John Calvert, J.D. received a B.A. in geology from the University of Missouri at Columbia in 1962 and a law degree in 1968 following two years of service in the U.S. Army. He practiced law with Lathrop & Gage LC, a national law firm for 32 years until 2001. As a former Chairman of the Lathrop & Gage Corporate Department, he focused on corporate finance and business litigation. During that practice he managed a number of legal engagements involving geology with respect to investments in mining and oil and gas ventures. In 2001 he departed Lathrop & Gage to co-manage, a non-profit organization that seeks institutional objectivity in origins …
John Calvert, J.D. received a B.A. in geology from the University of Missouri at Columbia in 1962 and a law degree in 1968 following two years of service in the U.S. Army. He practiced law with Lathrop & Gage LC, a national law firm for 32 years until 2001. As a former Chairman of the Lathrop & Gage Corporate Department, he focused on corporate finance and business litigation. During that practice he managed a number of legal engagements involving geology with respect to investments in mining and oil and gas ventures. In 2001 he departed Lathrop & Gage to co-manage, a non-profit organization that seeks institutional objectivity in origins science. He then switched his area of practice to constitutionally appropriate ways to teach origins science in public schools. Since then he has advised school teachers, school administrators, state and local boards of education, state legislative bodies and public officials about teaching origins science. In May 2005 he presented 23 expert witnesses during hearings before the Kansas State Board of Education regarding changes to the Kansas Science Standards that were subsequently adopted. He is the author of a number of legal opinions and memoranda about teaching origins that have been furnished to a variety of public school entities. He has also spoken at a number of public events and in a number of venues about the matter. He is a graduate of the Litigation Academy of the Alliance Defense Fund and is a member of the Honor Guard of that organization. He is the author of Do human rights entitlements in a secular state depend on use of an inclusive definition of religion?, presented at XXV World Congress of the Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy, August 16, 2011; Kitzmiller's Error: Using an Exclusive Rather Than an Inclusive Definition of Religion, 3 Liberty University Law Review 213-328 (Spring 2009); Atheism: A Stealth Religion, (WorldNetDaily, September 25, 2010); A New Age of Religious Discrimination, (WorldNetDaily, August 3, 2010); Are we Designs or Occurrences? Should Science and Government Prejudge the Question? (WorldNetDaily, Whistle Blower, Vol 14, No. 8. pp. 24-33, August 2005); John H. Calvert, Intelligent Design is Good Science, in Issues on Trial: Education 137-43 (Robert Winters, ed., Greenhaven Press 2008); and a co-author of Teaching Origins Science in Public Schools (IDnet 2001); Intelligent Design, the Scientific Alternative to Evolution (National Catholic Bioethics Quarterly, Vol 3, No. 3, Autumn 2003); and The Rule: A one-act play about the trial of a biology teacher (IDnet 2003).