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    How Do Houses Make the Political Possible?
    with Gabriel Eisen and Mahaa Mahmood
    Environmental Philosophy 18 (1): 123-149. 2021.
    We develop the concept “political residency” in this essay to highlight both the foundational role of built environments in our political life as well as how access to, and displacement from, built environments is therefore a central feature of political harms and goods. The example of housing and housing displacement is instructive for developing our concept because it is central to most people’s everyday life, yet residential security and stability—having control with other inhabitants over sh…Read more
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    The Environmental Turn in Locke Scholarship
    Ethics and the Environment 24 (1): 77. 2019.
    Abstract:In this essay I document what I call the “environmental turn” in Locke Scholarship. I present an examination of environmental readings of John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government over the last fifty years in order to suggest that the growing number of these interpretations, when taken together, signal an environmental turn in Locke scholarship similar to the widely discussed religious turn. I also argue that environmental readings imply a reassessment of Locke’s conception of the poli…Read more
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    Unfinished Circlings: Schelling's Hermeneutic History
    Analecta Hermeneutica 1 186-203. 2009.
    In his 1815 version of The Ages of the World, Schelling describes the human being and history in a similar manner, and initiates a turn towards the hermeneutic understanding of history that resurfaces in the work of Paul Ricoeur. The author focuses his attention on how Schelling, with his new depiction of ‘God’ is able discuss the idea of history innovatively because of the manner in which God affects the human being. The paper aims to show how Schelling enacts a turn towards a hermeneutic view …Read more
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    Global Environmental Justice and Postcolonial Critique
    Environmental Philosophy 9 (2): 21-45. 2012.
    In this article I examine contemporary accounts of global justice theory (which I designate as domestic and institutional) and how they are implemented in order to formulate notions of global environmental justice. I underscore how these accounts are limited in their ability to provide thick conceptions of environmental justice, mainly because they fail to provide promising alternative visions of global politics that can substantially combat the injustices and inequalities that are currently so …Read more