University of Toronto, St. George Campus
Graduate Department of Philosophy
PhD, 2002
Antigonish, Nova Scotia, Canada
Areas of Specialization
Philosophy of Language
Areas of Interest
Philosophy of Language
  • Donald Davidson, Truth, Language, and History (review)
    Philosophy in Review 26 399-401. 2006.
  • Lewis Edwin Hahn, ed., The Philosophy of Donald Davidson (review)
    Philosophy in Review 21 42-45. 2001.
  •  21
    Wittgenstein has often been criticized, and even dismissed, for being a patron of ordinary language, a champion of the vernacular, a defender of the status quo. One critic has written: 'When Wittgenstein set up the actual use of language as a standard, that was equivalent to accepting a certain set up of culture and belief as a standard ... It is lucky no such philosophy was thought of until recently or we should still be under the sway of witch doctors ...' In what follows I want to show just h…Read more
  • This thesis is an examination and partial defense of Donald Davidson's claim in "A Nice Derangement of Epitaphs" that there is no such thing as a language . In chapter 1, I argue that there is a common view of language in circulation in which it is regarded as an entity independent of the speaker's communicative-intentions and beliefs about what her words mean. Certain externalist theories put forward by Hilary Putnam, Tyler Burge and Saul Kripke as well the conventionalist theories endorsed by …Read more
  • Gerhard Preyer and Georg Peter, eds., Logical Form and Language (review)
    Philosophy in Review 23 362-363. 2003.
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    Is Davidson a Gricean?
    Dialogue 48 (3): 557-575. 2009.
    RÉSUMÉ : Dans son récent recueil d’articles Language, Truth and History, Donald Davidson semble pencher en faveur d’une philosophie du langage mettant l’accent sur la notion de l’intention communicative du sujet parlant; en quoi il se rapproche du point de vue de Paul Grice. Si cela est juste, la pensée de Davidson se serait dégagée de l’approche sémantique formelle qu’il soutenait dans ses Inquiries into Truth and Interpretation. Dans cet article, je soutiens que, bien qu’il y ait beaucoup de s…Read more
  • Donald Davidson, Truth, Language, and History Reviewed by
    Philosophy in Review 26 (6): 399-401. 2006.
  • Doris Olin, Paradox Reviewed by
    Philosophy in Review 25 (6): 422-424. 2005.
  •  282
    Mindblindness and Radical Interpretation in Davidson
    Analecta Hermeneutica 1 15-34. 2009.
    This paper reviews some of the arguments put forward by some psychologists in which they come to the conclusion that autistic individuals suffer from mindblindness, and also looks at one particular implication these sorts of individuals pose for Donald Davidson’s theory of radical interpretation. It has been claimed that a particular manifestation of mindblindness in autistic people serves as a counter example to claims Davidson has made about the relation between belief and intention in linguis…Read more
  •  427
    Review of Donald Davidson's Truth, Language, and History (review)
    Philosophy in Review (6): 399-401. 2006.
    Language, Truth, and History is an excellent volume of essays coming from one of the most important philosophers in the last fifty years. It would be of interest to anyone interested in the ways Davidson's philosophy evolved after the publication of the first two volumes, and it is essential reading for anyone working in philosophy of language or philosophy of mind.
  •  377
    Review of Doris Olin's Paradox (review)
    Philosophy in Review (6): 422-424. 2005.
    Doris Olin's Paradox is a very helpful book for those who want to be introduced to the philosophical treatment of paradoxes, or for those who already have knowledge of the general area and would like to have a helpful resource book.