University of Wisconsin, Madison
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 1988
Indianapolis, Indiana, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
17th/18th Century Philosophy
  •  11
    Book reviews (review)
    Philosophia 23 (1-4): 345-415. 1994.
  •  1372
    Does Psychological Egoism Entail Ethical Egoism?
    Review of Metaphysics 76 (1): 115-133. 2022.
    [If you find this article interesting, let me mention another of my articles, “On Deducing Ethical Egoism from Psychological Egoism” (Theoria, 2023), which in many ways is a more thorough treatment of the topic. But it’s not an expanded version of this one. For instance, each article addresses arguments not addressed in the other.] Philosophers generally reject the view that psychological egoism (suitably supplemented with further premises) entails ethical egoism. Their rejections are generally …Read more
  •  729
    A familiar question is whether psychological egoism (suitably supplemented with plausible further premises) entails ethical egoism. This paper considers this question, treating it much more thoroughly than do any previous treatments. For instance, it discusses all of the most common understandings of ethical and psychological egoism. It further discusses many strategies and arguments relevant to the question addressed. Although this procedure creates complexity, it has value. It forestalls the s…Read more
  •  1149
    Two kinds of moral relativism
    Journal of Value Inquiry 29 (2): 187-192. 1995.
    Discussions of moral relativism commonly distinguish between normative relativism (NR) and moral judgment relativism (MJR) without highlighting the differences between the two. One significant difference—a difference between normative relativism and the most prevalent type of moral judgment relativism—is not immediately obvious and has not been discussed in print. This paper explains it and draws out some of its philosophical consequences.
  •  436
    On an Alleged Refutation of Ethical Egoism
    Journal of Value Inquiry 57 (3). 2023.
    In his 1972 paper “A Short Refutation Ethical Egoism,” Richmond Campbell purports to refute ethical egoism via a simple reductio. Although his argument has received critical attention, it has not been satisfactorily answered. In this paper I answer it, for reasons that go well beyond my immediate topic. Campbell’s argument calls for an answer partly because, as I show, if it succeeds against ethical egoism, then variations of it refute many other normative ethical theories, such as act utilitari…Read more
  •  78
  •  437
    A familiar claim, meant as a challenge to moral knowledge, is that we can credibly accept putative moral facts just in case they explain natural facts. This paper critically addresses Elizabeth Tropman’s response to a version of that claim. Her response has interest partly because it falls within, and extends, an influential philosophical tradition – that of trying to expose (some) skeptical challenges as spurious or ill-conceived. Also, Tropman’s target is not just any version of the claim just…Read more
  •  21
    Two (Faulty) Responses to the Challenge of Amoralism
    The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 44 248-253. 1998.
    To the question "Why should I be moral?" there is a simple answer that some philosophers find tempting. There is also a response, common enough to be dubbed the standard response, to the simple answer. In what follows, I show that the SA and SR are unsatisfactory; they share a serious defect.
  • 'Humean' Rationality, Morality, and Reasons for Action
    Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison. 1988.
    This thesis clarifies and defends the view of practical reason often dubbed "Humean", "instrumental", or "preference-based". Three familiar charges against this view are addressed, and claimed to be ineffective. They are: first, that the Humean view entails the easily refuted theory that all reasons for action have their source in individual desires; second, that it brings with it an extreme version of ethical relativism; and third, that it presupposes a view of motivation which has been shown t…Read more
  •  866
    Among the most animating debates in eighteenth-century British ethics was the debate over psychological egoism, the view that our most basic desires are self-interested. An important episode in that debate, less well known than it should be, was the exchange between Francis Hutcheson and John Clarke of Hull. In the early editions of his Inquiry into Virtue, Hutcheson argued ingeniously against psychological egoism; in his Foundation of Morality, Clarke argued ingeniously against Hutcheson’s argu…Read more
  •  1653
    Butler's Stone
    Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (4). 2018.
    Early in the eleventh of his Fifteen Sermons, Joseph Butler advances his best-known argument against psychological hedonism. Elliott Sober calls that argument Butler’s stone, and famously objects to it. I consider whether Butler’s stone has philosophical value. In doing so I examine, and reject, two possible ways of overcoming Sober’s objection, each of which has proponents. In examining the first way I discuss Lord Kames’s version of the stone argument, which has hitherto escaped scholarly atte…Read more
  •  598
    Francis Hutcheson and John Clarke: Self-Interest, Desire, and Divine Impassibility
    International Philosophical Quarterly 57 (3): 315-330. 2017.
    In this article I address a puzzle about one of Francis Hutcheson’s objections to psychological egoism. The puzzle concerns his premise that God receives no benefit from rewarding the virtuous. Why, in the early editions of his Inquiry Concerning Virtue (1725, 1726), does Hutcheson leave this premise undefended? And why, in the later editions (1729, 1738), does he continue to do so, knowing that in 1726 John Clarke of Hull had subjected the premise to plausible criticism, geared to the very audi…Read more
  •  1008
    Exciting Reasons and Moral Rationalism in Hutcheson's Illustrations upon the Moral Sense
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (1): 53-83. 2012.
    One of the most oft-cited parts of Francis Hutcheson’s Illustrations upon the Moral Sense (1728) is his discussion of “exciting reasons.” In this paper I address the question: What is the function of that discussion? In particular, what is its relation to Hutcheson’s attempt to show that the rationalists’ normative thesis ultimately implies, contrary to their moral epistemology, that moral ideas spring from a sense? Despite first appearances, Hutcheson’s discussion of exciting reasons is not par…Read more
  •  833
    The Prisoner's Dilemma (PD) exhibits a tragedy in this sense: if the players are fully informed and rational, they are condemned to a jointly dispreferred outcome. In this essay I address the following question: What feature of the PD's payoff structure is necessary and sufficient to produce the tragedy? In answering it I use the notion of a trembling-hand equilibrium. In the final section I discuss an implication of my argument, an implication which bears on the persistence of the problem posed…Read more
  •  1207
    In a well-known footnote in Book 3 of his Treatise of Human Nature, Hume calls William Wollaston's moral theory a "whimsical system" and purports to destroy it with a few brief objections. The first of those objections, although fatally flawed, has hitherto gone unrefuted. To my knowledge, its chief error has escaped attention. In this paper I expose that error; I also show that it has relevance beyond the present subject. It can occur with regard to any moral theory which, like Wollaston's, loc…Read more
  •  897
    Justifying reasons, motivating reasons, and agent relativism in ethics
    Philosophical Studies 118 (3): 373-399. 2004.
    According to agent relativism, each person's moral requirements are relative to her desires or interests. That is, whether a person morally ought to ø depends on what interests or desires she has. Some philosophers charge that the main argument for agent relativism trades on an ambiguity in the term "reason," "reason for action,'' or the like. This paper shows that although the argument for agent relativism may indeed harbor an ambiguity, the ambiguity is no Achilles’ heel. To remove it is not t…Read more
  •  18
    Desires and Practical Reasons
    The Proceedings of the Twenty-First World Congress of Philosophy 9 123-128. 2006.
    This paper refutes a common and influential thesis about the conditions under which desires provide agents with practical reasons. That thesis is that if any agent. A, has a desire which A could satisfy by (ping, then A has a reason—a minimal reason, at least—to (p. Although this thesis comes close to stating a truth, it falls short.
  •  651
    The Problem of Inconsistency in Wollaston's Moral Theory
    History of Philosophy Quarterly 29 (3). 2012.
    This paper challenges Francis Hutcheson's and John Clarke of Hull's alleged demonstrations that William Wollaston's moral theory is inconsistent. It also present a form of the inconsistency objection that fares better than theirs, namely, that of Thomas Bott (1688-1754). Ultimately, the paper shows that Wollaston's moral standard is not what some have thought it to be; that consequently, his philosophy withstands the best-known efforts to expose it as inconsistent; and further, that one of the l…Read more
  •  785
    Wollaston's Early Critics
    British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (6): 1097-1116. 2012.
    Some of the most forceful objections to William Wollaston's moral theory come from his early critics, namely, Thomas Bott (1688-1754), Francis Hutcheson (1694-1746), and John Clarke of Hull (1687-1734). These objections are little known, while the inferior objections of Hume, Bentham, and later prominent critics are familiar. This fact is regrettable. For instance, it impedes a robust understanding of eighteenth-century British ethics; also, it fosters a questionable view as to why Wollaston's t…Read more
  •  99
    On desires and practical reasons
    Acta Analytica 19 (32): 5-18. 2004.
    A common and plausible assumption about the relation between desires and practical reasons—namely, that if øing is an optimal way (or even just a way) for a person, P, to satisfy one of his or her desires, then P has a (normative) reason to ø. This paper discusses that assumption. Although it does not deny that desires are a source of practical reasons, it shows that in some situations, rare though not impossible, P can lack a reason to ø despite having a desire that he or she could satisfy opti…Read more
  •  804
    Hutcheson's Theological Objection to Egoism
    Journal of Scottish Philosophy 14 (1): 101-123. 2016.
    Francis Hutcheson's objections to psychological egoism usually appeal to experience or introspection. However, at least one of them is theological: It includes premises of a religious kind, such as that God rewards the virtuous. This objection invites interpretive and philosophical questions, some of which may seem to highlight errors or shortcomings on Hutcheson's part. Also, to answer the questions is to point out important features of Hutcheson's objection and its intellectual context. And no…Read more
  • Cultural Relativism, Universalism, and the Burden of Proof
    Millennium: Journal of International Studies 27 (2): 275-97. 1998.
  •  920
    In this paper, I challenge a familiar argument -- a composite of arguments in the literature -- for the view that “Why be moral?” is a pseudo-question. I do so by refuting a component of that argument, a component that is not only crucial to the argument but important in its own right. That component concerns the status of moral reasons in replies to “Why be moral?”; consequently, this paper concerns reasons and rationality no less than it concerns morality. The work I devote to those topics sho…Read more
  •  259
    Desires, Reasons, and Reasons to be Moral
    American Philosophical Quarterly 41 (4): 287-298. 2004.
    Opening sentences: "This paper concerns an argument which, in this author's experience, often comes up in discussions of 'Why be moral?' Although initially tempting, the argument is in error. The error warrants attention not only because it spoils the argument but because it connects to a second error which is easy to make. Both errors concern the relation between desires and (normative) practical reasons."
  •  301
    Wollaston, William
    In Hugh LaFollette (ed.), International Encyclopedia of Ethics, Wiley. 2022.
    This is a brief reference article on William Wollaston's moral theory, including some influential objections to it.
  •  409
    Spectres of False Divinity: Hume’s Moral Atheism (review)
    Journal of the History of Philosophy 50 (2): 297-298. 2012.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Spectres of False Divinity: Hume’s Moral AtheismJohn J. TilleyThomas Holden. Spectres of False Divinity: Hume’s Moral Atheism. Oxford-New York: Oxford University Press, 2010. Pp. xvi + 246. Cloth, $50.00.Thomas Holden argues that a key element of David Hume’s irreligious agenda is his case for moral atheism. According to Holden, Hume defends (conclusively, Hume believes) not merely weak moral atheism, according to which t…Read more