• Kelsenʼs Global Legacy. Essays on Legal and Political Philosophy (edited book)
    with Gonzalo Villa Rozas and Jorge Emilio Núñez
    Bloomsbury Publishing. forthcoming.
    This unique volume brings together leading academics and researchers from different legal traditions to discuss the work and impact of Hans Kelsen, the most influential legal philosopher with global reach. Using his Pure Theory of Law and his theory of democracy as a lingua franca, the book allows for dialogues between jurisdictions and legal traditions and serves as a point of departure for further research on several themes such as state, international, and non-state law. The volume covers fou…Read more
  • Introduction: the meanings of 'objectivity'
    with Gonzalo Villa-Rosas
    In Gonzalo Villa Rosas & Jorge Luis Fabra-Zamora (eds.), Objectivity in jurisprudence, legal interpretation and practical reasoning, Edward Elgar Publishing. 2022.
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    Objectivity in jurisprudence, legal interpretation and practical reasoning (edited book)
    with Gonzalo Villa Rosas
    Edward Elgar Publishing. 2022.
    This thought-provoking book explores the multifaceted phenomenon of objectivity and its relations to various aspects of the law and practical reasoning. Featuring contributions from an international group of researchers from differing legal contexts, it addresses topics relevant not only from a theoretical point of view but also themes directly connected with legal and judicial practice. Beginning with an introduction from the editors proposing a new account of the meaning of objectivity, the bo…Read more
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    Legal Positivism as a Theory of Law’s Existence
    Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 55. 2022.
    El positivismo jurídico como teoría sobre la existencia del derecho: un comentario sobre Judging Positivism de Margaret Martin Este comentario examina de forma crítica la concepción de positivismo jurídico que informa el desafío planteado por Margaret Martin contra la substancia y el método de esta tradición intelectual. La afirmación central de este artículo es que su caracterización de la teoría substantiva del positivismo jurídico deja de lado una dimensión más fundamental, y explicativamente…Read more
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    Jurisprudence in a globalized world
    Edward Elgar Publishing. 2020.
    In this unique book, leading legal scholars and philosophers provide a breadth of perspectives and inspire stimulating debate around the transformations of jurisprudence in a globalized world. Traditionally the central debates surrounding jurisprudence and legal theory are concerned with the elucidation of the particularities of state-law. This innovative book considers that this orthodox picture may no longer be tenable, given the increasing standardization of technologies, systems and informat…Read more
  • The theoretical puzzles of non-state legal phenomena
    Transnational Legal Theory 1 (12): 110-143. 2021.
    This article aims to establish a stable starting point for the theoretical discussion of non-state legal phenomena, ie, putatitive types of law that lack some of the distinctive features of state legal systems. First, it provides a guiding catalogue of paradigmatic examples of non-state legal phenomena and rehearses the problems associated with state-centred accounts. Second, it proposes a methodological approach to address the conceptual questions created by non-state legal phenomena. Finally, …Read more