4A multiwavelength, high bandwidth frequency-domain photon migration instrument has been developed for quantitative, non-invasive measurements of tissue optical and physiological properties. The instrument produces 300 kHz to 1 GHz photon density waves in optically turbid media using a network analyzer, an avalanche photodiode detector and four amplitude-modulated diode lasers. The frequency-dependence of PDW phase and amplitude is measured and compared to analytically derived model functions in …Read more
5The basic principles of a non-contact, near-infrared technique for the mapping of layered tissues are discussed theoretically and verified experimentally. The propagation properties of diffuse photon-density waves in tissues depend on the optical properties of the tissue. When a layered medium is irradiated by amplitude modulated light, the difference in optical properties between the layers is evident in the phase and amplitude of the diffuse reflection coefficient, which is a result of the int…Read more
7A 1-GHz multifrequency, multiwavelength frequency-domain photon migration instrument is used to measure quantitatively the optical absorption and effective optical scattering of normal and malignant tissues in a human subject. Large ellipsoidal subcutaneous malignant lesions were compared with adjacent normal sites in the abdomen and back. Absorption coefficients recorded at 674, 811, 849, and 956 nm were used to calculate tissue hemoglobin concentration ~oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, and tota…Read more
3The predictions of the frequency-domain standard diffusion equation model for light propagation in an infinite turbid medium diverge from the more complete P1 approximation to the linear Boltzmann transport equation at intensity modulation frequencies greater than several hundred MHz. The P1 approximation is based on keeping only the terms l=0 and l=1 in the expansion of the angular photon density in spherical harmonics, and the nomenclature P1 approximate is used since he spherical harmonics of…Read more
6We describe an approach that combines clinical ultrasound and photon migration techniques to enhance the sensitivity and information content of diffuse optical tomography. Measurements were performed on a postmenopausal woman with a single 1.8×0.9 cm malignant ductal carcinoma in situ approximately 7.4 mm beneath the skin surface. The ultrasound-derived information about tumor geometry enabled us to segment the breast tissue into tumor and background regions. Optical data was obtained with a mul…Read more
27The How of Unequal OpportunityPhilosophical Topics 40 (1): 27-44. 2012.This essay argues that we ought to think differently about unequal opportunity. Instead of focusing only on overall prospects in life, we ought to train our attention on the particular moments of decision and the particular developmental processes that shape, in different respects, the trajectories of people’s lives. A new wave of research in the social sciences makes possible this shift in focus, which will have profound implications for our understanding of both the concept of equal opportunit…Read more
61Bottlenecks: A New Theory of Equal OpportunityOup Usa. 2014.Bottlenecks introduces a powerful new way of understanding equal opportunity. Rather than literal equalization, Joseph Fishkin argues that Americans ought to aim to broaden the range of opportunities open to people, at every stage in life, to pursue different paths
27Bottlenecks, Disability, and Preference-Formation in advanceSocial Philosophy Today. forthcoming.
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