Philosophy and Culture in the African MoviesMaryland Studies: An International Journal of Philosophy and African Studies 16 (1): 58-74. 2019.The discussions on the relation between philosophy and movies are not quite popular because of the generally believed idea that they front different methods in their presentation of reality. While the movies present ideas in the form of appearance and actions, philosophy presents ideas through a method of reflective analysis and debate. Notwithstanding the differences in method, this paper takes the view that movies often present, in the most distinct and clearer ways, a people's culture and phi…Read more
Law and Morality: An Appraisal of Hart's Concept of LawClaretian Communications. 2013.In an attempt to resolve the problem or the marriage between law and morality, Dr. John Ezenwankwor publishes this book, Law and Morality: An Appraisal of Hart's Concept of Law. In it, he delves into a critical analysis of the works of a British legal philosopher, Herbert Lionel Adolphus Hart (1907-1992), who made landmark contributions to the moral and legal questions surrounding human actions or conducts. Incidentally, he surpasses his master, Hart, in this book, by correcting his mistaken and…Read more
Dukor's African Unfreedom and Moral ResponsibilityOpen Journal of Philosophy 3 (1): 213. 2013.It is axiomatic for most African scholars that the colonizers are responsible for the present problems facing the African continent. This is given much credence by Maduabuchi Dukor citing a barrage of issues which in summary pointed to the fact that the legacy of the colonizers to the African continent was ill willed to create chaos and therefore to make the African perpetually dependent on the colonizers. This paper accepts this fact but insists that the African as a human being with free will …Read more
African Unfreedom: An Escapist Excuse for UnderdevelopmentOpen Journal of Philosophy 10 (4): 460-468. 2020.The African continent has played host to various colonizers from the western world. Most of these countries have negative tales of the activities of the colonizers before independence as well as their neo-colonizing activities after independence. On this basis, it is axiomatic for most African scholars to impute the guilt of African woes to the activities of the colonizers. They consider the whole gamut of colonial legacies in Africa as a doom and a problem to the African continent. Some of the …Read more
John Ezenwankwor
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Nigeria
Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka Nigeria
Alumnus, 2012
Areas of Specialization
Value Theory |
Areas of Interest
Philosophy of Law |
Applied Ethics |
Normative Ethics |
Value Theory |