific term or concept ought to be more widely known? That is the question John Brockman, publisher of the acclaimed science salon Edge (“The world’s smartest website”—THE GUARDIAN), presented to 205 of the world’s most influential thinkers from across the intellectual spectrum—award-winning physicists, economists, psychologists, philosophers, novelists, artists, and more. From the origins of the universe to the order of everyday life, THIS IDEA IS BRILLIANT takes readers on a tour of t…Read more
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    Scientific developments radically change and enlighten our understanding of the world—whether it's advances in technology and medical research or the latest revelations of neuroscience, psychology, physics, economics, anthropology, climatology, or genetics. And yet amid the flood of information today, it's often difficult to recognize the truly revolutionary ideas that will have lasting impact. In the spirit of identifying the most significant new theories and discoveries, John Brockman, publish…Read more
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    Stephen Hawking recently made headlines by noting, “The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race.” Others, conversely, have trumpeted a new age of “superintelligence” in which smart devices will exponentially extend human capacities. No longer just a matter of science-fiction fantasy (2001, BLADE RUNNER, THE TERMINATOR, HER, etc.), it is time to seriously consider the reality of intelligent technology, many forms of which are already being integrated into…Read more
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    Each year, John Brockman, publisher of Edge—”The world’s smartest website” (THE GUARDIAN)—challenges some of the world’s greatest scientists, artists, and philosophers to answer a provocative question crucial to our time. In 2014 he asked 175 brilliant minds to ponder: What scientific idea needs to be put aside in order to make room for new ideas to advance? The answers are as surprising as they are illuminating.
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    What should we be worried about? That is the question John Brockman, publisher of Edge ("The world's smartest website"—THE GUARDIAN), posed to the planet's most influential minds. He asked them to disclose something that, for scientific reasons, worries them—particularly scenarios that aren't on the popular radar yet. Encompassing neuroscience, economics, philosophy, physics, psychology, biology, and more—here are 150 ideas that will revolutionize your understanding of the world.
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    What is your favorite deep, elegant, or beautiful explanation? This is the question John Brockman, publisher of Edge ("The world's smartest website"—THE GUARDIAN), posed to the world's most influential minds. Flowing from the horizons of physics, economics, psychology, neuroscience, and more, THIS EXPLAINS EVERYTHING presents 150 of the most surprising and brilliant theories of the way of our minds, societies, and universe work.
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    Edge presents brilliant, accessible, cutting-edge ideas to improve our decision-making skills and improve our cognitive toolkits, with contributions by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Richard Dawkins, Brian Eno, Steven Pinker, and more. Featuring a foreword by NEW YORK TIMES columnist David Brooks and edited by John Brockman, THIS WILL MAKE YOU SMARTER presents some of the best wisdom from today’s leading thinkers—to make better thinkers out of the leaders of tomorrow.
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    How is the internet changing the way you think? That is one of the dominant questions of our time, one which affects almost every aspect of our life and future. And it's exactly what John Brockman, publisher of Edge, posed to more than 150 of the world's most influential minds. Brilliant, farsighted, and fascinating, IS THE INTERNET CHANGING THE WAY YOU THINK? is an essential guide to the Net-based world.
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    "What game-changing scientific ideas and developments do you expect to live to see?" This is the question John Brockman, publisher of Edge, posed to more than 100 of the world's most influential minds. Exhilarating, visionary, sometimes frightening, but always fascinating, their responses provide an eye-opening road map of our near future.
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    Even geniuses change their minds sometimes. Edge, the influential online intellectual salon, recently asked 150 high-powered thinkers to discuss their most telling missteps and reconsiderations: What have you changed your mind about? The answers were brilliant, eye-opening, fascinating, sometimes shocking, and certain to kick-start countless passionate debates. Read Steven Pinker on the future of human evolution; Richard Dawkins on the mysteries of courtship; Sam Harris on the indifference of Mo…Read more
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    The nightly news and conventional wisdom tell us that things are bad and getting worse. Yet despite dire predictions, scientists see many good things on the horizon. John Brockman, publisher of Edge, the influential online salon, recently asked more than 150 high-powered scientific thinkers to answer a vital question for our frequently pessimistic times: "What are you optimistic about?" Spanning a wide range of topics—from string theory to education, from population growth to medicine, and even …Read more
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    From Copernicus to Darwin, to current-day thinkers, scientists have always promoted theories and unveiled discoveries that challenge everything society holds dear; ideas with both positive and dire consequences. Many thoughts that resonate today are dangerous not because they are assumed to be false, but because they might turn out to be true. What do the world's leading scientists and thinkers consider to be their most dangerous idea? Through the leading online forum Edge, the call went out, an…Read more
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    More than one hundred of the world's leading thinkers write about things they believe in, despite the absence of concrete proof. Scientific theory, more often than not, is born of bold assumption, disparate bits of unconnected evidence, and educated leaps of faith. Some of the most potent beliefs among brilliant minds are based on supposition alone—yet that is enough to push those minds toward making the theory viable. Eminent cultural impresario, editor, and publisher of Edge, John Brockman ask…Read more
  • Contributors from a variety of fields offer their views of the most important discoveries of the last two millennia—and some earlier ones that bore fruit more recently—including social and philosophical changes as well as scientific and technological inventions.
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    Offers profiles of influential individuals involved in the shaping of the internet, telecommunications, and multimedia, and shares their views on the future
  • In this book, the fourth volume in The Reality Club series, some of today's most innovative thinkers probe the nature of creativity. They examine such topics as the role of creativity in scientific inquiry, the relationship between evolution and the mental process of creativity, and the aesthetic experience of creative work. An essay on the people who helped shape this century uncovers a consistent pattern in the creative process; another addresses the similarities among art, physics, and realit…Read more
  • Doing Science (The Reality Club, Vol. II)
    Prentice Hall Press. 1991.
    The Reality Club is an informal group of adventurous intellectuals whose by-invitation-only membership roster reads like a Who's Who of American arts, science, politics, and business—particle physicist Gerald Feinberg, anthropologist Mary Catherine Bateson, linguist Vitaly Shevoroshkin, cyberneticist and video artist Paul Ryan. Theirs are the cutting-edge minds of our time, whose ideas are creating the reality of tomorrow. The Reality Club has been meeting once or twice a month, in private sessi…Read more
  • Speculations (The Reality Club, Vol. I)
    Prentice Hall Press. 1990.
    The Reality Club is an informal group of adventurous intellectuals whose by-invitation-only membership roster reads like a Who's Who of American arts, science, politics, and business—Neurophysiologist William H. Calvin, social critic Morris Berman, biologist Lynn Margulis, philosopher Daniel C. Dennett. Theirs are the cutting-edge minds of our time, whose ideas are creating the reality of tomorrow. The Reality Club has been meeting once or twice a month, in private sessions in New York City, sin…Read more