•  9
    Bestaanszekerheid en gelijkheid
    Socialisme and Democratie 81 (1): 82-88. 2024.
    In the political campaigns preceding the Dutch parliamentary elections of 2023, several parties embraced the idea of 'bestaanszekerheid', promising to restore or strengthen people's security of a basic living standard. This paper analyses this idea from the perspective of different egalitarian principles that we may find in social democratic thought. If we care about equality, should we also care about 'bestaanszekerheid'?
  • Een rechtsstatelijk Europa: Beperk de overheidsmacht
    with Tom Theuns
    In Thijs Van Aken, Suzanne Van den Eynden & Afke Groen (eds.), Veertien missies voor Europa: Nieuwe denkers over een vrije, gelijke en democratische toekomst, Boom Geschiedenis. pp. 141-149. 2024.
    This chapter formulates a mission for the future of Europe concerning rule of law protection. It draws on Judith Shklar's idea of the 'liberalism of fear' to explain the importance of protecting the rule of law, addresses a number of threats to the rule of law in contemporary Europe, and puts forward a set of concrete suggestions for strenghtening the rule of law in the EU.
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    Book review of “Insecurity” by Richard Grusin (ed.) (review)
    Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 69 (172): 114-116. 2022.
    Unfreedom, inequality, illegitimacy, and injustice can all be thought of as negative counterparts to more or less undisputedly positive ideas. Insecurity, it appears from this volume, is different. Far from referring to the opposite of some great ideal, insecurity surfaces as the grim reality that all too often results from (putative) attempts to create security.
  •  27
    Afwegingskader voor een sociaal en democratisch coronabeleid
    Socialisme and Democratie 78 (6): 47-61. 2021.
    As the realisation kicks in that the coronavirus will not be going away any time soon, it is time for political parties to engage in a value-driven debate about the question what society should look like if the virus remains part of it. This paper presents a framework based on the values of personal, collective, and moral freedom that could help politicians to make the right choices in this regard. [Dutch]
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    Freedom, security, and the COVID-19 pandemic
    Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy. forthcoming.
    Freedom and security are often portrayed as things that have to be traded off against one another, but this view does not capture the full complexity of the freedom-security relationship. Rather, there seem to be four different ways in which freedom and security connect to each other: freedom can come at the cost of security, security can come at the cost of freedom, freedom can work to the benefit of security, and security can work to the benefit of freedom. This paper analyses each of these co…Read more
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    Being Sure and Living Well: How Security Affects Human Flourishing
    Journal of Value Inquiry 58 (1): 93-110. 2024.
    This paper analyses how security affects well-being. Security is understood as someone’s sureness of enjoying some good in the future; well-being is treated as a matter of human flourishing. Security can contribute to our well-being in various ways: if we are in fact bound to enjoy a good, in principle this is positive for our flourishing in the future; if we also believe that we will enjoy this good, we can be more efficient in pursuing our well-being; if we also feel secure, this supports our …Read more
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    The central thesis of this essay is that basic income experiments are justified if their expected benefits in terms of justice exceed their expected costs in terms of justice. The benefits are a function of basic income’s effect on the level of justice attained in the context in which it is implemented, and the experiment’s impact on future policy-making. The costs comprise the sacrifices made as a result of the experiment’s interventional character, as well as the study’s opportunity costs. In …Read more
  •  14
    Het pragmatisch evenwicht
    Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte 112 (4): 416-420. 2020.
    In this paper, I argue for a wider application of Archon Fung's (2007) idea of a "pragmatic equilibrium". Would implementation of the practical recommendations that follow from a certain theory really contribute to the realisation of the values on which the theory was built? If political philosophers asked this question more often, this would benefit both the quality and the relevance of their theories. [Dutch]
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    Het utilitaristische perspectief op de economische lockdown
    Podium Voor Bio-Ethiek 27 (3): 30-32. 2020.
    In this special issue about the moral agenda after the corona crisis, I argue that the true utilitarian would not - as some have suggested - push for rapid relaxation of the lockdown "to save the economy", but rather press for more redistribution to help those whom the crisis hits the hardest. [Dutch]
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    De politieke filosofie van zekerheid
    Socialisme and Democratie 77 (2): 65-71. 2020.
    Responding to the Dutch Labour Party's campaign centred around the theme of security ("zekerheid"), I explore the political philosophy of security. How is security good for us, why would we carry responsibility for one another's security, and what does politics have to do with it? [Dutch]