55A Mechanical Model for Analyzing the Runaway Solutions in the Radiation Reaction ProblemFoundations of Physics 37 (3): 410-426. 2007.In order to understand the rise of runaway solutions in the radiation reaction problem a mechanical model is used. An alternative demonstration of Daboul’s theorem, through Hurwitz’s criterion, is given. The origin of runaway solutions in electrodynamics is discussed. They arise when the particle has a negative mechanical mass or when approximations are used in the equation of motion. In the 1-dimensional mechanical model an exact and linear equation of motion for the particle is obtained, the c…Read more
51Stakeholders Pressures and Strategic Prioritisation: An Empirical Analysis of Environmental Responses in Argentinean FirmsJournal of Business Ethics 91 (S2). 2010.This article focusses on corporate attitudes to stakeholder environmental pressures in Argentina. It uses a cross section survey of 505 CEOs of Argentinean firms to gather information on environmental attitudes and a stakeholder theory framework to design and interpret the statistical analyses. It is underpinned by theoretical and empirical findings in the literature on stakeholder management, targeting in particular studies that deal with corporate social responsibility (CSR) in Latin America. …Read more
49Radiation Reaction of a Nonrelativistic Quantum Charged ParticleFoundations of Physics 34 (4): 547-580. 2004.An alternative approach to analyze the nonrelativistic quantum dynamics of a rigid and extended charged particle taking into account the radiation reaction is discussed with detail. Interpretation of the field operators as annihilation and creation ones, theory of perturbations and renormalization are not used. The analysis is carried out in the Heisenberg picture with the electromagnetic field expanded in a complete orthogonal basis set of functions which allows the electromagnetic field to sat…Read more
34Novel ethical dilemmas arising in geriatric clinical practiceMedicine, Health Care and Philosophy 18 (2): 229-236. 2015.The purpose of this study is to determine empirically the state of the art of the medical care, when healthcare personal is confronted with ethical dilemmas related with the care they give to the geriatric population. An observational, longitudinal, prospective and qualitative study was conducted by analyzing the correlation between healthcare personnel–patient relationship, and ethical judgments regarding dilemmas that arise in daily clinical practice with geriatric patients. Mexican healthcare…Read more
33An Alternative Approach to the Classical Dynamics of an Extended Charged ParticleFoundations of Physics 32 (10): 1617-1634. 2002.In this paper the analysis of the classical dynamics of a charged particle is carried out without considering that the electromagnetic field necessarily goes to zero at infinity. A quite general non-linear equation of motion is obtained for an extended charged particle valid for any distribution of charge in the particle and for an electromagnetic field satisfying any boundary conditions. Some common approximations are analyzed with detail to determine how the usual difficulties arise
8Dos lagunas en la carta "Progresso Mihi" de Vives a ErasmoSalmanticensis 18 (2-3): 377-384. 1971.
2De Platón a Michael JacksonRevista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 83 227-236. 1996.
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2Universidad y un nuevo orden espiritual: el caso de la FUCI 1933-1939Teología y Vida 51 (3). 2010.Este artículo tiene por objetivo el análisis de los principales aportes a una nueva vision del catolicismo y elaboración teológica de la Federazione Universitaria Cattolica Italiana entre 1933 y 1939. La FUCI, la organización oficial de Acción Católica para los estudiantes universitarios de la época, fue liderada por Giovanni Battista Montini, el futuro Papa Pablo VI, entre 1925 y 1933. Hasta el día de hoy, la organización es principalmente conocida por haber formado en sus filas a gran parte de…Read more
2Entre Dadá y las Maras: de la muerte del arte a la muerte del sujetoRevista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 47 (122): 111-124. 2009.
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