•  428
    Unfinished Business
    Philosophers' Imprint 23 (1). 2023.
    According to an intriguing though somewhat enigmatic line of thought first proposed by Jonathan Bennett, if humanity went extinct any time soon this would be unfortunate because important business would be left unfinished. This line of thought remains largely unexplored. I offer an interpretation of the idea that captures its intuitive appeal, is consistent with plausible constraints, and makes it non-redundant to other views in the literature. The resulting view contrasts with a welfare-promoti…Read more
  •  20
    Menschenbilder und existentielles Risiko
    In Michael Zichy (ed.), Handbuch Menschenbilder, Springer. pp. 865-882. 2022.
    Dieser Beitrag präsentiert sechs Menschenbilder, die in Diskussionen über existenzielles Risiko vorkommen. Er beginnt damit, Sorgen über das existenzielle Risiko in eine historische Perspektive zu setzen. Danach stehen vor allem Menschenbilder im Fokus, die bei der Frage, warum das längerfristige Überleben der Menschheit wichtig ist, eine Rolle spielen.
  •  132
    Deference and Ideals of Practical Agency
    Canadian Journal of Philosophy 51 (1): 17-32. 2021.
    This paper develops a moderate pessimist account of moral deference. I argue that while some pessimist explanations of the puzzle of moral deference have been misguided in matters of detail, they nevertheless share an important insight, namely that there is a justified moral agency ideal grounded in pro tanto reasons against moral deference. This thought is unpacked in terms of a set of values associated with the practice of morality. I conclude by suggesting that the solution to the puzzle of m…Read more
  •  53
    Intuitive Probabilities and the Limitation of Moral Imagination
    with Arseny A. Ryazanov, Samuel C. Rickless, Nicholas J. S. Christenfeld, and Dana Kay Nelkin
    Cognitive Science 42 (S1): 38-68. 2018.
    There is a vast literature that seeks to uncover features underlying moral judgment by eliciting reactions to hypothetical scenarios such as trolley problems. These thought experiments assume that participants accept the outcomes stipulated in the scenarios. Across seven studies, we demonstrate that intuition overrides stipulated outcomes even when participants are explicitly told that an action will result in a particular outcome. Participants instead substitute their own estimates of the proba…Read more
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    The Trouble with Formal Views of Autonomy
    Journal of Ethics and Social Philosophy 18 (2). 2020.
    Formal views of autonomy rule out substantive rational capacities (reasons-responsiveness) as a condition of autonomous agency. I argue that such views face a number of underappreciated problems: they have trouble making sense of how autonomous agents could be robustly responsible for their choices, face the burden of explaining why there should be a stark distinction between the importance of factual and evaluative information within autonomous agency, and leave it mysterious why autonomy is th…Read more