University of Pennsylvania
Department of Philosophy
PhD, 1991
Lewiston, Maine, United States of America
Areas of Specialization
History of Western Philosophy
Areas of Interest
History of Western Philosophy
  •  1
    Color relationalism and color phenomenology
    In Bence Nanay (ed.), Perceiving the world, Oxford University Press. 2010.
  • Molyneux's Question and the History of Philosophy (edited book)
    with Mohan Matthen
    Routledge. 2021.
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    Nietzsche’s Second Turning
    Pli 25 35-54. 2014.
    Locates, discusses, and explains the transition between Nietzsche's middle and late periods represented by the first four books of _The Gay Science_.
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    The Roots of Perspectivism
    International Studies in Philosophy 28 (3): 59-75. 1996.
    This paper locates the roots of Nietzsche's perspectivism in the inconsistent epistemology of _Human, All-too-Human_.
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    Nietzche’s Elitism and the Cultural Division of Labor
    Social Philosophy Today 12 389-400. 1996.
    Explains how Nietzsche's late-period elitism emerges out of the cultural division of labor envisioned in _Human, All-too-Human_ between a scientifically-trained (but essentially philosophical) avant-garde whose work opens up new paths for cultural development, thus avoiding cultural stagnancy.
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    No Sour Grapes for Nietzsche
    International Studies in Philosophy 25 (2): 145-149. 1993.
    Refutes the suggestion that Nietzsche's atheism is the result of sour grapes, i.e. his own failure to form a relationship with the divine, and argues that Nietzsche's rejection of sour grapes is, to the contrary, one of the best possible encapsulations of his philosophy.
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    For The Law, Neuroscience Changes Nothing And Everything
    In Judy Illes & Barbara J. Sahakian (eds.), Oxford Handbook of Neuroethics, Oxford University Press. 2011.
    The law has taken a long-standing interest in the mind. Cognitive neuroscience, the study of the mind through the brain, has gained prominence in part as a result of the advent of functional neuroimaging as a widely used tool for psychological research. Existing legal principles make virtually no assumptions about the neural bases of criminal behavior, and as a result they can comfortably assimilate new neuroscience without much in the way of conceptual upheaval: new details, new sources of evid…Read more
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    Philosophy is Education is Politics
    The Paideia Archive: Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3 85-92. 1998.
    The passage in question begins with a breakdown in the discussion between Socrates and Protagoras because of disagreement about what its ground rules will be and concludes with the discussion’s restoration. Though formally a mere hiatus from the main line of argument, this passage in fact contains a parable about politics, addressing the question, "How can people of differing abilities and preferences come together to form a community?" Since the passage appears in the middle of a dialogue expli…Read more