•  364
    Pragmatica: Desarrollos Téoricos y Debates (edited book)
    Edicion Abya-Yala. 2002.
  •  13
    Philosophy and Paranoia of Genius: Un-veiled of Reality?
    Proceedings of the XXIII World Congress of Philosophy 42 45-54. 2018.
    A large number of philosophers have said in their writings and life examples that philosophy has to be seen as an activity, as a way of life and thinking, outside of common conventions. She observes what others observe, but sees in the observed something deeper and different from what others see. What is the nature or origin of this philosophical knowledge that is different from the rest of knowledge? If we think of philosophy as an activity, as a way of life, then we can understand that the nat…Read more
  • Relaciones biométricas y biomasa específica en el bivalvo Lima scabra tenera (Sowerby, 1843)
    with A. Prieto and C. Lodeiros
    Scientia 5 (2): 13-17. 1990.