• Introduction
    with Henri Galinon, Kentaro Fujimoto, and Theodora Achourioti
    In T. Achourioti, H. Galinon, J. Martínez Fernández & K. Fujimoto (eds.), Unifying the Philosophy of Truth, Imprint: Springer. 2015.
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    Yvone Sherratt (2014). Los filósofos de Hitler. Madrid: Cátedra
    SCIO Revista de Filosofía 11 187-190. 2015.
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    Lassalle, J. M. (2019). Ciberleviatán. Barcelona: Arpa
    SCIO Revista de Filosofía 20 261-264. 2022.
  • Unifying the Philosophy of Truth (edited book)
    with D. Achourioti and H. Galinon
    Springer. 2015.
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    Remarks on the Gupta-Belnap fixed-point property for k-valued clones
    Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 24 (1-2): 118-131. 2014.
    Here, I first prove that certain families of k-valued clones have the Gupta-Belnap fixed-point property. This essentially means that all propositional languages that are interpreted with operators belonging to those clones are such that any net of self-referential sentences in the language can be consistently evaluated. I then focus on two four-valued generalisations of the Kleene propositional operators that generalise the strong and weak Kleene operators: Belnap’s clone and Fitting’s clone, re…Read more
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    "Eum mori oportebat" in Nicholas of Cusa’s Glosses of the Alkoranus Latinus
    Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 26 (1): 59-78. 2019.
    Nicholas of Cusa wrote two sets of glosses that comment on important themes of Alkoranus Latinus, the first Latin translation of the Qur'an done by Robert of Ketton in the year 1143 in the Iberian Peninsula. The first group of glosses, used to write De pace fidei in 1453, are found in the Bernkastel-Kues Bibliothek, manuscript Kues 108. The second set of glosses, recently identified in manuscript 4071 of the Vatican Library, and used to write Cribratio Alkorani in 1462, presents extensive doctri…Read more
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    Three-valued logics are standardly used to formalize gappy languages, i.e., interpreted languages in which sentences can be true, false or neither. A three-valued logic that assigns the same truth value to all gappy sentences is, in our view, insufficient to capture important semantic differences between them. In this paper we will argue that there are two different kinds of pathologies that should be treated separately and we defend the usefulness of a four-valued logic to represent adequately …Read more
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    La espititualidad del comunicador cristiano
    Teología y Vida 44 (1). 2003.
    La comunicación religiosa a través de los medios tiene problemas. El mensaje cristiano mediático no está llegando al público. Estos problemas levantan interrogantes: ¿Cómo debe ser el comunicador cristiano? ¿Cuáles deben ser sus características? ¿Qué motivaciones debe tener? ¿Qué vida interior debe tener para que pueda comunicar eficazmente? Aquí se presenta la espiritualidad como algo que debe impregnar toda la misión de comunicador. Ella es elemento fundamental de la comunicación cristiana y e…Read more
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    We defend the view that defines the rigidity of general terms as sameness of designated universal across possible worlds from the objection that such a characterization is incapable of distinguishing rigid from non-rigid readings of general terms and, thus, that it trivializes the notion of rigidity. We also argue that previous attempts to offer a solution to the trivialization problem do no succeed
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    A partir de las descripciones de las políticas de mecenazgo aplicadas por los califas omeyas de Córdoba y los períodos educativos de la época se reinterpretan todos los datos conocidos sobre los filólogos hebreos y el estudio del hebreo bíblico en la capital de al-Andalus durante el califato, confirmando que los judíos participaron y se beneficiaron de dichas políticas explotándolas hasta sus últimas consecuencias.
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    Eliminating Self-Reference from Grelling’s and Zwicker’s Paradoxes
    Theoria: Revista de Teoría, Historia y Fundamentos de la Ciencia 29 (1): 85. 2014.
    The goal of this paper is to present Yabloesque versions of Grelling’s and Zwicker’s paradoxes concerning the notions of “heterological” and “hypergame” respectively. We will offer counterparts of these paradoxes that do not seem to involve self-reference or vicious circularity.El objetivo de este artículo es ofrecer versiones de las paradojas de Grelling y de Zwicker inspiradas en la paradoja de Yablo. Nuestras versiones de estas paradojas no parecen involucrar ni autorreferencia ni circularida…Read more
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    Review: Field on the Concept of Truth: Comment (review)
    with Anil Gupta
    Philosophical Studies 124 (1). 2005.
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    Maximal Three-Valued Clones with the Gupta-Belnap Fixed-Point Property
    Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 48 (4): 449-472. 2007.
    This paper gives a propositional reformulation of the fixed-point problem posed by Gupta and Belnap, using the stipulation logic of Visser. After presenting a solution for clones of three-valued operators that include the constant functions, I determine the maximal three-valued clones with constants that have the fixed-point property, giving different characterizations of them.
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    Association Between Substance Use Behaviors, Developmental Assets and Mental Health: A Glance at Latin American Young College Students
    with Denisse Manrique-Millones, Nora Wiium, Claudia Pineda-Marín, Manuel Fernández-Arata, Diego Alfonso-Murcia, and Rosa Millones-Rivalles
    Frontiers in Psychology 12. 2021.
    Positive Youth Development (PYD) is an approach that promotes resilience and focuses on youth strengths rather than their weaknesses as done by the traditional deficit-based perspective. Research in Europe and North America show that developmental assets are associated with school success, psychological well-being, and lower health risks among youth and young adults. However, not much research has been done on these associations in Latin American contexts. The purpose of this research study is t…Read more
  • Unifying the Philosophy of Truth. (edited book)
    with Achourioti Dora and Galinon Henri
    Springer. 2015.
  • La Fundación Xavier Zubiri
    with Antonio González
    Paideia 27 (76): 345-357. 2006.
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    Ŷābir b. Aflaḥ al-Išbīlī, conocido como Geber filius Afflay Hispalensis en la Europa medieval, fue un matemático y astrónomo teórico que probablemente floreció en Sevilla durante el primer cuarto del s. XII. Ŷābir b. Aflaḥ es un astrónomo medieval importante gracias a su obra principal, IIṣlāḥ al-Maŷisṭī, traducida al latín y al hebreo. Con el IIṣlāḥ al-Maŷisṭī, su autor pretende reescribir el Almagesto a la vez que introduce algunas correcciones. En 1984, A.I. Sabra, en su importante artículo «…Read more
  • El acto de escribir con sentido
    Paideia 22 (56): 303-314. 2001.
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    Bases científicas del entrenamiento deportivo
    Arbor 165 (650): 127-151. 2000.
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    San Juán de Ávila, director espiritual de San Juan de Dios
    Salmanticensis 47 (3): 433-474. 2000.
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    San Juan de Ávila y su método teológico
    Salmanticensis 56 (3): 561-579. 2009.